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Guidelines for H1 Conference Speakers
HeraLHC | HERA and the LHC |
March 2004...January 2005 | CERN and DESY |
Epiphany | Cracow Epiphany Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy |
6th...8th January | Cracow, Poland |
Christiane Risler (H1): | Recent results from H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Rik Yoshida (ZEUS): | Recent results from ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
Exotics | Exotic States; Challenges for QCD |
17th...21st January | Bad Honnef, Germany |
Karin Daum (H1): | The theta_c at H1 (slides) |
Aspen2005 | The Highest Energy Physics |
13th...19th February | Aspen, Colorado, USA |
Rik Yoshida (ZEUS): | HERA Results (slides) |
LakeLouise2005 | Winter Institute 2005 on Fundamental Interactions |
20th...26th February | Alberta, Canada |
Bob Olivier (H1): | Hadron spectroscopy in ep collisions at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Philipp Fleischmann (H1): | Heavy flavour production in high energy ep collisions |
Victor Lendermann (H1): | Measurement of proton structure at the HERA collider (slides) (writeup) |
D. Kcira (ZEUS): | Jet production at HERA and the measurement of alpha_s (slides) (writeup) |
A. Montanari (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics at HERA |
Shinji Kagawa (ZEUS): | Studies of the structure of diffraction and the diffractive final state in ep collisions (slides) |
ExoticHadrons | Workshop on Pentaquarks and Exotic Hadrons |
21st...25th February | ECT* Trent, Italy |
Katerina Lipka (H1): | H1 results on exotic hadrons (slides) |
LaThuile2005 | Nineteenth Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste |
27th February...5th March | La Thuile, Vallee d'Aoste, Italy |
Judith Katzy (H1): | Electroweak studies and searches for new physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Davide Boscherini (ZEUS): | Production and properties of heavy flavour hadrons and multiquark states (slides) (writeup) |
DPG2005 | DPG Fruehjahrstagung Teilchenphysik |
4th...9th March | Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany |
Olaf Behnke (H1): | Schwere Quarks bei HERA (slides) |
Moritz Karbach (H1): | LCG2-basierte MonteCarlo Produktion bei H1 (slides) |
MoriondEW2005 | Fortieth Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories |
5th...12th March | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy |
Christian Schwanenberger (H1): | Searches for new physics in ep collisions at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Julian Rautenberg (ZEUS) : | Electroweak measurements in the high energy collisions of protons and leptons (slides) (writeup) |
MoriondQCD2005 | Fortieth Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions |
12th...19th March | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy |
Sebastian Schaetzl (H1): | Measurements of the structure of diffraction and of the diffractive final state at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Jeannine Wagner (H1): | Charm production in high energy ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Sebastian Schmidt (H1): | Spectroscopic measurements using the H1 and ZEUS detectors (slides) (writeup) |
Ingo Bloch (ZEUS): | Studies of beauty at H1 and ZEUS (slides) |
A. Savin (ZEUS): | Jet measurements and the extraction of the strong coupling constant at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
C. Targett-Adams (ZEUS): | Structure functions measurements in high energy ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
IopHepp2005 | IoP High Energy Particle Physics Conference 2005 |
21st...23rd March | Dublin, Ireland |
DIS2005 | Thirteenth International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering |
27th April...1st May | Madison, Wisconsin, USA |
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Olaf Behnke (H1): | Recent results from H1 (slides) (writeup) |
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Max Klein (H1): | The Future of HERA and Beyond ? (slides) (writeup) |
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Ewelina Lobodzinska (H1): | Measurement of the proton structure function F2 at low Q2 in QED compton scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Alexey Petrukhin (H1): | Measurement of F2 and determination of the longitudinal proton structure function FL at low Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
Andrei Nikiforov (H1): | Measurement of the polarisation dependence of the total charged current cross section (slides) (writeup) |
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Christian Kiesling (H1): | Elastic J/psi production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Carl Gwilliam (H1): | Diffractive photoproduction of rho mesons with large momentum transfer at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Sasha Glazov (H1): | Measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Paul Laycock (H1): | H1 F2D and diffractive charge current results (slides) (writeup) |
Matthias Mozer (H1): | Diffractive dijets in photoproduction and DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Matthew Beckingham (H1): | Diffractive D* mesons in photoproduction and DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Tinne Anthonis (H1): | The hadronic final state in diffraction (slides) (writeup) |
Armen Buniatyan (H1): | Measurement of the dijet cross section for events with a leading neutron in ep interactions at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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Jozef Ferencei (H1): | Measurement of prompt photon cross sections in photoproduction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Albert Knutsson (H1): | Measurement of forward jet production at low x in DIS (slides) |
Christiane Risler (H1): | H1 search for a narrow baryonic resonance decaying to K0s p(pbar) (slides) (writeup) |
Karin Daum (H1): | Analysis of the anti-charmed baryon state at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | Jet production at high Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
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Zuzana Rurikova (H1): | Production of the D+, D0, Ds+ and D*+ in DIS and the charm fragmentation function (slides) (writeup) |
Tatsiana Klimkovich (H1): | Measurement of F2ccbar and F2bbar at low and high Q2 using the H1 vertex detector (slides) (writeup) |
Olaf Benhke (H1): | Measurement of beauty production at HERA using events with muons and jets (slides) (writeup) |
Nick Malden (H1): | Measurement of charm and beauty photoproduction at HERA using D* mu correlations (slides) |
Lars Finke (H1): | Measurement of beauty production at HERA using inclusive lifetime tagging (slides) (writeup) |
Gero Flucke (H1): | Photoproduction of D* mesons associated with a jet at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Adrian Perieanu (H1): | Charm jets in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Maria Martisikova (H1): | Analysis of gluon and charm jets in charm events (slides) (writeup) |
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Benjamin Portheault (H1): | A determination of the W boson mass and the light quark couplings to the Z boson (slides) (writeup) |
Christian Veelken (H1): | Isolated lepton searches at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Dave South (H1): | SUSY searches at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Andre Schoening (H1): | Multi-lepton events and searches for the doubly charged Higgs at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Linus Lindfeld (H1): | Searches for leptoquarks and for lepton flavour violation with the H1 experiment (slides) (writeup) |
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Elisabetta Gallo (ZEUS): | ZEUS results (slides) (writeup) |
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Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (ZEUS): | Single W boson production at HERA (slides) |
Claus Horn (ZEUS): | SUSY Searches at ZEUS (slides) |
Guiseppe Barbagli (ZEUS): | Search for lepton flavor violation at ZEUS (slides) |
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Zhenhai Ren_ (ZEUS): | The search for strange pentaquarks at ZEUS (slides) |
Yehuda Eisenberg (ZEUS): | Charm pentaquarks (ZEUS) (slides) |
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS): | Precision measurements of alpha_s at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Jeff Standage (ZEUS): | Inclusive jet cross sections in DIS (ZEUS) (slides) |
Juan Terron (ZEUS): | Study of color dynamics (ZEUS) (slides) |
Adam Everett (ZEUS): | Event shapes (ZEUS) (slides) |
Anna Galas (ZEUS): | Neutral- and charged-kaon Bose-Einstein correlations in DIS (ZEUS) (slides) |
Artur Ukleja (ZEUS): | Azimuthal asymmetries in DIS (ZEUS) (slides) |
Teresa Tymieniecka (ZEUS): | Azimuthal asymmetries in e+p DIS at HERA (slides) |
Nikolai Vlasov (ZEUS): | Forward jets in DIS (ZEUS) (slides) |
Aharon Levy (ZEUS): | NLO photon parton parametrization using ee and ep data (slides) |
Michelle Rosin (ZEUS): | Charged multiplicity distributions (ZEUS) (slides) |
Andrew Cottrell (ZEUS): | Polarization and Asymmetries in Neutral Strange Particle Production (ZEUS) (slides) (writeup) |
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D. Szuba (ZEUS): | Vector mesons production at ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
H. Lim (ZEUS): | ZEUS F2D results (slides) |
L. Adamczyk (ZEUS): | ZEUS results on rapidity gap events in charged and neutral current processes at large Q2 (slides) |
A. Levy (ZEUS): | Pomeron structure and diffractive parton densities (slides) |
R. Renner (ZEUS): | Diffractive dijets in photoproduction at ZEUS (slides) |
H. Kowalski (ZEUS): | Measurement of hard and soft diffraction at the LHC (slides) |
K. Piotrzkowski (ZEUS): | Studies of high energy photon interactions at the LHC (slides) |
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Alex Tapper (ZEUS): | Polarized NC & CC measurements (slides) |
Yujin Ning (ZEUS): | NC cross-sections at high x (slides) |
Juan Terron (ZEUS): | ZEUS PDFs (slides) |
Claire Gwenlan (ZEUS): | Impact of HERA-II data on the PDFs (slides) (writeup) |
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Gayane Aghuzumtsyan (ZEUS): | Charm production at low Q2 with ZEUS (slides) |
Takanori Kohno (ZEUS): | Jet Cross Sections in D* Photoproduction with ZEUS (slides) |
Alexej Antonov (ZEUS): | ZEUS Measurement of Inelastic J/psi production in DIS (slides) |
Roberval Walsh (ZEUS): | Measurements of Charmed Hadrons Production in DIS with ZEUS (slides) |
Richard Hall-Wilton (ZEUS): | ZEUS Results on Charm and Beauty Production at HERA-II (slides) |
Andrea Longhin (ZEUS): | ZEUS Measurement of Beauty Production from muon-muon Correlations (slides) |
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Jo Cole (ZEUS): | Structure Function Working Group (slides) |
Massimo Corradi (ZEUS): | Heavy Flavours Working Group (slides) |
Alex Tapper (ZEUS): | Electroweak & Beyond the Standard Model Working Group (slides) |
Xavier Janssen (H1): | Diffraction Working Group (writeup) |
PHENO2005 | Phenomenology Symposium 2005 |
2nd...4th May | University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA |
Andre Schoening (H1): | Searches for new physics at HERA (slides) |
Blois2005 | Eleventh International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering: Towards High Energy Frontiers |
15th...20th May | Chateau de Blois, France |
Mikhail Kapishine (H1): | Inclusive diffraction in deep inelastic scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Laurent Favart (H1): | Deeply virtual Compton scattering and prompt photon production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Alessia Bruni (ZEUS): | Vector meson production at HERA (slides) |
Henri Kowalski (ZEUS): | Small x and diffractive physics at HERA (slides) |
Yuji Yamazaki (ZEUS): | Diffractive dijet and D* production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Maria Soares (ZEUS): | Leading baryon production at HERA (slides) |
CTEQSchool2005 | 2005 CTEQ Summer School |
19th...27th May | Puebla, Mexico |
Guillermo Contreras (H1): | Small-x in DIS (slides) |
ACAT2005 | Tenth International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research |
22nd...27th May | DESY-Zeuthen, Germany |
STORI05 | 6th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings |
23rd...26th May | Juelich-Bonn, Germany |
Max Klein (H1): | Proton Structure and QCD at HERA (slides) |
FCP2005 | Frontiers in Contemporary Physics |
23rd...28th May | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA |
Christian Schwanenberger (H1): | Electroweak physics in ep collisions at HERA (slides) |
Chi-Nhan Nguyen (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics at HERA (slides) |
Catherine Fry (ZEUS): | The measurement and study of proton structure in high energy ep collisions (slides) |
PASCOS2005 | Eleventh International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology |
30th May...4th June | Gyeongji, Korea |
Masahiro Kuze (ZEUS): | A review of recent results from HERA (slides) |
WIN2005 | Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2005 |
6th...11th June | Delphi, Greece |
Hinrich Meyer (H1): | Electroweak measurements at HERA (slides) |
Lorenzo Bellagamba (ZEUS): | Higgs and SUSY searches at HERA (slides) |
Beauty2005 | Tenth International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines |
20th...24th June | Assisi, Italy |
Benno List (H1): | Heavy flavour production in DIS at HERA (slides) |
Silvia Miglioranzi (ZEUS): | The photoproduction of heavy quarks at HERA (slides) |
Lowx2005 | Low x meeting |
29th June...2nd July | Sinaia, Romania |
Dan Traynor (H1): | Studies of the hadronic final state with the H1 detector (slides) |
Alice Valkarova (H1): | H1 measurements of the structure of diffraction and tests of factorisation (slides) |
Carl Gwilliam (H1): | H1 measurements of deeply virtual Compton scattering and vector meson production (slides) |
Katja Krueger (H1): | H1 measurements of F2, F2c and F2b (slides) |
Eddi DeWolf (H1): | Studies of the diffractive final state with the H1 detector (slides) |
LP2005 | XXII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energy |
30th June...5th July | Uppsala, Sweden |
Cristinel Diaconu: | Electroweak measurements (slides) (writeup) |
J.M. Butterworth: | Quantum Chromodynamics at Colliders (writeup) |
HCP2005 | Hadron Collider Physics Symposium |
4th...9th July | Les Diablerets, Switzerland |
Max Klein (H1): | HERA QCD results, what they mean for the LHC (slides) (writeup) |
QCD05 | Twelfth High Energy Physics International Conference on Quantum Chromodynamics |
4th...9th July | Montpellier, France |
Ilya Tsurin (H1): | Studies of proton structure at the HERA ep collider (slides) |
Anatoli Astvatsatourov (H1): | The structure of diffraction and the diffractive hadronic final state in ep collisions at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Igor Katkov (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production in high energy ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Peter Bussey (ZEUS): | Hadronic Final States at HERA (slides) |
PIC2005 | Twenty-fifth International Conference on Physics In Collision |
6th...9th July | Prague, Czech Republic |
Zhiqing Zhang (H1): | Physics from polarised ep scattering at high Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
Juan Terron (ZEUS): | Tests of QCD in ep scattering (slides) |
SUSY2005 | Thirteenth International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions |
18th...23rd July | IPPP Durham, England |
Nichol Brummer (ZEUS): | Search for SUSY phenomena at HERA (slides) |
Gerhard Brandt (H1): | Search for exotic physics at HERA (slides) |
Emmanuelle Perez: | Searches for New Phenomena non-SUSY scenarios (slides) |
HEP2005 | International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics |
21st...27th July | Lisbon, Portugal |
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Tim Greenshaw: | Test of the QCD sector of the SM (slides) |
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Volker Adler (ZEUS): | Search for R-parity violating gaugino and gravitino production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Julia Fourletova (ZEUS): | Search for R-parity violating squark production at HERA (slides) |
Stefan Schmitt (H1): | Search for leptoquarks and lepton flavour violation at HERA (slides) |
Emmanuel Sauvan (H1): | Search for the doubly charged Higgs at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
James Ferrando (ZEUS): | Isolated leptons with missing transverse momentum and search for single top production (slides) |
Ana Dubak (H1): | A general search for new phenomena at HERA and a search for magnetic monopoles (slides) (writeup) |
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Hiroshi Kaji (ZEUS): | Polarised cross sections in DIS (slides) |
Zhiqing Zhang (H1): | Determination of electroweak parameters at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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Claire Gwenlan (ZEUS): | The structure of the proton and NLO QCD fits (slides) (writeup) |
Arnd Specka (H1): | Jets and alpha_s (slides) (writeup) |
Patrick Ryan (ZEUS): | Forward jet production (slides) |
Carsten Niebuhr (H1): | Dijets at low x and low Q^2 (slides) (writeup) |
Marcos Jimenez (ZEUS): | Jet correlations (slides) |
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS): | Event and jet shapes (slides) |
Olaf Behrendt (H1): | F_2 at low Q^2 (slides) (writeup) |
Vladimir Chekelian (H1): | Heavy quarks in DIS, F_2^charm and F_2^beauty (slides) (writeup) |
Serguei Fourletovv (ZEUS): | Open charm in photoproduction and DIS at HERA (slides) |
Juraj Bracinik (H1): | Charm fragmentation (slides) (writeup) |
Gero Flucke (H1): | Final state correlations in charm production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Beate Naroska (H1): | Beauty production (slides) |
Massimo Corradi (ZEUS): | Heavy quarks with a lifetime tag (slides) |
Riccardo Brugnera (ZEUS): | Inelastic J/psi production (slides) |
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Chuanlei Liu (ZEUS): | Particle production (slides) (writeup) |
Eddi DeWolf (H1): | Charged multiplicities in inclusive and diffractive DIS (slides) |
Dima Ozerov (H1): | The charmed pentaquark (slides) (writeup) |
Sergei Chekanov (ZEUS): | The strange pentaquark (slides) (writeup) |
Jan Olsson (H1): | Elastic vector mesons (slides) (writeup) |
Marta Ruspa (ZEUS): | Vector mesons at high t (slides) |
Laurent Schoeffel (H1): | Inclusive NC and CC diffraction (slides) (writeup) |
William Schmidke (ZEUS): | Leading neutrons (slides) |
Toshinari Tawara (ZEUS): | Jet production in diffractive processes (slides) (writeup) |
Roger Wolf_ (H1): | D* production in diffractive processes (slides) (writeup) |
ISMD2005 | Thirty-fifth International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
9th...15th August | Kromeriz, Czech Republic |
Bruce Straub (ZEUS): | Factorisation and factorisation breaking in non-diffractive scattering at HERA (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1): | Factorisation and factorisation breaking in diffractive scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Leszek Zawiejski (ZEUS): | Soft physics at HERA (slides) |
Benoit Delcourt (H1): | Multiplicity structure of inclusive and diffractive scattering at HERA (slides) |
Wenbiao Yan (H1): | Energy flow, multiplicities at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Meng Wang (ZEUS): | Heavy flavours in high energy ep collisons (slides) (writeup) |
Kamil Sedlak (H1): | Jets in photoproduction at HERA (20+5') (slides) (writeup) |
Hadron2005 | XI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy |
21st...26th August | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | Studies of heavy flavour production and the hadronic final state in high energy ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Tobias Haas (ZEUS): | The dynamics of proton structure, recent results from HERA (slides) |
PhotonCentenary | Centenary of the Photon |
30th August | Warsaw, Poland |
Photon2005 | International Workshop on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon |
31st August...4th September | Warsaw, Poland |
Joerg Gayler (H1): | Recent results in prompt photon production (slides) (writeup) |
Andreas Meyer (H1): | Heavy Flavor production (slides) (writeup) |
H. Kowalski (ZEUS): | Introduction to small x physics and diffraction (slides) |
Manuel Zambrana (ZEUS) : | Charm production at HERA (slides) |
Isabell Melzer (ZEUS) : | Diffraction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Thomas Schoener-Sadenius (ZEUS) : | Jets in gamma-p and ep scattering (slides) (writeup) |
Uta Stosslein (ZEUS) : | Inclusive cross section measurements in ep collisions (slides) |
Paul Thompson (H1) : | Heavy flavour contribution to the proton structure function (slides) (writeup) |
Christoph Grab (H1) : | Beauty production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Xavier Janssen (H1) : | Prompt Photons and Deeply virtual Compton scattering in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Anna Kropivnitskaya (H1) : | Resonance searches in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
C2CR2005 | From Colliders to Cosmic Rays |
7th...13th September | Prague, Czech Republic |
Rainer Mankel (ZEUS): | Hadronic Final State (slides) (writeup) |
Terry Sloan (H1): | Inclusive reactions (slides) |
Crimea2005 | New Trends in High Energy Physics |
10th...17th September | Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine |
Gerd Buschhorn (H1): | Recent results from H1 |
Alessandro Polini (ZEUS): | Recent Results from ZEUS |
HSQCD2005 | Hadron Structure and QCD: from Low to High Energies |
20th...24th September | St. Petersburg, Russia |
Yongdok Ri (ZEUS) : | Electroweak measurements at HERA (slides) |
Leonid Gladilin (ZEUS) : | Spectroscopy in ep collisions (slides) |
Mark Sutton (ZEUS) : | Hadronic final state and parton dynamics at HERA (slides) |
Mark Bell (ZEUS) : | Beauty and charm physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Joerg Gayler (H1) : | Proton Structure from HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Vitaly Dodonov (H1) : | Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Dave South (H1) : | BSM searches (slides) (writeup) |
Niklaus Berger (H1) : | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA (slides) |
Joerg Gayler: | Experimental summary (slides) (writeup) |
DESYtheory | DESY Theory Workshop |
27th...30th September | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Vladimir Chekelian (H1): | Highlights from HERA (slides) |
Como2005 | Ninth ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics Detectors and Medical Physics Applications |
17th...21st October | Villa Omo, Como, Italy |
Ringberg2005 | Ringberg Workshop on "New Trends in HERA Physics 2005" |
2th...7th October | Ringberg Castle |
Joachim Meyer (H1): | Electroweak measurements at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Joel Feltesse (H1): | On a measurement of the longitudinal structure function FL at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Olaf Behnke (H1): | Beauty Production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Victor Lenderman (H1): | Measurements at low Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
Lydia Goerlich (H1): | QCD dynamics from the forward hadrons and jets measurements (slides) (writeup) |
Dan Traynor (H1): | Jet Production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Laurent Favart (H1): | Inclusive Diffraction and DVCS present measurements and prospects (slides) (writeup) |
Emmanuelle Perez (H1): | Beyond the Standard Model Searches at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS): | Proton structure measurements at high Q2 and x (slides) (writeup) |
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | Hadronic final state and extraction of alphas and parton densities (slides) (writeup) |
David Saxon (ZEUS): | Particle production and fragmentation (slides) (writeup) |
John Loizides (ZEUS): | Physics with charm quarks at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Henry Kowalski (ZEUS): | Exclusive diffractive processes (slides) (writeup) |
Katsuo Tokushuku (ZEUS): | New resonances in the hadronic final state at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Graeme Watt: | Diffractive parton density functions (slides) (writeup) |
PANIC2005 | Particles and Nuclei International Conference |
24th...28th October | Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA |
Andrew Mehta (H1): | Proton Structure from HERA Measurements (slides) |
PQ2005 | Pentaquark 2005 |
20th...22th October | Jefferson Lab., USA |
Christiane Risler (H1): | Pentaquark Searches with H1 at HERA (slides) |
Uri Karshon (ZEUS): | Pentaquark Searches in ZEUS (slides) |
GDR2005SUSY | 5th EuroGDR Supersymmetry 2005 |
2nd..5th November | Barcelona, Spain |
Emmanuelle Perez (H1): | BSM Physics at HERA (slides) |
ISLAMABAD2005 | 4th Particle Physics Workshop |
14th..19th November | Islamabad, Pakistan |
Nelly Gogitidze (H1): | Physics at high Q2 with polarized lepton beam at HERA |