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Guidelines for H1 Conference Speakers
Lishep | Workshop on diffractive Physics |
4 Feb - 8 Feb | Rio de Janeiro |
P Newman (H1): | Diffractive and Inclusive ep Cross Sections (slides) |
Ada Solano (ZEUS): | Jets, Charm, Shapes (slides) |
Arik Kreisel (ZEUS): | Vector Mesons (slides) (writeup) |
A Wyatt (H1): | high |t|, gaps between jets (slides) |
P VanMechelen (H1): | VFPS (slides) (writeup) |
Brian Cox (H1): | POMWIG Monte Carlo (slides) |
DESYsem1202 | DESY Forum |
12 February | DESY, Hamburg |
G Iacobucci (ZEUS): | Vector Meson Production at HERA (slides) |
Lake_Louise | Fundamental Interactions |
17-23 Feb | Alberta, Canada |
J Martin (ZEUS): | High Q2 Physics (slides) |
M Corradi (ZEUS): | Searches for new Physics at HERA (writeup) |
C Collard (H1): | Diffraction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
J Kroseberg (H1): | Heavy Flavour Physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
28 Feb - 6 Mar | Novosibirsk, Russia, Budker Institute |
C Niebuhr (H1): | Instrumentation in ep Detectors at HERA and Beyond (slides) (writeup) |
A Specka (H1): | Lumi System (slides) (writeup) |
Vallee_d_Aoste | 15th Recontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste |
4-10 March | La Thuile, Vallee d'Aoste, Italy |
J Scheins (H1): | Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model at HERA (slides) |
I Brock (ZEUS): | QCD Studies at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Moriond_EW | Moriond Conference on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories |
9-16 March | Les Arcs, France: |
HC SchultzCoulon (H1): | ep Physics at High Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
D Boscherini (ZEUS): | Results on Searches beyond the SM at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Moriond_QCD | Moriond Conference on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions |
16-23 March | Les Arcs, France |
M Ruspa (ZEUS): | Inclusive diffraction (slides) (writeup) |
M Kapishin (H1): | QCD and diffraction (slides) |
E Rodrigues (ZEUS): | Jet physics and event-shape studies (slides) |
A Longhin (ZEUS): | Heavy-quark production (slides) (writeup) |
S Mohrdieck (H1): | Vector Mesons - what is the appropriate QCD scale? (slides) (writeup) |
I GrabowskaBold (ZEUS): | Progress in single-photon final states prompt photons and DVCS (slides) (writeup) |
F Zomer (H1): | Parton distribution functions and QCD fitting to F2 etc. (slides) (writeup) |
L Joensson (H1): | Real and virtual photon structure (slides) (writeup) |
S.W. Lammers (ZEUS): | Asymmetric jet cuts in dijet measurements at ZEUS (slides) |
ASTPP02 | Conf. on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Particle Physics |
18-22 March | Durham |
B Reisert (H1): | NLO QCD Fits in H1 (slides) |
B Straub: | Issues on limit-setting in ZEUS analyses |
A Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | Statistcal issues in ZEUS NLO QCD fit |
DPG | German Physics Society (DPG), Particle Physics |
18-23 March | Leipzig |
T Greenshaw (H1): | QCD at HERA (slides) |
K Borras (ZEUS): | Harte Diffraktion (slides) |
O Behrendt (H1): | Identifikation von J/psi-Vektormesonen mit dem H1 Fast Track Trigger (slides) |
CALOR | International Conference on Calorimetry in HEP |
25-29 March | Pasadena |
P Goettlicher (ZEUS): | the ZEUS Hadron-Electron Separator (slides) (writeup) |
M Barbi (ZEUS): | Calibration and Monitoring of the ZEUS UCAL (slides) (writeup) |
M Wing (ZEUS): | Determination of the Jet energy scale in ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
C Schwanenberger (H1): | Jet calibration in the H1 LAr (slides) (writeup) |
D Hoffmann (H1): | Upgraded calorimter DAq for H1 (slides) (writeup) |
V Boudry (H1): | Electronics / Readout for the H1 Lumi Measurement (slides) (writeup) |
QCDN02 | European Workshop On The QCD Structure Of The Nucleon |
3 - 6 April | Ferrara |
S Levonian (H1): | Polarized and unpolarized eA scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
J Ciborowski (ZEUS): | Vector Mesons (slides) |
L Favart (H1): | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at H1 and ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
H Abramowicz (ZEUS): | Diffraction (slides) |
APS | Meeting of the American Physical Society (HEP & Astronomy) |
20 - 23 April | Albuquerque, New Mexico |
C Issever (H1): | Structure Functions |
DIS | Xth International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering |
30 April - 4 May | Cracow, Poland |
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J Dainton (H1): | Future and perspectives of DIS (slides) |
J Whitmore (ZEUS): | QCD and Partonic Structure of Hadrons and Photons (slides) (writeup) |
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T Lastovicka (H1): | DIS cross section at Q^2 about 1 GeV^2 (slides) (writeup) |
J Gayler (H1): | Rise of F_2 at low x (slides) (writeup) |
E Tassi (ZEUS): | NLO QCD fit (slides) |
B Reisert (H1): | NLO QCD fit (slides) |
S Maxfield (H1): | Photon structure from (HERA) (slides) (writeup) |
F Metlica (ZEUS): | Polarization as a Tool at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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O Behnke (H1): | Charm production and F2c at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) (writeup) |
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R Yoshida (ZEUS): | Saturation (slides) |
T Lastovica (H1): | Self similar properties of proton structure (slides) (writeup) |
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M Ellerbrock (H1): | High Q^2 results (H1) (slides) (writeup) |
M Moritz (ZEUS): | High Q^2 NC results (Zeus) (slides) (writeup) |
S Grijpink (ZEUS): | High Q^2 CC results (Zeus) (slides) (writeup) |
C Foudas (ZEUS): | High E_T jets at HERA (H1+ZEUS) (slides) |
C Vallee (H1): | Lepton Pair Production at high pt (slides) (writeup) |
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M Capua (ZEUS): | F2D3 ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
P Laycock (H1): | F2D3 (slides) (writeup) |
FP Schilling (H1): | QCD fits to F2D3 (slides) (writeup) |
M Beckingham (H1): | Gaps between jets (slides) (writeup) |
N Vlasov (ZEUS): | Charm in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
T Berndt (H1): | Odderon (slides) (writeup) |
X Janssen (H1): | Rho, high Q2, high t (slides) (writeup) |
D Brown (H1): | Heavy VM Production (slides) (writeup) |
K Klimek (ZEUS): | High-t vector mesons from ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
A Levy (ZEUS): | High-Q2 vector mesons from ZEUS (slides) (writeup) |
P Newman (H1): | HERA II prospects for diffraction, incl. VFPS (slides) (writeup) |
A Caldwell: | Small x and diffraction after 2006 (writeup) |
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K Borras (ZEUS): | leading Neutrons and F2pi (slides) (writeup) |
R Heremans (H1): | Soft processes (slides) (writeup) |
P Thompson (H1): | Summary on Jets and Et Flow in Diffractive Processes (slides) (writeup) |
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R Stamen (H1): | DVCS (common session with Spin WG) (slides) (writeup) |
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J Turnau (H1): | Single Inclusive Jet Photoproduction (slides) (writeup) |
A Lupi (ZEUS): | Structure of Real and Virtual Photons (slides) (writeup) |
M Lightwood (ZEUS): | Virtual Photon Structure with Charm (slides) (writeup) |
K Sedlak (H1): | Dijet Production at low Q2 (slides) (writeup) |
C Gwenlan (ZEUS): | Multijet Photoproduction (slides) (writeup) |
G Frising (H1): | Dijet Photoproduction (slides) (writeup) |
G Grindhammer (H1): | Dijet Electroproduction at Small Jet Separation (slides) (writeup) |
C Schwanenberger (H1): | Three-jet Production in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
S Hillert (ZEUS): | Jet Structure in NC, CC and Charm Jets (slides) (writeup) |
J Wagner (H1): | D* - Muon Correlations and D-meson production in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
S Robins (ZEUS): | D* Production in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
S Padhi (ZEUS): | Charm Fragmentation and Dijet Angular Distribution (slides) (writeup) |
M Turcato (ZEUS): | Beauty Photoproduction (slides) (writeup) |
K Krueger (H1): | Inelastic J/psi Photo- and Electroproduction (slides) (writeup) |
M Derrick (ZEUS): | Bose-Einstein Correlations (slides) (writeup) |
L Goerlich (H1): | Forward Pi0 Production (slides) (writeup) |
D Ozerov (H1): | Photoproduction of Protons (slides) (writeup) |
S Boogert (ZEUS): | Strangeness Production at HERA (slides) |
B Koblitz (H1): | Search for QCD Instantons in DIS (slides) (writeup) |
B Leissner (H1): | Muon Pair Production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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J Haller (H1): | SUSY at HERA - Results and Prospects (slides) (writeup) |
J Sztuk (ZEUS): | Leptoquark Search (slides) (writeup) |
A Weber (ZEUS): | Search for Excited Fermions (slides) (writeup) |
C Genta (ZEUS): | LFV (slides) (writeup) |
N Malden (H1): | high pt leptons + W + t, lepton pairs (slides) (writeup) |
S Schmitt (H1): | Contact interactions (slides) (writeup) |
A Mehta (H1): | HERA upgrade and future prospects (slides) (writeup) |
J Boehme (H1): | Polarimetry at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
DESYsem1405 | DESY Forum |
14 May | DESY, Hamburg |
Y Sirois (H1): | Searches Beyond the S M at Existing Colliders (slides) |
PRC_May | 3. Open Session of the DESY Physics Research Commitee |
16 May | DESY, Hamburg |
P. Schleper (H1): | H1 status amd perspectives (slides) |
K. Long (ZEUS): | ZEUS status and perspectives (slides) |
Glueballs2002 | Workshop on Central Prod of Glueballs... |
17 - 18 May | BNL |
FP Schilling: | Diffraction (slides) |
MESON | 7th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction |
24 - 28 May | Cracow, Poland |
J Olsson (H1): | Meson production and spectroscopy at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
HQL2002 | International Workshop on Quarks and Leptons |
27 May - 1 June 2002 | Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy |
L Gladilin (ZEUS): | Production of Heavy Flavours in ee, ep and pp scattering (slides) |
ScientificCouncil | Open Session of the Scientific Council of DESY |
3 June 2002 | DESY |
T Greenshaw (H1): | New results from HERA (slides) |
QUARKS2002 | 12th International Seminar on High Energy Physics |
1 - 7 June 2002 | Novgorod, Russia |
J Chwastowski (ZEUS): | Physics results and future plans of ZEUS experiment (slides) (writeup) |
SUSY02 | 10th International Conference on Supersymmetry in Physics |
17 - 23 Jun 2002 | Hamburg |
Y Sirois (H1): | SUSY and Exotics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
D Dannheim (ZEUS): | FCNC and LFV searches at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
PIC | XXII Physics in Collision Conference |
20 - 22 June | Stanford, Ca |
D Milstead (H1): | Precision pQCD at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
R Devenish (ZEUS): | low x Physics at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
25 - 29 June | Vancouver, Canada |
R Gerhards (H1): | Open Heavy Quark production at HERA (slides) |
R Brugnera (ZEUS): | Charmonium Production at HERA (slides) |
QCD02 | High-Energy Physics International Conferences |
2 - 9 July | Montpellier, France |
G Bruni (ZEUS): | Heavy Flavour Production at HERA |
A Buniatian (H1): | Measurements of Inclusive and Exclusive Diffraction (slides) |
L Stanco (ZEUS): | Structure Functions of Proton and Photon (slides) |
S Caron (H1): | Jet Production at HERA (slides) |
PRAHASPIN | High-Energy Physics International Conferences |
14 - 27 July | Prague, Czech Republic |
A Valkarova (H1): | DVCS (slides) |
ATLAScal | Workshop on Energy Calibration of the ATLAS calorimters |
21 -24 July 2002 | Ringbery, Germany |
V Chekelian (H1): | Electron Calibration in H1 (slides) |
J Marks (H1): | Hadronic Calibration in H1 (slides) |
A Tapper (ZEUS): | Electron Calibration in ZEUS (slides) |
A Taper (ZEUS): | Hadronic Calibration in ZEUS (slides) |
ICHEPPreview2002 | Preview of results released for the Amsterdam conference |
23 July 2002 | Hamburg, Germany |
R Stamen (H1): | Recent Results from H1 (slides) |
T Carli (ZEUS): | Recent Results from ZEUS (slides) |
ICHEP02 | XXXI International Conference on High Energy Physics |
24 - 31 July | Amsterdam, NL |
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K Long (ZEUS): | QCD at High Energy (slides) (writeup) |
N Makins (HERMES): | QCD at Low Energy (slides) |
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M Sutton (ZEUS) : | Jet Production in DIS at HERA (slides) |
G Grindhammer (H1) : | Photoproduction of Jets at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Z Zhang (H1): | H1 Structure Function results (slides) (writeup) |
A Kappes (ZEUS): | ZEUS Structure Function results (slides) (writeup) |
C Grab (H1): | Charm Production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
V Chiochia (ZEUS): | Beauty Production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
H Jung (H1): | Parton dynamics and identified particles (slides) (writeup) |
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FP Schilling (H1): | Inclusive Diffraction at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
A Savin (ZEUS) : | Diffractive Charm and Jet Production (slides) |
A Bruni (ZEUS): | Vector Meson production at HERA (slides) |
T Berndt (H1): | Odderon Searches at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
W Schmidke (ZEUS): | Leading protons and Neutrons (slides) |
J Volmer (HERMES): | DVCS (slides) |
K Hatakeyama (CDF): | Rapidity gaps in ppbar, ep, ee (slides) |
M Siebel (LEP): | Fragmentation of Quarks and Gluons (slides) |
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C Diaconu (H1): | Lepton pair production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
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B Straub (ZEUS): | Mini-review on leptoquarks, LFV at HERA, LEP, Tevatron (slides) (writeup) |
L Bellagamba (ZEUS): | Excited fermions, RPV SUSY and Other HERA Searches (slides) (writeup) |
J Dingfelder (H1): | Search for BSM signatures with high pt leptons at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
M Kobel (LEP): | Mini-review on other signatures of new Physics (slides) |
G Bernardi (D0): | Mini-review on low scale gravity and extra-dimensions (slides) |
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D Pitzl: | The H1 Detector for HERA II (slides) |
SSI2002 | 30th SLAC Summer Institute |
5 - 16 August | Stanford, CA |
F Sefkow (H1): | Heavy Quark Physics at HERA (slides) |
BeijingQCD | International Conference on Advanced Topics in QCD |
5 - 9 August | Beijing, China |
E Rizvi (H1): | Structure functions (F2, FL, xF3, F2D, etc.) (slides) |
T Haas (ZEUS): | Final states (HQ, jets, alphas) |
Diffraction | Conference on Diffractive Physics |
31 Aug - 6 Sep 2002 | Alushta, Crimea |
M Capua (ZEUS): | Recent results on diffractive structure functions from H1 and ZEUS |
A Savin (ZEUS): | Exclusive diffractive reactions -- vector meson production and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering |
MC Petrucci (ZEUS): | Recent results on leading baryon production from H1 and ZEUS |
ISMD | XXXII Internation Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
7 - 13 Sep | Alushta, Crimea |
J Gayler (H1): | Structure Functions at HERA (20') (slides) (writeup) |
A Valkarova (H1): | Review ep Scattering at low Q2 (slides) |
J Gayler (H1): | Experimental Approach to low x at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
R Ciesielski (ZEUS): | Review exclusive processes (VM and DVCS and Odderons...) (slides) |
P Laycock (H1): | Measurement and QCD analysis of Inclusive Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
RADCOR02 | 6th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections |
8-13 Sep 2002 | Kloster Banz, German |
M Klein (H1): | Structure Functions at HERA - Status and Future (30min+10) (slides) (writeup) |
Lowx_WS_02 | Low x workshop '02 |
16 - 19 Sep 2002 | Antwerpen, Belgium |
T Lastovica (H1) : | H1 Inclusive Measuements and QCD fits (slides) |
A CooperSarkar (ZEUS): | ZEUS Inclusive Measuements and QCD fits |
P Newman: | H1 F2D and Leading Baryon Measurements / QCD Fits (slides) |
A Garfagnini: | ZEUS F2D and Leading Baryon Measurements (slides) |
S Schaetzel : | H1 + ZEUS Final States in Diffraction (slides) |
D Brown: | H1 + ZEUS Vector Meson Production (slides) |
J Cole: | H1 + ZEUS Gaps Between Jets at HERA (slides) |
M. Karlsson: | H1 + ZEUS Forward Jets and pi0 at HERA (slides) |
HS02 | Hadron Structure '02 |
22 - 27 Sep 2002 | Herlany, Slovakia |
C Duprel (H1): | Structure Functions at HERA (slides) |
R HallWilton (ZEUS): | Charm and Beauty Production at HERA (slides) |
Jan Figiel: | Production of Vector Mesons at HERA (slides) |
Y Coppens (H1): | Measurements of Inclusive Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
V Lendermann (H1): | The Photonic Structure of Protons in ep Collisions (slides) (writeup) |
HCP2002 | XIVth Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics |
29 Sep - 4 Oct | Karlsruhe, Germany |
C Niebuhr (H1) invited: | HERA and its experiments (slides) |
H Schnurbusch (ZEUS): | Proton structure (slides) |
O Behnke (H1): | Low-x physics, ep scattering in the vicinity of hadronic i.a. (slides) |
A Meyer (H1): | Heavy Quark production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
O Gonzalez (ZEUS): | Jet production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
A Levy (ZEUS): | Measurements of diffractive processes at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
E Gallo (ZEUS): | Isolated lepton signatures at HERA (slides) |
Y Sirois: | Searches, discovery windows, expected signatures at HERA (slides) |
V Lendermann (H1): | Event generators at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
B Koblitz (H1): | Multivariate Analysis Techniques for Final State Reconstruction (slides) |
S Chekanov (ZEUS): | Jet Reconstruction Algorithms (slides) |
PANIC | XVI International Conference on Particles and Nuclei |
30 Sep - 4 Oct | Osaka, JP |
R Stamen (H1): | Recent topics from structure-function measurements at HERA (slides) |
P Bussey (ZEUS): | Heavy-meson production in ep scattering (slides) |
P Busey (ZEUS): | Jet physics at HERA (slides) |
Y Yamazaki (ZEUS): | QCD interpretation of diffraction in ep collisions (slides) |
IWFS | First International Workshop on Frontier Science |
6 - 11 Oct | Frascati, Italy |
A Meyer (H1): | Charmonium Production (slides) (writeup) |
D Saxon (ZEUS): | Heavy Quark Production (slides) |
DESYsem2210 | DESY Seminar |
22 October | DESY, Hamburg |
H Jung (H1): | kT Factorisation and CCFM (slides) |
PRC_Oct | Open Session of the DESY Physics Research Commitee |
30 October | DESY, Hamburg |
B List (H1): | H1 status amd perspectives (slides) |
E Tassi (ZEUS): | ZEUS status and perspectives |
XMSPF2002 | 10th Mexican School of Particles and Fields |
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2002 | Playa del Carmen, Mexico |
E Elsen (H1): | ep scattering at large momentum transfer and high (slides) |
D Wegener (H1): | The structure of shadow-diffraction at HERA (slides) |
IQCD2002India | QCD 2002 in India |
18 - 22 Nov 2002 | Kanpur, India |
Andy Mehta H1: | Review of H1 and ZEUS Structure Function Measurements (slides) |