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Guidelines for H1 Conference Speakers
UCSB2004 | Santa Barbara 2004 Winter Conference on Collider Physics |
12...16 January 2004 | Santa Barbara, USA |
Guenter Wolf (ZEUS) : | Recent Results from the HERA collider experiments (slides) |
LakeLouise2004 | Winter Institute 2004 on Fundamental Interactions |
15th...21st February | Alberta, Canada |
J Cole (ZEUS): | Studies of heavy flavour at HERA (slides) |
M Barbi (ZEUS): | Particle production in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
N Brummer (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics at HERA |
Eram Rizvi (H1): | Structure function measurements at H1 and ZEUS and the extraction of alpha_s and the parton distributions (slides) |
J Cole (ZEUS): | Studies of the structure of diffraction and the diffractive final state in ep collision (slides) |
Roman Poeschl (H1): | Jet production at HERA and the measurement of alpha_s (slides) (writeup) |
YITP2004 | Multi-quark hadrons: four, five or more |
17th...19th February | Yukawa Inst. for Theor. Physics, Kyoto, Japan |
S Chekanov (ZEUS): | Observation of a narrow baryonic state in DIS at HERA (writeup) |
LaThuile2004 | Eighteenth Recontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste |
29th February...6th March | La Thuile, Vallee d'Aoste, Italy |
Guenter Grindhammer (H1): | Structure function measurements at HERA and the extraction of alpha_s and the parton distributions (slides) |
Stefano Dusini (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics at HERA (slides) |
cpqsem | DESY Seminar |
12 March | DESY |
Karin Daum (H1): | Evidence for a Narrow Exotic Anti-Charmed Baryon State (slides) |
Leonid Gladilin (ZEUS): | Charm Pentaquark Search (slides) |
MoriondEW2004 | Thirty-ninth Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories |
21st...28th March | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy |
Bob Olivier (H1): | Searches for new physics in ep collisions at HERA (slides) |
Arafat Gabareen (ZEUS): | Recent electroweak measurements from the H1 and ZEUS experiments (slides) (writeup) |
MoriondQCD2004 | Thirty-ninth Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions |
28th March...4th April | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy |
Katerina Lipka (H1): | Charm production in ep collisions at HERA (slides) |
Isabell Melzer-Pellman (ZEUS): | H1 and ZEUS results on beauty production (slides) (writeup) |
Achim Geiser (ZEUS): | Recent spectroscopy results from the ZEUS experiment (slides) (writeup) |
Krystyna Olkiewicz (ZEUS): | Particle production and correlations in ep collisions at HERA (slides) |
Laurent Schoeffel (H1): | Studies of the structure of diffraction and of exclusive diffractive final states at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Daniel Pitzl (H1): | HERA structure function measurements and the extraction of the parton distributions and alpha_s (slides) |
DPG2004 | DPG Fruehjahrstagung Teilchenphysik |
29th March...1st April | Mainz, Germany |
Benno List (H1): | HERA - Ein Labor fuer die QCD (slides) |
LISHEP2004 | Diffraction at the LHC |
31st March...2nd April | Rio de Janeiro |
Frank-Peter Schilling (H1): | Measuring diffractive processes at HERA (slides) |
Mara Soares (ZEUS): | Studies of vector mesons and other exclusive final states in diffraction at HERA |
Frank-Peter Schilling (H1): | Inclusive diffraction and hadronic final states (slides) |
HeraLHC | HERA and the LHC |
March 2004...January 2005 | CERN and DESY |
A Caldwell (ZEUS): | HERA physics present and future prospects (slides) |
M Wing (ZEUS): | Heavy Quark Production at HERA and the LHC (slides) |
J Butterworth (ZEUS): | Underlying Events and Minimum Bias Physics at HERA (and the LHC) (slides) |
A Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | ZEUS PDF Fits (slides) |
V Chekelian (H1): | PDFs from H1 at HERA (slides) |
G Flucke (H1): | Open Charm and Beauty Production at HERA (slides) |
M Wing (ZEUS): | Charm and Beauty Structure Functions from HERA (slides) |
C Kiesling (H1): | ZEUS/H1 Trigger algorithms and performance (slides) |
A Bertolin (ZEUS): | HERA Charmonium (slides) |
FP Schilling (H1): | Diffractive PDFs and QCD Factorisation (slides) |
M Arneodo (ZEUS): | Diffractive Vector Mesons and DVCS (slides) |
J Turnau (H1): | Multi-jet topologies and multi-scale QCD (slides) |
M Kapishine (H1): | Forward Proton Detectors for H1 (slides) |
A Buniatyan (H1): | The Forward Neutron Calorimeters at HERA (slides) |
H Kowalski (ZEUS): | Selecting `Diffractive' Events at HERA (slides) |
G Iacobucci (ZEUS): | Study of DIS Events Containing a Leading Proton at HERA (slides) |
Chios2004 | Conference on Recent Advances in Particle and Astroparticle Physics |
1st...4th April | Chios, Greece |
E Tzamariudaki (H1): | QCD and heavy flavours |
W Zeuner (ZEUS): | HERA Physics at High Q^2 |
IopHepp2004 | IoP High Energy Particle Physics Conference 2004 |
6th...7th April | University of Birmingham, England |
P Newman (H1): | Selected Recent Highlights from Lepton-Nucleon Scattering at HERA (slides) |
DIS2004 | Twelth International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering |
14th...18th April | Strbske Pleso, Slovakia |
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Tim Greenshaw (H1): | New Results from H1 (slides) |
Wesley Smith (ZEUS): | New Results from ZEUS (slides) |
Jon Butterworth (ZEUS): | Testing QCD at the LHC and the Implications of HERA (slides) |
Eram Rizvi (H1): | Experimental Summary of Inclusive Measurements (slides) |
Frank Schilling (H1): | Experimental Summary of Diffraction (slides) (writeup) |
Dave Milstead (H1): | Experimental Summary of Hadronic Final States (slides) (writeup) |
Leonid Gladilin (ZEUS): | Experimental Summary of Heavy Flavour Physics (slides) (writeup) |
Cristi Diaconu (H1): | Experimental Summary of Electroweak and BSM Physics (slides) |
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Alexay Petrukhin (H1): | Measurement of F_2 at low Q^2 and extension to the lowest Q^2 using ISR events (slides) |
Ewelina Lobodzinska (H1): | Measurement of F_2 at low Q^2 in QED Compton scattering at HERA (slides) |
Oliver Henshaw (H1): | Neutral and Charged Currents at High Q2 in Polarised DIS at HERA-II (slides) |
Mayuko Kataoka (ZEUS): | Neutral and Charged Currents at High Q2 in Polarised DIS at HERA-II (slides) |
Alex Tapper (ZEUS): | Unpolarised neutral current cross section at high Q2 (slides) |
Mandy Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | ZEUS NLO PDF analysis (slides) (writeup) |
Benjamin Portheault (H1): | H1 QCD analysis of inclusive cross-section data (slides) (writeup) |
Max Klein (H1): | Future Hera FL measurements (slides) |
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Laurent Favart (H1): | Deeply virtual Compton scattering (slides) (writeup) |
Jan Olsson (H1): | High |t| photon production and J/psi production at high |t| (slides) |
Mikhail Kapishine (H1): | F^2_D measurements at low, intermediate and high Q^2 (slides) |
Xavier Janssen (H1): | Status of the Very Forward Proton Spectrometer (slides) |
Sebastian Schaetzel (H1): | Comparison of diffractive final states with LO and NLO QCD predictions (slides) (writeup) |
Marta Ruspa (ZEUS): | Inclusive diffractive DIS (slides) |
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS): | Diffractive CC events (slides) |
Nikolai Vlasov (ZEUS): | D* in Diffraction with a Leading Neutron (slides) |
Shinji Kagawa (ZEUS): | Diffractive Dijets in Photoproduction (slides) |
Justyna Ukleya (ZEUS): | Light Cone Wavefunction of the Photon (slides) |
Mirek Helbich (ZEUS): | Exclusive Phi Production in DIS (slides) |
Alessia Bruni (ZEUS): | Exclusive Jpsi in DIS (slides) |
Roberto Sacchi (ZEUS): | ZEUS Leading Baryon Analyses (slides) |
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Roman Poeschl (H1): | Inclusive dijet production at low Bjorken-x in DIS (slides) |
Kamil Sedlak (H1): | Measurement of dijet production at low Q^2 at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Albert Knutsson (H1): | Studies of forward jet production in DIS (slides) |
Lidia Goerlich (H1): | Forward pi^0 production in DIS (slides) |
Wenbiao Yan (H1): | Event shapes in DIS (slides) |
Terry Sloan (H1): | The photoproduction of anti-deuterons at HERA (slides) |
Liang Li_ (ZEUS): | Multijet studies in DIS (slides) |
Sergei Chekanov (ZEUS): | Search for narrow baryonic states in DIS at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Steven Hanlon (ZEUS): | Event shapes in DIS at ZEUS (slides) |
Artur Ukleya (ZEUS): | Azimuthal asymmetry in DIS (slides) |
Matthew Wing2 (ZEUS): | Substructure dependence of jet cross sections at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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Andreas Meyer (H1): | Beauty Production at H1 (slides) |
Paul Thompson (H1): | Charm and beauty measurements at high Q^2 using the H1 vertex detector (slides) |
Sebastian Schmidt (H1): | Anti-charmed baryon production in ep collisions (slides) |
Uri Karshon (ZEUS): | Charm hadron spectroscopy (slides) (writeup) |
Monica Turcato (ZEUS): | Beauty photoproduction with ZEUS (slides) |
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS): | Beauty in DIS with ZEUS (slides) |
Alessandro Bertolin (ZEUS): | Inelastic J/psi production with ZEUS (slides) |
Takanori Kohno (ZEUS): | Jet cross sections in D* photoproduction (slides) |
Matthew Wing1 (ZEUS): | Charm production in DIS with ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
M. Lightwood (ZEUS): | Dijet at low Q2 (slides) |
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Matti Peez (H1): | General search for new phenomena (slides) (writeup) |
Anja Vest (H1): | Searches for squarks with H1 at HERA (slides) |
Nick Malden (H1): | Search for superlight gravitinos at HERA (slides) |
David South (H1): | H1 events with high pT leptons and missing pT and anomalous top production at HERA (slides) |
Emmanuel Sauvan (H1): | H1 events with several high pT leptons (slides) |
Gerhard Brandt (H1): | Isolated tau events with missing pT at HERA (slides) |
Lorenzo Bellagamba (ZEUS): | Lepton Flavor Violation and FCNC (slides) |
Jolanta Sztuk (ZEUS): | Leptoquarks and Contact Interactions (slides) |
PHENO2004 | Phenomenology Symposium 2004 |
26th...28th April | University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA |
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics (slides) |
Smallx04 | 3rd Lund Small-x Workshop |
7th...8th May 2004 | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Conference Summary: | Conference summary (writeup) |
Guenter Grindhammer (H1): | The underlying event at HERA (slides) |
Albert Knutsson (H1): | Studies of forward jet production in DIS (slides) |
Christiane Risler (H1): | (slides) |
BaryonFlow | Creation and Flow of Baryons in Hadronic and Nuclear Collisions |
3rd...7th May | ECT*, Trento, Italy |
Dima Ozerov (H1): | Baryon production in ep collisions at HERA |
HSQCD2004 | Hadron Structure and QCD |
18th...22nd May | Repino, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Gerd Buschhorn (H1): | Pentaquarks, charm and beauty from H1 and ZEUS |
Andrey Rostovtsev (H1): | DIS structure functions at HERA (slides) |
A Mastroberardino (ZEUS): | Diffraction in ep collisions (slides) |
A Savin (ZEUS): | Jets at HERA (slides) |
PRC57 | 57th Meeting of DESY Physics Research Committee |
27 May | DESY |
Paul Newman (H1): | H1 Status and Prospects (slides) |
Richard Hall-Wilton (ZEUS): | ZEUS Status Report (slides) |
HQL2004 | Heavy Quarks and Leptons Workshop 2004 |
31st May...1st Jun | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Luca Stanco (ZEUS): | Pentaquark searches at HERA (slides) |
Felix Sefkow (H1): | Heavy flavour production in high energy ep collisions (slides) |
Meson2004 | 8th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interactions |
4th...8th June | Cracow, Poland |
D Szuba (ZEUS): | Vector Mesons at HERA (slides) |
HCP2004 | Fifteenth Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics |
14th...18th June | Michigan, USA |
Brian Cox (H1): | Diffraction at HERA, the TeVatron and the LHC (slides) |
Uta Stoesslein (ZEUS): | Goals of the HERA/LHC workshop (slides) |
QFTHEP04 | Eighteenth International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory |
17th...23rd June | St. Petersburg, Russia |
Sergey Levonian (H1): | Recent results from H1 (slides) |
SUSY2004 | Twelth International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions |
17th...23rd June | Tsukuba, Japan |
Johannes Haller (H1): | Searches for new physics in ep collisions at H1 and ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
ESC2004 | Extended Scientific Council of DESY |
21st June | DESY |
Yuji Yamazaki (ZEUS): | Physics and Physics Prospects at HERA (slides) |
Cherenkov | P.A. Cherenkov and Modern Physics |
22nd...25th June | Moscow, Russia |
Max Klein : | Deep Inelastic Scattering - Status and Future (slides) (writeup) |
Tim Greenshaw: | Cherenkov radiation at H1 and some recent H1 results (slides) |
PIC2004 | Twenty-fourth International Conference on Physics In Collision |
27th...29th Jun | Boston, USA |
Andy Mehta (H1): | Structure function and polarised cross section measurements from the H1 and ZEUS Experiments (slides) (writeup) |
Halina Abramowicz (ZEUS): | Diffraction in ep, pp and heavy ion collisions (slides) (writeup) |
BeaCh2004 | Sixth International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons |
27th June...3rd July | Chicago, USA |
Karin Daum (H1): | Spectroscopy in high energy ep collisions (slides) |
Erik Maddox (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production and properties at HERA (slides) |
QCD04 | Eleventh International Conference on QCD |
5th...9th July | Montpellier, France |
Paul Laycock (H1): | Diffraction in high energy ep collisions |
Katerina Lipka (H1): | Heavy flavours at HERA (slides) |
Thomas Schoerner (ZEUS): | The hadronic final state in ep collisions (slides) |
Chris Collins-Tooth (ZEUS): | Structure functions and parton densities at HERA (slides) |
Spin2004 | Advanced Studies Institute: Symmetries and Spin |
5th...10th July | Prague, Czech Republic |
Jaroslav Cvach (H1): | Evidence for a Charmed Pentaquark State at H1 (writeup) |
Pentaquark2004 | International Workshop Pentaquark 2004 |
20th...23rd July | SPring-8, Japan |
Uri Karshon (ZEUS): | Strange pentaquark studies at the HERA collider experiments (slides) (writeup) |
Rainer Stamen (H1): | Pentaquarks with charm (slides) |
HiX2004 | Structure of the Nucleon at Large Bjorken x |
26th...28th July | Marseille, Luminy, France |
Zhiqing Zhang (H1): | Prospects for and status of measurements of high x parton densities at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
ISMD2004 | Thirty-fourth International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
26th July...1st August | Sonoma State University, Sonoma County, California, USA |
Christian Kiesling (H1): | The partonic interpretation of diffraction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS): | Jet production at HERA (slides) |
(ZEUS): | Heavy flavour results from H1 and ZEUS |
Eckhard Elsen (H1): | Status and prospects for low x physics at HERA (slides) |
Tinne Anthonis (H1): | The H1 forward proton tagger; physics prospects (slides) |
Kerstin Borras (ZEUS): | Hard Diffraction at HERA and the Tevatron (slides) |
Vietnam2004 | Fifth Rencontres du Vietnam, Particle Physics and Astrophysics, New Views on the Universe |
5th...11th August | Hanoi, Vietnam |
Sascha Caron (H1): | Electroweak measurements and searches for new physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
A Polini (ZEUS): | QCD in high energy ep scattering |
E Perez (H1): | Searches for New Particles (slides) |
ICHEP2004 | Thirty-second International Conference on High Energy Physics |
16th...22nd August | Beijing, China |
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Max Klein (H1): | QCD at High Energy (30') (slides) (writeup) |
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Emmanuel Sauvan (H1): | High pt (Multi) Lepton Production at HERA (15') (slides) (writeup) |
Kunihiro Nagano (ZEUS): | Inclusive Cross Sections with Polarised Leptons at HERA (15') (slides) |
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Victor Lendermann (H1): | Inclusive Cross Sections and Structure Functions at Low Q2 at HERA (15') (slides) (writeup) |
Stefan Schmitt (H1): | High Q2 Charged and Neutral Current Cross Sections at HERA-I and HERA-II (15') (slides) (writeup) |
Claire Gwenlan (ZEUS): | Extracting Parton Densities from HERA Data (15') (slides) |
Juraj Bracinik (H1): | Photoproduction of Jets at HERA (15') (slides) (writeup) |
Adam Everett (ZEUS): | Event shapes, Jet Substructure and alpha_s (15') (slides) |
Didar Dobur (ZEUS): | Jet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA (15') (slides) |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | Prompt Photon Production at HERA (15') (slides) (writeup) |
John Loizides (ZEUS): | Charm Production at HERA-I and Heavy Flavours at HERA-II (20') (slides) |
Andreas Meyer (H1): | Beauty Production at HERA (15') (slides) (writeup) |
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Xavier Janssen (H1): | Diffraction at high |t| at HERA (15') (slides) (writeup) |
Mikhail Kapishine (H1): | Inclusive Measurements of Diffraction at HERA (20') (slides) (writeup) |
Oliver Gutsche (ZEUS): | Diffractive charm and jet production at HERA (20') (slides) |
Nicola Coppola (ZEUS): | Vector Meson Production at HERA and Spring-LEPS (20') (slides) (writeup) |
Heuijin Lim (ZEUS): | Leading Baryon Cross Sections at HERA (15') (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1): | Inclusive Photoproduction of Mesons and Anti-Deuterons at HERA (15') (slides) |
Zhenhai Ren (ZEUS): | Searches for QCD Instantons at HERA (15') (slides) |
Frank Ellinghaus (HERMES): | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA (20') (slides) (writeup) |
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Joerg Gayler (H1): | Pentaquark Searches with the H1 Experiment (15') (slides) (writeup) |
Amita Raval (ZEUS): | Pentaquark Searches with the ZEUS Experiment (15') (slides) |
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Chinhan Nguyen (ZEUS): | SUSY searches at HERA (20') (slides) |
Andre Schoening (H1): | Isolated leptons, top and generic searches for new physics (20') (slides) (writeup) |
Carsten Niebuhr (H1): | Lepton flavour violation and contact interactions (15') (slides) (writeup) |
PASCOS04 | Tenth International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology |
16th...22nd August | Northeastern University, Boston, USA |
Chiara Genta (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics at HERA (slides) |
HS04 | Hadron Structure 2004 |
30th August ...3rd September | Smolenice Castle, Slovakia |
Armen Buniatyan (H1): | Diffraction in high energy ep collisons (slides) |
Wenbiao Yan (H1): | Jets and QCD at HERA (slides) |
Andrea Vargas (H1): | Measurements of proton structure at low Q^2 (slides) |
Michele Rosin (ZEUS): | Multiplicities studies at HERA (slides) |
Monica Vazquez (ZEUS): | Exotic hadronic states at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Manuel Zambrana (ZEUS): | Heavy Flavours in ep collisions (slides) |
Tau2004 | Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics |
14th...17th September | Nara, Japan |
Linus Lindfeld (H1): | Physics with tau leptons at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Lowx2004 | Workshop on Low x Physics |
15th...18th September | Prague, Czech Republic |
Jan Hladky (H1): | Evidence for a charmed pentaquark state at H1 (slides) |
Olaf Behrendt (H1): | Measurements of proton structure at low Q^2 (slides) |
Kamil Sedlak (H1): | H1 studies of jets and QCD (slides) |
Roger Wolf (H1): | Studies of diffractive final states at H1 (slides) |
Detlef Bartsch (Zeus): | New results on heavy flavours from Zeus (slides) |
Juan Terron (Zeus): | Extraction of parton densities from the Zeus data |
Janusz Szuba (Zeus): | New results on diffraction from Zeus (slides) |
Massimo Corradi (Zeus): | Pentaquark searches at Zeus (slides) |
Joanna Hamilton (Zeus): | Prompt photon results from Zeus (slides) |
Diff2004 | International Workshop on Diffraction in High Energy Physics 2004 |
18th...23rd September | Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy |
Sebastian Schaetzel (H1): | Measurements of the diffractive cross section and their QCD interpretation (slides) (writeup) |
Svetlana Vinokurova (H1): | The diffractive production of charm and jets (slides) (writeup) |
Karl-Heinz Hiller (H1): | High |t| diffraction and DVCS from H1 (slides) |
QCHS2004 | Sixth Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum |
21st...25th September | Villasimius, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy |
Leonid Gladilin (ZEUS): | Spectroscopy at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
HepMad2004 | International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon |
27th September...3rd October | Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Nick Malden (H1): | Neutral and charged current cross section measurements and searches for new physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
LHCinSplit | 2004 LHC days in Split |
5th...9th October | Split, Croatia |
Hannes Jung (H1): | HERA physics (slides) |
HQWS2004 | 3rd Heavy Quarkonium Workshop |
12th...15th October | Beijing, China |
Riccardo Brugnera (ZEUS): | Quarkonium Results and Prospects from H1 and ZEUS (slides) |
Baryons2004 | Tenth International Conference on Structure of Baryons |
25th...29th October | Palaiseau, France |
Vladimir Chekelian (H1): | Experimental review of unpolarised structure functions (slides) (writeup) |
Laurent Favart (H1): | Experimental review of diffractive phenomena (slides) (writeup) |
Dima Ozerov (H1): | Spectroscopy in ep collisions at HERA (slides) (writeup) |