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Guidelines for H1 Conference Speakers
Aspen | At the Frontiers of Particle Physics |
19 Jan - 25 Jan | Aspen, USA |
Bruce Straub (ZEUS): | HERA anomalies (slides) |
Lake_Louise | Fundamental Interactions |
16th...22nd February | Alberta, Canada |
Tomas Lastovicka (H1): | Structure function measurements and what they tell us about PDFs and alpha_s (slides) |
Giuseppe Iacobucci (ZEUS): | Diffraction, a comparison of inclusive and final state measurements (slides) |
Nick Malden (H1): | Searches for new physics in electron-proton collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Katsuo Tokushuku (ZEUS): | High p_T Jet Production and alpha_s at HERA (slides) |
Achim Geiser (ZEUS): | Heavy Flavour Studies at HERA (slides) |
Katsuo Tokushku (ZEUS): | Energy and Particle FLow Measurements at HERA (slides) |
LaThuile | 17th Recontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste |
9th...15th March | La Thuile, Vallee d'Aoste, Italy |
Emmanuel Sauvan (H1): | Lepton production in ep collisions. (slides) (writeup) |
Lorenzo Bellagamba (ZEUS): | Searches for new physics at HERA. (slides) |
DPG | German Physics Society (DPG), Particle Physics |
10th...13th March | Aachen |
Andreas Meyer (H1): | Production of heavy Quarks at the HERA ep Collider (slides) |
Moriond_EW | Moriond Conference on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories |
15th...22nd March | Les Arcs, France: |
Tancredi Carli (ZEUS): | Lepton production in ep collisions. (slides) (writeup) |
Johannes Haller (H1): | Searches for new physics at HERA. (slides) (writeup) |
Moriond_QCD | Moriond Conference on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions |
22nd...29th March | Les Arcs, France |
Alessandro Bertolin (ZEUS): | Charm in electron-proton collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Pierre VanMechelen (H1): | Diffraction in ep Collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Katarzyna Klimek (ZEUS): | Beauty production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Nicole Werner (H1): | Structure function measurements at HERA and the determination of alpha_s and the parton distributions (slides) (writeup) |
Pierre VanMechelen (H1): | Jet production in electron-proton collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Duncan Brown (H1): | Measurements of DVCS and high |t| vector meson production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Kai Voss (ZEUS): | Vector meson production in ep interactions (slides) (writeup) |
Stathes Paganis (ZEUS): | Confronting QCD with HERA data (slides) (writeup) |
CHEP03 | Computing in High Energy Physics |
24th...28th March | La Jolla, California, USA |
Matti Peez (H1): | A new object orientated analysis framework for H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Photon2003 | International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon |
7th...11th April | Frascati, Italy |
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Alice Valkarova (H1): | Photon structure as revealed in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Peter Bussey (ZEUS): | Results on virtual photon structure from HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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Ethan-Etienne Woehrling (H1): | Proton structure at high Q^2 (slides) (writeup) |
Peter Bussey (Zeus): | Jet production and alpha_s measurements at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Jacek Turnau (H1): | Forward jets and particles in ep collisions and parton dynamics (slides) (writeup) |
Boris Leissner (H1): | Multi-lepton production in ep collisions (slides) |
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Uri Karshon (ZEUS): | Charm production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Juergen Kroseberg (H1): | Beauty in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
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Anna Mastroberardino (ZEUS): | Diffraction in ep collisions (slides) |
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Mauricio Barbi (ZEUS): | Vector meson production (slides) (writeup) |
DIS | XIth International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering |
23rd...27th April | St. Petersburg, Russia |
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Andrew Mehta (H1): | Electroweak and BSM (slides) |
Juan Terron (ZEUS): | Hadronic Final States (slides) |
Beate Naroska (H1): | Heavy Flavours (slides) (writeup) |
Allen Caldwell (ZEUS): | HERA-III (slides) |
Felix Sefkow (H1): | Heavy Flavour Summary (slides) (writeup) |
Robin Devenish (ZEUS): | Inclusive and Diffractive Summary (slides) |
Jon Butterworth (ZEUS): | Hadronic Final States Summary (slides) (writeup) |
Stefan Schlenstedt (ZEUS): | Electroweak and BSM Summary (slides) |
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Ana Dubak (H1): | Neutral and charged current cross sections and the measurement of xF_3 (slides) |
Burkhard Reisert (H1): | QCD fits and the extraction of the parton distribution functions (slides) (writeup) |
Victor Lendermann (H1): | Measurement of F2 at low Q2 using QED Compton Scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Ewelina Lobodzinska (H1): | A determination of F_L at low Q^2 (slides) (writeup) |
Philipp Fleischmann (H1): | Elastic photoproduction of J/psi mesons and rho meson production in DIS at low t (slides) (writeup) |
Matthew Beckingham (H1): | Production of J/psi mesons at high t and the study of gamma p --> gamma p (slides) |
Yves Coppens (H1): | Measurement of F2D (slides) |
Sebastian Schaetzel (H1): | Comparison of final states in diffraction with QCD predictions (slides) (writeup) |
J Rautenberg (ZEUS): | ZEUS Results on High Q2 Cross Sections and QCD Fits (slides) (writeup) |
J Cole (ZEUS): | F2 and FL from ISR Data (slides) |
H Abramowicz (ZEUS): | DVCS (slides) |
J Tandler (ZEUS): | ZEUS Results on Vector Mesons (slides) |
H Lim (ZEUS): | ZEUS Results on Inclusive Diffraction (slides) |
M Soares (ZEUS): | Leading Baryons and Diffractive Final States (slides) |
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Gilles Frising (H1): | Isolated lepton production at H1 (slides) |
Andre Schoening (H1): | Search for single top production in ep collisions at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Juergen Scheins (H1): | Contact interactions and limits on leptoquark production and other new physics at H1 (slides) |
Steve Maxfield (H1): | A search for magnetic monopole production at H1 (slides) |
Emmanuelle Perez (H1): | R_P violating SUSY at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Mireille Schneider (H1): | Searches for excited fermions at H1 and ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
G Barbagli (ZEUS): | Searches for Leptoquarks and Contact Interactions (slides) |
D Dannheim (ZEUS): | Search for Single Top Production (slides) (writeup) |
D Lelas (ZEUS): | Isolated Taus with missing Pt (slides) |
A Parenti (ZEUS): | Multi-lepton events at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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Arnd Specka (H1): | Inclusive jet production in deep-inelastic scattering at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Hannes Jung (H1): | Dijet production at low Q^2 and virtual photon structure (slides) |
Lidia Goerlich (H1): | Forward jet and pion production in deep-inelastic scattering at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Roman Poeschl (H1): | H1 results on dijet production at low x (slides) (writeup) |
Bernard Andrieu (H1): | Inclusive jet cross sections in photoproduction at H1 (slides) |
Anna Kropivnitskaya (H1): | Inclusive photoproduction of light mesons at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Rachid Lemrani (H1): | Prompt photon production in ep collisions, recent H1 and ZEUS results (slides) (writeup) |
J Teron (ZEUS): | Azimuthal Asymmetry of jets in NC, Event Shapes in DIS, Inclusive jets, subjet multiplicities and alpha_s (slides) |
M Suton (ZEUS): | Rapidity Gaps and Energy Flow between jets in photoproduction (slides) |
S Lammers (ZEUS): | Forward Jets in DIS (slides) |
M Sutton (ZEUS): | Scaling Violations and alpha-s (slides) |
N Krumnack (ZEUS): | Jets in CC DIS, Multijets in DIS (slides) |
A Ziegler (ZEUS): | Strange Particle Production (slides) |
K Olkiewicz (ZEUS): | Bose-Einstein effects and Instanton searches with ZEUS (slides) |
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Christian Gerlich (H1): | Beauty in photoproduction at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Gero Flucke (H1): | D* production in gamma-p collisions at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Sebastian Schmidt (H1): | Jet production in deep-inelastic charm events at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Benno List (H1): | Heavy Flavour Physics at HERA-II (slides) |
I Katkov (ZEUS): | Inelastic Jpsi (slides) (writeup) |
L Gladilin (ZEUS): | Charm Hadronisation in Photoproduction (slides) (writeup) |
L Gladilin (ZEUS): | Dijet Angular Distributions in gamma-p collisions (slides) (writeup) |
V Chiochia (ZEUS): | Beauty Production in DIS (slides) |
M Corradi (ZEUS): | Beauty Photoproduction (slides) |
R HallWilton (ZEUS): | Inclusive Charm (slides) |
PHEN2003 | Particle Physics Phenomenology and Related Topics |
5th...7th May | Wisconsin, USA |
Cristi Diaconu (H1): | Beyond the standard model at HERA (slides) |
CIPANP2003 | Conference in the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics |
19th...24th May | New York City, USA |
Ioannis Giallas (Zeus): | Diffraction in ep collisions |
Carsten Niebuhr (H1): | HERA I results (slides) |
Rik Yoshida (Zeus): | Prospects for HERA II (slides) |
Daniel Pitzl (H1): | Future HERA physics (slides) |
Iris Abt(MPI): | Detectors for HERA III |
Crimea2003 | New Trends in High Energy Physics |
24th...31st May | Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine |
Alex Tapper (ZEUS): | Probing proton structure in high-energy ep collisions (slides) |
Bernd Loehr (ZEUS): | Results on diffractive physics from HERA |
Karin Daum (H1): | Heavy-flavour production in electron-proton collisions (slides) (writeup) |
Gerd Buschhorn (H1): | Jet studies and alpha_s measurements at HERA (writeup) |
LesHouches | Workshop on Physics at TeV colliders |
26th May...6th June | Les Houches, France |
Albert De Roeck (H1): | Contributions to QCD and SM working groups (without a formal talk) |
Lowx2003 | Low x Workshop on DIS, Diffraction and Related Subjects |
2nd...5th June | Nafplio, Greece |
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | ZEUS results on F_2 and F_L (slides) |
Carlo Duprel (H1): | H1 results on F_2 and F_L (slides) |
Katerina Tzamariudaki (H1): | Heavy Flavour Review (slides) |
Mark Sutton (ZEUS): | Jets Review (slides) |
V Monaco: | Inclusive diffraction (slides) |
Amita Raval (ZEUS): | Strange Particles and Other Resonances (slides) |
Grazyna Nowak (H1): | Forward Jet and Particle Production (slides) |
Paul Laycock (H1): | Inclusive Diffraction in H1 (slides) |
Alberto Garfagnini (ZEUS): | Inclusive Diffraction and Leading Baryons at ZEUS (slides) |
Tinne Anthonis (H1): | Diffractive Final States |
Duncan Brown (H1): | Diffractive Vector Meson Production at HERA (slides) |
Alessia Bruni (ZEUS): | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (slides) |
Brian Cox (H1/D0): | Rapidity Gaps Between Jets (slides) |
QCD@Work2003 | International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics Theory and Experiment |
14th...18th June | Conversano, Italy |
Antonio Pellegrino (Zeus): | Structure functions at HERA (slides) |
Blois2003 | Xth Blois Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering |
23rd...28th June | Hanasaari, Helsinki, Finland |
Guenter Wolf (ZEUS): | Review of inclusive diffraction and leading baryons (slides) |
Uta Stoesslein (ZEUS): | Review of vector mesons and DVCS (slides) |
Mikhail Kapishine (H1): | QCD analysis of F2D and comparisons with hadronic final states at HERA and the Tevatron (slides) |
Hannes Jung (H1): | HERA results on forward jets and particles at low x and F2 and FL measurements at low Q2 (slides) |
Xavier Janssen (H1): | Leading proton detectors; past experience and future plans (slides) |
PIC2003 | XXIII Physics in Collision Conference |
26th...28th June | Zeuthen, Germany |
Hans-Cristian Schultz-Coulon (H1): | Hard processes in ep scattering (slides) (writeup) |
Matthew Wing (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production at HERA and the TeVatron (slides) (writeup) |
QCD03 | Tenth High Energy Physics International Conference on QCD |
2nd...9th July | Montpellier, France |
Max Klein (H1): | Structure Functions at HERA and the measurement of alpha_s and the parton distributions (slides) |
Alexandre Savin (ZEUS): | Jets in ep collisions and what they tell us about parton dynamics, virtual photon structure and alpha_s. |
Andrea Longhin (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production in ep collisions; QCD with multiple scales. (slides) |
Pierre VanMechelen (H1): | Measurements of diffractive structure in DIS and studies of the diffractive final state. (slides) (writeup) |
EPSPreview | DESY seminar - Preview of collider results for EPS03 |
15th July | |
Paul Newman (H1): | H1 Highlights for EPS03 (slides) |
Juan Terron (ZEUS): | ZEUS Highlights for EPS03 (slides) |
EPS2003 | International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics |
17th...23rd July | Aachen, Germany |
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Peter Schleper: | Experimental Tests of QCD (slides) |
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Tomas Lastovicka (H1): | Measurements of F2 and FL at low Q2 (slides) |
Eram Rizvi (H1): | QCD fits to structure function measurements (slides) |
Olaf Behnke (H1): | Beauty production in electron-proton collisions (slides) |
Roman Poeschl (H1): | Parton dynamics revealed in measurements of forward jet and pion production in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Thomas Kluge (H1): | Event shape and jet sub-structure studies at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Karin Daum (H1): | Studies of the photoproduction of charm (slides) (writeup) |
Matthias Moritz (ZEUS): | Electron-proton cross section measurements at high Q2 (slides) |
David Saxon (ZEUS): | Prompt photon production in electron-proton scattering (slides) |
Sergei Chekanov (ZEUS): | Charm production in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Monica Vazquez (ZEUS): | Inclusive jet cross section measurements in ep scattering (slides) (writeup) |
Li Liang (ZEUS): | Dijet production in ep scattering (slides) |
Riccardo Brugnera (ZEUS): | Studies of inelastic J/psi production at HERA (slides) |
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Christian Schwanenberger (H1): | A review of searches for RP violating SUSY (slides) (writeup) |
Dave Milstead (H1): | Search for magnetic monopoles produced in ep collisions (slides) |
Martin Wessels (H1): | Generic searches for new physics phenomena (slides) (writeup) |
Aleksander Zarnecki (ZEUS): | A review of searches for leptoquarks and lepton number violation (slides) |
James Ferrando (ZEUS): | Searches for single top production in ep collisions (slides) |
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Paul Thompson (H1): | Inclusive measurements of diffractive DIS at H1 (slides) |
Frank-Peter Schilling (H1): | Studies of the final state in diffractive interactions at H1 (slides) (writeup) |
Benno List (H1): | Measurements of meson production in ep scattering at H1 (slides) |
Laurent Favart (H1): | Studies of DVCS and high |t| photon production with the H1 detector (slides) (writeup) |
Guenter Wolf (ZEUS): | Measurements of inclusive diffraction in DIS at ZEUS (slides) |
Thorsten Koop (ZEUS): | Studies of the final state in ep interactions with a leading baryon at ZEUS (slides) |
Miroslav Helbich (ZEUS): | Exclusive vector meson production studies with the ZEUS detector (slides) |
Justyna Ukleja (ZEUS): | ZEUS studies of DVCS and the photon light-cone wavefunction (slides) |
Boris Levtchenko (ZEUS): | ZEUS measurements of strangeness production in DIS (slides) |
LP2003 | XXI International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies |
11th...16th August | Fermilab, USA |
P Newman (H1): | Deep Inelastic Scattering (slides) (writeup) |
E Perez (H1): | Exotic searches at colliders (slides) (writeup) |
Y Yamazaki (Zeus): | Diffraction and vector meson production (slides) |
Cosmo03 | International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe |
25th...29th August | Ambleside, England |
Dave Milstead (H1): | A direct search for magnetic monopoles at HERA |
Hadron2003 | Xth International Conference of Hadron Spectroscopy |
31st August...6th September | Aschaffenburg, Germany |
M Barbi (Zeus): | Zeus studies of K0s K0s resonances (slides) |
Armen Buniatyan (H1): | The structure of diffraction (slides) (writeup) |
Jeannine Wagner (H1): | Heavy hadron production in ep collisons (slides) (writeup) |
QFTHEP03 | XVII International Workshop on HEP and Quantum Field Theory |
4th...11th September | Samara-Saratov, Russia |
Jozef Zacek (H1): | Recent results from H1 (slides) (writeup) |
U Schneekloth (Zeus): | Recent results from ZEUS (slides) |
AM2003 | 9th Adriatic Meeting: Particle Physics and the Universe |
4-14 September 2003 | Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Gerd Buschhorn (H1): | Jets in Deep Inelastic Scattering and High Energy Photoproduction at HERA (writeup) |
ISMD03 | XXXIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
5th...11th September | Cracow, Poland |
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Bob Olivier (H1): | Review of heavy flavour production in ep collisions (slides) (writeup) |
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Claire Gwenlan (Zeus): | Review of HERA jet results (slides) (writeup) |
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Karl-Heinz Hiller (H1): | Review of diffraction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
M Ruspa (Zeus): | New ZEUS results on F2D measurement using LPS (slides) (writeup) |
D Szuba (Zeus): | New ZEUS results on J/psi photoproduction at large t and large W (slides) (writeup) |
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Ewelina Lobodzinska (H1): | Structure functions at low x (writeup) |
Steve Magill (Zeus): | Forward jets and particles (slides) (writeup) |
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L Zawiejski (Zeus): | Recent Zeus Bose-Einstein correlation results (slides) (writeup) |
QinHadNucII | Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei II |
15th...20th September | Rothenfels Castle, Oberwoelz, Austria |
Eckhard Elsen (H1): | Probing QCD at HERA (slides) |
Smallx03 | Workshop on Small-x and Diffractive Physics |
17th...20th September | Fermilab |
Philipp Fleischmann (H1): | Exclusive Vector Mesons and DVCS (slides) |
Karlheinz Meier (H1): | Odd and even - search for the odderon and study of diffractive hadronic final states (slides) |
Thomas Naumann (H1): | Prospects for HERA II (slides) |
Kerstin Borras (ZEUS): | Leading baryon production at HERA (slides) |
Marcella Capua (ZEUS): | Inclusive diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Enrico Tassi (ZEUS): | F2 at low Q2 and FL (slides) |
Duncan Brown (H1): | Diffractive Photon and Vector Meson Production at Large |t| at HERA (slides) |
Ringberg03 | New Trends in HERA Physics |
28th September...3rd October | Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Bavaria. |
Benjamin Portheault (H1): | Structure functions at high Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
Dorian Kcira (ZEUS): | Structure functions at low Q2 (slides) |
Vladimir Chekelian (H1): | Alpha_s and the gluon density from structure functions, including FL (slides) (writeup) |
Jaroslav Cvach (H1): | Photoproduction of jets and prompt photons (slides) |
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS): | Jets in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
Leif Joensson (H1): | Forward jet and particle production at low x (slides) |
Francois Corriveau (ZEUS): | Photo- and electroproduction of single hadrons and resonances (slides) |
Sanjay Padhi (ZEUS): | Open charm and beauty production (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1): | Diffractive structure functions and QCD fits (slides) |
Paul Thompson (H1): | Experimental results on exclusive vector mesons and heavy quarkonium (slides) (writeup) |
Nikolai Vlasov (ZEUS): | Diffractive jet production (slides) |
Elisabetta Gallo (ZEUS): | Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (slides) |
Max Klein (H1): | Plans of the H1 experiment at HERA II (slides) (writeup) |
Rik Yoshida (ZEUS): | Plans of the ZEUS experiment at HERA II (slides) |
Allen Caldwell: | Beyond HERA II (slides) |
U Stoesslein: | Effects of e^+- polarization on the final states at HERA (photoproduction and DIS) (slides) (writeup) |
AHEP03 | International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics |
14th...18th October | Valencia, Spain |
Beauty2003 | Ninth International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines |
14th...18th October | Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA |
Andreas Meyer (H1): | Hadronic beauty production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
HQHERA2 | Heavy Quark Physics at the Upgraded HERA Collider |
19th...22nd October | Rehovot, Israel |
Ralf Gerhards (H1): | H1 results on charm production (slides) |
Olaf Behnke (H1): | H1 results on beauty production (slides) |
Svetlana Vinokurova (H1): | H1 results on diffractive charm production |
Felix Sefkow (H1): | H1 detector potential for heavy quarks at HERA II (slides) |