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Guidelines for H1 Conference Speakers
FRIF06 | FRIF Workshop on First Principles Non-Perturbative QCD of Hadron Jets |
12th...14th January | LPTHE, Paris, France |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | Review of Power Corrections in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
TOP06 | International Workshop On Top Quark Physics |
12th...17th January | Coimbra, Portugal |
Stefania Xella (H1): | Search for anomalous top production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Aspen06 | Aspen Winter Conference "Particle Physics at the Verge of Discovery" |
12th...18th February | Aspen Center for Physics, USA |
Andrew Mehta (H1): | HERA Results (slides) |
Roberto Carlin (ZEUS): | HERA for LHC (slides) |
LakeLouise06 | Lake Louise Winter Institute |
17th...23rd February | Lake Louise, Canada |
Paul Prideaux (H1): | Jets and alpha_s measurement at HERA (slides) |
Matthew Beckingham (H1): | Diffraction in ep scattering (slides) |
Jenny List (H1): | Electroweak physics at HERA (slides) |
Benjamin Kahle (ZEUS): | Heavy Quark measurements at HERA (slides) |
Kunihiro Nagano (ZEUS): | Proton Structure measurement at HERA (slides) |
Jerome de_Favereau (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics in ep collisions |
PHIPSI2006 | e+e- Collisions from phi to psi |
27th February ...2nd March, 2006 | Novosibirsk, Russia |
Monica Turcato (ZEUS): | Proton Structure and QCD from HERA (slides) |
LaThuile2006 | 20th Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste |
5th...12th March | La Thuile, Vallee d'Aoste, Italy |
J. Whyte (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production and spectroscopy at HERA (slides) |
Vincent Boudry (H1): | EW Physics Measurements and searches for New Physics at HERA (slides) |
MoriondEW2006 | 41th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories |
11th...18th March | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy |
Juraj Sutiak (ZEUS): | Electroweak physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Dave South (H1, for Martin Wessels): | Searches for new physics in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
MoriondQCD2006 | 41th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions |
18th...25th March | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy |
Christoph Wissing (H1): | Jet measurements and determination of alpha_s at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Natasha Raicevic (H1): | Structure function and extraction of PDFs at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Benno List (H1): | Heavy quark production in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Leszek Adamczyk (ZEUS): | Diffraction and diffractive final states at HERA (slides) |
Nicola Coppola (ZEUS): | Fragmentation and spectroscopy of hadrons in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
26th...7th March-April 2006 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Alexey Petrukhin (H1) : | Structure functions and electroweak studies at HERA (slides) |
Guillaume Leibenguth (H1) : | Heavy flavour studies at HERA (slides) |
Luca Stanco (ZEUS) : | QCD studies at HERA (slides) |
John Martin (ZEUS) : | Exotics at HERA (slides) |
Armen Buniatyan (H1) : | Inclusive Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Alessia Bruni (ZEUS) : | Exclusive Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
DPG2006 | DPG Fruehjahrstagung Teilchenphysik |
28th...31th March | Dortmund, Germany |
Sasha Glazov (H1): | Proton Parton Distribution Functions and LHC (slides) |
Stefan Schmitt (H1): | Search for New Physics at HERA (slides) |
ESPAGNA2006 | XXXIV International Meeting on Fundamental Physics |
2nd...7th April | Madrid, Spain |
Andre Schoening (H1): | Search for New Physics at HERA (slides) |
DIS2006 | 14th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering |
20th...24th April | Tsukuba, Japan |
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J. Dainton: | LHEC - THe Large Hadron Electron Collider (slides) (writeup) |
E. Perez (H1): | Recent results from the H1 experiment (slides) (writeup) |
M. Klein : | Conference Summary (slides) (writeup) |
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Andrei Nikiforov (H1): | Neutral current studies at HERA II (slides) |
Biljana Antunovic (H1): | Charged current studies at HERA II (slides) |
Max Klein (H1): | F_L measurements with H1 (slides) (writeup) |
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Lorenzo Bellagamba (ZEUS): | Summary of Electroweak Physics and Physics beyond the Standard Model (writeup) |
Dave South (H1): | New H1 results on Isolated leptons and Missing PT at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Claude Vallee (H1): | Multi-lepton events and search for H++ at HERA (slides) |
Christian Helebrant (H1): | Leptoquark searches at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Stefania Xella (H1): | Tau lepton production at HERA (slides) |
Cristinel Diaconu (H1): | Search for excited neutrinos at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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Christiane Risler (H1): | Forward Jet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Jacek Turnau (H1): | Measurement of Event Shape Variables in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA (slides) |
Katja Krueger (H1): | Photoproduction of di-jets with High Transverse Momenta at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Steve Maxfield (H1): | Inclusive Jet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at high Q2 at HERA (slides) |
Dima Ozerov (H1): | H1 Search for a Narrow Baryonic Resonance Decaying to K0_s p(pbar) (slides) (writeup) |
Carsten Schmitz (H1): | Prompt Photons in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Christoph Werner (H1): | Parton Dynamics in DIS multi jet events at small x (slides) |
Magnus Hansson (H1): | Di-jets at low x and low Q2 (slides) |
Dan Traynor (H1): | Scaled Charged Particles Momentum Distributions at high Q2 at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | Exp. Summary of the Hadronic Final State WG (slides) (writeup) |
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Lars Finke (H1): | Production of charm and beauty dijets at HERA (slides) |
Ying-Chun Zhu (H1): | Elastic J/Psi production at HERA (slides) |
Paul Laycock (H1): | F2bb/F2cc at HERA (slides) |
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H. Lim: | Summary of the Diffraction and Vector Mesons Working Group at DIS06 (slides) (writeup) |
Laurent Schoeffel (H1): | Summary of the "Exclusive Final States Production" Sessions (slides) |
Benoit Roland (H1): | DVCS at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Jan Olsson (H1): | Rho Photoproduction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Carl Gwilliam (H1): | Rho production at large t at HERA (slides) |
Paul Newman (H1): | F2D3 and F2D4 measurements (slides) |
Emmanuel Sauvan (H1): | F2D3 new analysis at medium Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
Olaf Behnke (H1): | Diffractive D* and F2D(cc) (slides) |
Matthias Mozer (H1): | Diffractive di-jets and combined fits (slides) |
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M. Wing (ZEUS): | Results from ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
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A. Bonato (ZEUS): | Diffractive dijet and D* production at ZEUS (slides) |
M. Soares (ZEUS): | Leading baryon production at ZEUS (slides) |
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U. Karshon (ZEUS): | Summary of the Heavy Flavours Working Group (writeup) |
L. Gladilin (ZEUS): | Experimental results on heavy quark fragementation (slides) (writeup) |
M. Wing (ZEUS): | Heavy quark production at HERA and its relevance to the LHC (slides) (writeup) |
F. Karstens (ZEUS): | Charm production with the ZEUS HERA-II data (slides) |
O. Kind (ZEUS): | Beauty production with the ZEUS HERA-II data (slides) |
E. Nuncio (ZEUS): | Beauty production using D*+mu and mu+mu- correlations at ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
B. Dunne (ZEUS): | Charmed-hadron production and charm fragmentation at ZEUS (slides) |
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M. Jimenez (ZEUS): | Jet cross sections in NC DIS and determination of alpha_s at ZEUS (slides) |
T. Schoerner (ZEUS): | Angular correlations in 3-jet production and subjet distributions in NC DIS at ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
A. Savin (ZEUS): | Event shapes in NC DIS at ZEUS (slides) |
E. Brownson (ZEUS): | Prompt-photon plus jet production with the ZEUS detector (slides) |
T. Schoerner (ZEUS): | Dijet cross sections at high-Q^2 at ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
A. Savin (ZEUS): | K0s and Lambda production at ZEUS (slides) |
T. Namsoo (ZEUS): | Multijets photoproduction at ZEUS (slides) |
P. Ryan (ZEUS) : | Photoproduction of events with rapidity gaps between jets at ZEUS (slides) |
T. Matsumoto (ZEUS): | Heavy stable-particle production in NC DIS with the ZEUS detector (slides) (writeup) |
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U. Noor (ZEUS): | Neutral current cross sections with polarised lepton beam at ZEUS (slides) |
H. Kaji (ZEUS): | Charged current cross sections with polarised lepton beam at ZEUS (slides) |
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V. Chekelian (H1): | The Structure Functions and Low x Working Group Summary (slides) (writeup) |
S. Shimizu (ZEUS): | QCD and EW analysis of the ZEUS NC/CC inclusive and jet cross sections (slides) |
A. Caldwell (ZEUS): | Measurement of high-x neutral current cross sections with the ZEUS detector (slides) |
D. Kollar (ZEUS): | Prospects for a measurement of FL at HERA with the ZEUS detector (slides) (writeup) |
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M. Corradi (ZEUS): | Events with isolated leptons and missing momentum at ZEUS (slides) |
A. Montanari (ZEUS): | SUSY searches with ZEUS |
PHENO06 | PHENO06 Symposium |
15th..17th May | University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA |
J. Ferrando (ZEUS): | Search for new physics at HERA (slides) |
HCP2006 | Hadron Collider Physics Symposium |
22th...26th May | Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA |
K. Wichmann (ZEUS): | Results from HERA (slides) (writeup) |
CIPANP2006 | 9th Conference on the Intersections of Nuclear and Particle Physics |
30th...3rd May/June | Rio Grande, Puerto Rico |
Ioannis Gialas (ZEUS): | Search for New Physics at HERA (slides) |
Juraj Bracinik (H1): | Electroweak Physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Ingo Bloch (ZEUS): | Heavy Flavour production in ep collisions at HERA (slides) |
Anita Raval (ZEUS): | Jets production and alpha_s measurement at HERA (slides) |
Christiane Risler (H1): | Spectroscopy at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Victor Lenderman (H1): | Proton structure at low Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
Pierre Marage (H1): | Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Yujin Ning (ZEUS): | Proton structure at high Q2 at HERA |
QNP06 | 4th International Conference On Quarks And Nuclear Physics |
5th...10th June | Madrid, Spain |
MESON06 | 9th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction |
9th...13th June | Cracow, Poland |
Andreas Meyer (H1): | Charmonium at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
QWG06 | 4th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium |
27th...30th June | Brookhaven, USA |
Alessandro Bertolin (ZEUS): | Recent Quarkonia Results and Prospects from HERA (slides) |
SUSY2006 | 14th International Conference On Supersymmetry And The Unification Of Fundamental Interactions |
12th...17th June | Irvine, California, USA |
Linus Lindfeld (H1): | Searches (non-SUSY) at HERA (slides) |
Claus Horn (ZEUS): | SUSY searches at HERA (slides) |
QCDN06 | Second workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon |
12th...17th June | Rome |
Xavier Janssen (H1): | DVCS and exclusive vector meson production (slides) |
Lowx2006 | Lowx meeting |
28th...1st June/July | Lisbon, Portugal |
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | Neutral and charged current cross sections in polarised ep collisions and extraction of parton density functions of a proton (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Nikolai Vlasov (ZEUS): | Study of BFKL dynamics through the jet angle correlation, rapidity gap between jets and forward jet production at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Thorben Theedt (ZEUS): | Jets, event shapes and determination of alpha_s at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Roberval Walsh (ZEUS): | Spectroscopy in ep collisions (Pentaquarks, baryon production, light and heavy meson production) (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Ada Solano (ZEUS): | Longitudinal and transverse distribution of leading neutrons in ep collisions at ZEUS (ZEUS) (slides) |
Joel Feltesse (H1): | F_L Measurements at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Marc-Oliver Boenig (H1): | Charm and Beauty production at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1): | H1 measurements on F2D(3) and F2D(4) (H1) (slides) |
Roger Wolf (H1): | Diffractive dijet, D* production and combined fits with the inclusive diffractive measurements (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Guenther Grindhammer (H1): | Jet and multijet production at HERA (parton dynamics, multi-parton interactions etc.) (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
Karl-Heinz Hiller (H1): | Vector meson and DVCS by the H1 detector (H1) (slides) |
Joerg Gayler (H1): | Particle momentum distributions and prompt photon production at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
BEACH2006 | 7th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm And Beauty Hadrons |
2nd...8th July | Lancaster, United Kingdom |
Christoph Grab (H1): | Heavy flavour production and properties at HERA (slides) |
Chuanlei Liu (ZEUS): | Spectroscopy and pentaquark searches at HERA (slides) |
QCD06 | 13th High Energy Physics International Conference on Quantum Chromodynamics |
3rd...7th July | Montpellier, France |
Gabriel Grigorescu (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production (slides) |
Alberto Garfagnini (ZEUS): | Diffraction (including the hadronic final state) |
Haiping Peng (H1): | Structure function at high-x and high-Q2 (slides) |
Kaloyan Krastev (H1): | Hadronic final states (jets and its properties, alpha_s ...) (slides) |
Anna Falkiewicz (H1): | Particle production and spectroscopy (light and heavy) (slides) |
LHC2006 | Physics at LHC |
3rd...8th July | Cracow, Poland |
Ulrich Martyn (H1): | Structure functions, inclusive measurements and searches at HERA (slides) |
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS): | Hadronic final states and QCD studies in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
PIC2006 | XXVI International Symposium On Physics In Collision |
6th...9th July | B?zios, Brazil |
Kunihiro Nagano (ZEUS): | Electroweak physics in ep scattering with polarised leptons (slides) |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | alpha_s measurement from jets and scaling violation (slides) (writeup) |
Bruce Straub (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production in ep scattering (slides) |
Arnd Meyer: | Searches for New Phenomena at the Tevatron and at HERA (writeup) |
ICHEP2006 | 33rd International Conference On High Energy Physics |
26th...2nd July/August | Moscow, Russia |
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Olaf Behnke (H1): | Preview of new H1 results (slides) |
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Gerhard Brandt (H1): | Multileptons, Generic search (and nu*) (slides) (writeup) |
Cristinel Diaconu (H1): | Isolated leptons (H1, ZEUS), including Tau results (slides) (writeup) |
Lorenzo Bellagamba (ZEUS): | SUSY Stop production, Gauginos & Gravitinos (slides) |
Jolanta Sztuk (ZEUS): | Leptoquarks and CI (slides) |
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Vladimir Chekelian (H1): | NC with polarised HERA II (slides) (writeup) |
Alex Tapper (ZEUS): | CC with polarised HERA II (slides) |
Yong-Dok Ri (ZEUS): | Combined QCD & elweak fit (slides) |
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Jan Olsson (H1): | Strange PQ and exotic resonances (slides) (writeup) |
Leonid Gladilin (ZEUS): | Spectroscopy and exotic resonances (slides) (writeup) |
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Frank-Peter Schilling (H1): | Measurement of F2D(3) and QCD fits (H1) (17+3) (slides) (writeup) |
Kerstin Borras (ZEUS): | Leading baryons at HERA (H1,ZEUS) (17+3) (slides) |
Mikhail Kapichine (H1): | Diffractive final states Dijets and charm (H1,ZEUS) (17+3) (slides) |
Katja Krueger (H1): | DVCS and Vector meson production at HERA (H1,ZEUS) (17+3) (slides) (writeup) |
Anna Galas (ZEUS): | Particle production and fragmentation results (ZEUS) (12+3) (slides) |
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Enrico Tassi (ZEUS): | Structure functions and PDFs (slides) |
Juan Terron (ZEUS): | Jets and alpha_s (ZEUS) (slides) |
Tim Gosau (ZEUS): | Multi-jet final states (slides) |
Daniel Pitzl (H1): | c and b in DIS and F2c,b (slides) |
Franz Eisele (H1): | Parton dynamic studies at low Q2 and x (3 jets, forward jets etc.) (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1): | Event and jet shapes (slides) |
Nelly Gogitidze (H1): | Fragmentation and Prompt photons (slides) (writeup) |
Manuel Zambrana (ZEUS): | c and b photoproduction (slides) |
Vietnam06 | Challenges in AstroParticle Physics |
6th..12ve August | Hanoi, Vietnam |
Hinrich Meyer (H1): | Proton Structure Measurements at HERA (slides) |
Confinement06 | 7th COnference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum |
2nd...7th September | Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal |
Karin Daum (H1): | Particle production and spectroscopy in ep collisions (slides) |
ISSP06 | International School of Subnucluear Physics |
29.08-07.09.2006 | Erice, Italy |
Bernd Loehr (ZEUS): | Diffraction at HERA on the Quark and Gluon Scale (slides) |
Gerhard Brandt (H1): | Events with Isolated Leptons and Missing Transverse Momentum in ep Collisions at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
ISMD2006 | XXXVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
2nd...8th September | Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Sasha Glazov (H1): | Results from H1 collaboration (slides) |
Mara Soares (ZEUS) : | Multi-parton interactions at HERA (slides) |
Valentin Efremenko (H1): | Jet physics in ep collisions (slides) |
Avraam Keramidas (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production in ep collisions (slides) |
Alessandro Polini (ZEUS): | Exclusive measurements on diffractive processes in ep collisions (slides) |
Xavier Janssen (H1): | Inclusive processes in diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Artur Ukleja (ZEUS): | Fragmentation and correlation of hadrons in ep collisions (slides) |
Diff2006 | International Workshop on Diffraction in High Energy Physics 2006 |
5th...10rd September | Adamantas, Milos island, Greece |
Jan Kretzschmar (H1): | Inclusive DIS with H1 and ZEUS (slides) |
Paul Laycock (H1): | Inclusive diffractive DIS with H1 (slides) |
Bernd Loehr (ZEUS): | Inclusive diffractive DIS at ZEUS (slides) |
Matthias Mozer (H1): | Diffractive dijets and charm at H1 (slides) |
Irina Korzhavina (ZEUS): | Diffractive dijets and charm with ZEUS (slides) |
Lorenzo Rinaldi (ZEUS): | Leading baryons with ZEUS (slides) |
Nik Berger (H1): | Vector mesons with H1 (slides) |
Dorota Szuba (ZEUS): | Vector mesons with ZEUS (slides) |
Matthew Beckingham (H1): | DVCS, high-t photons with H1 (slides) |
QCDFRONTEERS06 | Frontiers in QCD |
20th...22th September | DESY, Hamburg |
Benno List (H1): | Structure Functions at HERA (slides) |
Rainer Mankel (ZEUS): | Hadronic final state studies at HERA (slides) |
TAU06 | 9th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau06 |
19th...22th September | Pisa, Italy |
Christian Veelken (H1): | Tau physics at HERA (slides) |
BEAUTY06 | International Conference On B-Physics At Hadron Machines |
25th...29th September | Oxford, England |
HQL06 | Heavy Quarks and Leptons 2006 |
16 - 20 October | Muenich, Germany |
Riccardo Brugnera (ZEUS): | Charm and beauty structure of the Proton (slides) (writeup) |