Sergey Levonian

A member of the H1 Collaboration

I can be found at one of the following sites:

Location DESY (1c-EG.311) Moscow
Postal address
DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, GERMANY
HEP Department, LPI R.A.S., Leninsky pr.53, 117924 Moscow, RUSSIA
E-mail Retired as of July 2018
Phone +49 40 8998 3767 +7 499 132-61-68
Fax +49 40 8998 3093 +7 495 938-22-51

Selection of research topics

Fields of interst & activity in H1

  • DESY Open Day (7-Nov-2015)

    Last update: 10.06.2022