| Fifth Workshop on QCD
| 3-7 Jan 2000, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France:
| C Ginsburg (ZEUS): DIS Results from HERA
| G Knies (H1): HERA Results on Elastic Hadronic and Sub-Hadronic Diffraction Transparencies
 | Sixth Workshop in High Energy Physics Phenomenology
| 3-15 Jan 03, 2000, Chennai (Madras), India:
| B Heinemann (H1): Recent Results from HERA: H1, Zeus and Hermes Transparencies write-up
 | 16TH Nordic meeting in particle physics
| 4-10 Jan 2000, Oslo, Norway:
| R Walczak (ZEUS): Recent results from HERA (55')
 | 2000 Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics
| 16-22 Jan 2000, Aspen, Colorado, USA
| S Schlenstedt (ZEUS Zeuthen): Lepton-Parton Physics at Large Momentum Transfer
 | 2000 Lake Louise Winter Institute
| 20-26 Feb 2000, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
Lake Louise
| B Reisert (H1): DIS at large momentum transfer at HERA
| R Galea (ZEUS Toronto): Searches beyond the SM at HERA
| J Phillips (H1): Low Q2 Physics and the Transition Region of pQCD
| R Graciani (ZEUS DESY): Perturbative QCD
 | QNP2000 - International Conference on Quark Nuclear Physics
| 21-25 Feb 2000, Adelaide, Australia
| D Wegener (H1): The Parton Structure of Protons and Photons
measured at the ep Storage Ring HERA
 | 14th Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste
| 26 Feb-3 Mar 2000, La Thuile, Valle d'Aoste, Italy
La Thuile
| B
Clerbaux (ZEUS): Results on Diffraction at HERA and TEVATRON (30') transparencies writeup
| G Iacobucci (ZEUS): Structure Functions Measurements at HERA (30')
 | 3rd International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics
| 3-17 Mar 2000, Adelaide, Australia,
 | International Symposium on "Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement"
| 7-10 Mar 2000, Osaka, Japan:
 | Moriond Conference on Electroweak Interactions and
Unified Theories
| 11-18 Mar 2000, Les Arcs, France:
XXXVth Rencontres de Moriond
| R Walker (ZEUS IC): High Q2 Charged and Neutral Current Results from HERA
| G Raedel (H1 Saclay): Searches at HERA
Transparencies write-up
 | Moriond Conference on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions
| 18-25 Mar 2000, Les Arcs, France:
XXXVth Rencontres de Moriond
| P Bussey (ZEUS Glasgow): Inclusive Prompt Photon Production and DVCS at HERA
| C Diaconu (H1 Marseille): Proton Structure at High Q2
| O Ruske (ZEUS Oxford): The Soft -> pQCD Interface Region at HERA
| J Meyer (H1 DESY): Jets in Electroproduction
Transparencies write-up
| G McCance (ZEUS Glasgow): Event Shapes and Power Correction Results from HERA
| H Jung (Lund Univ.): Photon Structure
Transparencies write-up
| A Solano (ZEUS DESY): Inclusive studies of Diffraction
| B Naroska (H1 Hamburg): Vector Meson Production
| O Behnke (H1 DESY): Heavy Flavours and QCD transparencies write-up
 | DPG Particle Physics
| 20-24 Mar 2000, Dresden, Germany:
| W Zeuner: ep-Physik bei höchsten Energien und Suche nach neuen Phänomemen
| H-C Schultz-Coulon: Untersuchung der Partondynamik am ep-Speicherring HERA
 | Workshop on the Nucleon Structure in High x-Bjorken Region
| 30 Mar-1 Apr 2000, Temple University, Jefferson Lab, Philadelphia, PA, USA:
| M Klein (DESY Zeuthen): Deep Inelastic Scattering at large x
 | 5th International Workshop on Heavy Quark Physics
| 4-9 Apr 2000, Dubna, Russia:
| A Rostovtsev (H1): Elastic Diffraction J/PSI and Upsilon Production at HERA
| N Coppola (ZEUS): Open Charm and Beauty at HERA
 | Annual Conference of the IoP High Energy Particle Physics Group
| 11-13 Apr 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland (U.K.):
| N Brook (ZEUS Bristol) : QCD at HERA
 | Symposium on Phenomenology for the Nu Century
| 17-19 Apr 2000, Madison, WI, USA:
| W Erdmann (ETH Zurich) transparencies
 | 8th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD
| 25-30 Apr 2000, Liverpool, UK:
| Plenary talks
| M Erdmann: Hadronic structure functions
| Y Yamazaki: QCD tests in lepton-proton collisions
| R Yoshida: Physics at the highest Q2 and pT2
| WG1 Structure functions
| N Tuning (ZEUS): Proton structure functions F2 and xF3 at ZEUS
| D Eckstein (H1): Measurement of F2 and FL Structure Functions with H1
| T Kurca (H1): Scaling Violation Analysis of the H1 F2 Data
Transparencies write-up
| E Heaphy (ZEUS): Recent Results in High E_T Photoproduction
| A Valkarova (H1): Real and Virtual Photon structure
Transparencies write-up
| J Scott (ZEUS): Structure Functions at low and x and Q2 at ZEUS
Transparencies write-up
| WG2 Tests of QCD
| Convenors (H1+ZEUS): Working Group Summary
| T Schoerner (H1): Single-Inclusive Jets in DIS at Low Q2 at HERA (30')
| R Poeschl (H1): Dijet Rates in DIS (30')
Transparencies write-up
| D Chapin (ZEUS): Dijet Cross Sections from Low to Highest Q2Transparencies
| A Caron (H1): Three Jet Production in DIS and gamma-p (30')
Transparencies write-up
| T Hadig (H1): The Strong Coupling and the Gluon Density from Jets in DIS (30')
Transparencies write-up
| N Brook (ZEUS): Azimuthal Asymmetries in DIS
Transparencies write-up
| S Maxfield (H1): Current Issues in Low E_T Real and Virtual Photoproduction (15')
| M Wing (ZEUS): Photon structure
Transparencies write-up
| K Rabbertz (H1): Event Shapes and Power Corrections in ep DIS (15')
Transparencies write-up
| U Wollmer (ZEUS): Event Shapes and Power Corrections in DIS Transparencies
| D Milstead (H1): Current Issues in Fragmentation in DIS (30')
| D Ozerov (H1): Baryon-Antibaryon Asymmetry in Photoproduction (30')
| L Gladilin (ZEUS): D* and Ds Production at HERA and Comparison to NLO
| T Kuhr (H1): Open Beauty Cross Section at HERA (30')
| K Krueger (H1): Inelastic J/psi Production at HERA (30')
| SW Lee (ZEUS): Prompt Photons in Photoproduction at HERA
| S Mikocki (H1): Search for QCD Instantons-induced Processes in DIS at HERA (30')
Transparencies write-up
| WG3 Physics at highest Q2 and Pt
| E Rizvi (H1): NC and CC DIS at High Q2 (30')
| A Kappes (ZEUS): NC/CC DIS at very high Q2 Transparencies
| N Malden (H1): W Production and High Pt isolated leptons at HERA (30')
| J Repond (ZEUS): High Pt jets in photoproduction at HERA Transparencies
| F Keil (H1): Dijets in CC and NC DIS at high Q2 at HERA (30')
| A Fox-Murphy (ZEUS): Searches for Leptoquarks and R-parity violating Susy at HERA
| J Scheins (H1): Contact Interactions and Large Extra-Dimensions at HERA (30')
| MC Cousinou (H1): Searches for Excited Fermions at HERA (30')
| R Kerger (ZEUS): Lepton Flavor Violation at HERA
| K Long (ZEUS IC): Future High Q2 Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Transparencies (pdf) (ppt)
| WG4 High energy scattering and diffraction
| A Wyatt (H1): Energy Flow between Jets in gamma-p Collisions at HERA (30')
Transparencies write-up
| M Capua (ZEUS): New results on F2D from ZEUS Transparencies
| C Ginsburg (ZEUS): A measurement of the total photon-proton cross section
| F P Schilling (H1): Diffractive Dijet and 3-jet Electroproduction at HERA (30')
Transparencies write-up
| A Bruni (ZEUS): Elastic J/psi photoproduction (including psi', Y) Transparencies
| D Schmidt (H1): Elastic and proton-dissociative Vector Meson production at high Q2 or large |t| (30')
b/w slides Writeup
| R Stamen (H1): DVCS at HERA (30')
| M Martinez (ZEUS): Observation of 3 jets in diffractive DIS Transparencies
| W Schmidke (ZEUS): Leading Baryon Production in ep Scattering at HERA
| J Cole (ZEUS): Diffractive D* productionTransparencies
| L Favart (H1): The H1 Roman Pots for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (30')
Transparencies writeup
 | International Symposium on Evolution Equations and Large Order Estimates in QCD
| 1-4 May 2000, Gatchina (SPINP), Russia:
| B Levchenko (ZEUS): Status of the instanton search at HERA
 | PRC
| 4 May 2000, Open Session, DESY:
| L Gladilin
(ZEUS) ZEUS report
(H1) H1 report
 | 2nd Tropical Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology Neutrino and Flavor Physics
| 1-6 May 2000, San Juan, Puerto Rico:
 | 8th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors. "Frontier Detectors for Frontier
| 11-27 May 2000, Isola d'Elba, Italy:
| A Schoening:
A Fast Track Trigger for the H1 Collaboration
| A Specka:
Test Beam Results of the Quartz Fibre Calorimeter for the H1 Luminosity Measurement
 | Fourth Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD
| 12-14 May 2000, Minneapolis, MN, USA:
 | 11th International Seminar on High Energy Physics
| 13-21 May 2000, Pushkin, Russia:
 | MESON2000 Workshop
| 19-23 May 2000, Cracow, Poland:
| D Bruncko (H1): Vector meson production in photoproduction write-up
 | 7th Conference on Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics
| 22-28 May 2000, Quebec, Ontario, Canada:
| T Doyle
(ZEUS): Structure Functions at High Q2 transparencies writeup transparencies
| C Cormack (ZEUS): Structure Functions at Very High Q2 from HERA (25')
Transparencies writeup
| S Levonian (H1) Structure Functions at Low x and Low Q2 from HERA
| S Levonian (H1) Diffractive Physics at HERA
 | Crimea Summer-School Seminar: New trends in HEP
| 27 May-4 June 2000, Crimea, Ukraine:
| G Buschhorn (H1): Instantons writeup
 | CTEQ Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology
| 30 May-7 Jun 2000, Lake Geneva, WI, USA:
| 14-17 Jun 2000, Marseilles, France: ? sewm@cpt.univ-mrs.fr
 | 8th International Conference on Supersymmetries in Physics
| 26 Jun - 1 Jul 2000 , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland:
| B Straub (DESY Zeuthen)
 | 4th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons
| 27-30 Jun 2000, Valencia, Spain:
| A. Polini (ZEUS) J/psi and Upsilon (20')
| Y. Tsipolitis (H1) Open Charm and Beauty (20')
 | XXth International Conference on Physics in Collision
| 29 Jun-01 Jul 2000, Lisbon, Portugal:
| N Cartiglia (ZEUS): Diffraction transparencies
| G Cozzika (H1): High Q2 Results from HERA
transparencies write-up
 | 15th High-Energy Physics International Euroconference in Quantum Chromodynamics
| 6-13th July 2000, Montpellier, France:
QCD Euroconference 2000
| M Inuzuka (ZEUS) Diffraction (30') transparencies
| D Reyna (H1) Structure Functions (30') transparencies write-up
| M Sutton (ZEUS) High Pt jets (20') transparencies
| B Andrieu (H1) Final States (20') transparencies write-up
 | IVth Rencontres du Vietnam, International Conference on Physics at Extreme Energies
| 19-25 Jul 2000, Hanoi, Vietnam:
| S Bhadra write-up
 | XXXth International Conference on High Energy Physics
| 27 July-2 August 2000, Osaka, Japan:
UK mirror site
| Invited plenary talks
| R Nania: Hard Interaction Processes (High Q2 : DIS, Jets)
| P Schleper: Soft Interaction Process (Low Q2 : diffraction, two-photon and spin structure) transparencies write-up
| PA02: Soft interaction processes
| B Mellado
(ZEUS) Photo and electro production of VM at HERA(incl. large t) transparencies, write-up
| L Favart (H1) Deeply virtual compton scattering at HERA transparencies write-up
| P Newman (H1) Inclusive diffraction at HERA transparencies write-up
| M Martinez (ZEUS) Final states in diffraction at HERA transparencies
| J Butterworth (ZEUS) Dijet production transparencies
| S Levonian (H1) Low Q2 F2p and total gamma-p cross section transparencies writeup
| T Wildschek (ZEUS) Leading n and p production at HERA transparencies
| A Pellegrino (ZEUS) Low-x F2p and Fl and phenomenological studies
| PA03: Hard interaction processes
| H-U Martyn (H1) Event shapes and other QCD measurements at HERA transparencies write-up
| J Gayler (H1) Inclusive jets in DIS write-up
| E Tassi (ZEUS) QCD analysis of multijets transparencies
| N Brook
(ZEUS) Multiplicity studies at HERA transparencies
| E de Wolf (H1) QCD instanton studies transparencies write-up
| K Nagano (ZEUS) Proton structure at high Q2 transparencies
| F Zomer (H1) Proton structure at medium Q2
| E Tzamariudaki (H1) Charm contributions to the proton structure
function transparencies write-up
| S Magill (ZEUS) Prompt photon production at colliders (HERA and the Tevatron) transparencies
| PA07: Heavy flavour physics
| A Bertolin (ZEUS) Production of charmonia and upsilon mesons at
HERA transparencies
| F Sefkow (H1) Open charm and beauty production at HERA transparencies write-up
| PA11: Search for new particles and phenomena
| L Stanco (ZEUS) Rp-violating SUSY at HERA transparencies
| A Mehta (H1) Leptoquarks and Flavour Violation at HERA transparencies write-up
| A Sabet-fakhri (ZEUS) Excited fermions at HERA transparencies
| C Niebuhr (H1) Contact interactions at HERA transparencies write-up
 | 28th SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics: Neutrinos from the Lab, the Sun, and the Cosmos
| 14 - 25 Aug 2000, Stanford, CA, USA:
| J Engelen (ZEUS) QCD at HERA
| T Hadig (H1) lepton-proton physics at High Q2 transparencies write-up
 | International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon including the 13th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions
| 26-31 August 2000, Ambleside, England:
Photon 2000
M Wing (ZEUS) Introduction to high-p_T inclusives transparencies write-up
| H Mahlke (H1) Photoproduction with leading protons transparencies write-up
| A Wyatt (H1) Energy flow between large rap gap jets in photop. write-up
| C Johnson [C Goodwin (H1)] Diffraction, F2D3 transparencies write-up
| B List (H1) Diffractive dijet and 3-jets electroproduction at HERA. transparencies, writeup
| R Stamin (H1) DVCS
| K Klimek (ZEUS) Vector mesons at high t transparencies
| S Maxfield (H1) Dijet in php and photon structure
| A Buniatian (H1) Dijets with forward neutrons transparencies write-up
| J Terron (ZEUS) Dijet production in photoproduction Transparencies
| C Glasman (ZEUS) Jet substructure
transparencies writeup
| C Glasman (ZEUS) Virtual photon structure
transparencies writeup
| J Terron (ZEUS) Prompt Photon Production at HERA Transparencies
| S Maxfield (H1)Dijets in DIS and virtual photon structure
| K Daum (H1) Charm and Bottom production at H1
| D Hochman (ZEUS) Charm production at ZEUS transparencies, write-up
| A Savin (ZEUS) Photoproduction of J/psi
| T Abe (ZEUS) Electroproduction of Charmonium
| S Kananov
(ZEUS) Electroproduction of Rhos transparencies
 | International Workshop on Diffraction in High Energy Physics
| 2-7 Sep 2000, Cetraro (Cosenza), Italy:
| L Adamczyk (ZEUS) Results on Vector Meson Production at HERA Transparencies
| D Reyna
(H1) DVCS transparencies write-up
| R Wichmann (ZEUS) Topology of the hadronic final state in diffractive dis,
including jet production transparencies
| P Thompson
(H1) diffractive open charm production transparencies
| M Capua (ZEUS) F2D at small Q2
| P Marage (H1) Diffraction at HERA and Prospects with H1 write-up
 | International Workshop on Skewed Parton Distribution and Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
| 11-12 Sep 2000, DESY, Germany:
| P Bussey (ZEUS)
 | 5th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections
| 11-15 Sep 2000, Carmel, California. USA:
| R Yoshida (ZEUS) Low-x and Diffraction Transparencies write-up
 | XVth International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
| 14-20 Sep 2000, Tver, Russia:
| A Proskuryakov (ZEUS) Diffraction Transparencies
| N Brummer (ZEUS) Searches Transparencies
| D Eckstein (H1) Proton structure
| J Turnau (H1) Photon structure write-up
| B Levchenko (ZEUS) Status of the instanton search at HERA
 | DESY Theory Workshop on CP violation and B physics
| 26-29 Sep
2000, DESY, Germany:
| R Devenish (ZEUS)
 | International Conference on Hadron Structure
| 2-8 Oct 2000, Stara Lesna, High Tatras Mountains, Slovakia:
Hadron Structure'2000
| R Cross (ZEUS) Low Q2 structure functions
| C Foudas (ZEUS) Photon structure
| M zurNedden
(H1) High Q2 processes transparencies write-up
| P vanMechelen (H1) Diffraction transparencies write-up
 | 5th Workshop on Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target
| 9-12 Oct 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:
| Andreas Meyer
(H1) Heavy Quark Production at HERA (Heavy Quark Physics at HERA) transparencies write-up
| Arnd Meyer
(H1) Quarkonium Production Writeup
 | 30th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics
| 9-15 Oct 2000, Tihany, Lake Balaton, Hungary:
| M Cooper-Sakar Low-x and F2
| S Levonian (H1) Diffraction transparencies
| B Cox (H1) BFKL searches
| HC
Schultz-Coulon (H1) Jet physics transparencies writeup
| L Shcheglova
(ZEUS) Final state studies transparencies
 | Symposium on the 30 years of Supersymmetry and Workshop on Supersymmetry
| 13-15 Oct 2000, Minneapolis, MN, USA:
 | PRC
| 19 Oct 2000, Open Session, DESY:
| A Garfagnini
(ZEUS) ZEUS Physics and Upgrade transparencies
(H1) H1 Physics and Upgrade
 | First Workshop on Forward Physics and Luminosity Determination at the LHC
| 31.10-03.11.2000, Helsinki, Finland:
| P. Marage
(H1) Diffraction at HERA
 | DESY Forum
| 30 Nov 2000, Extended Seminar on Low-x Physics and Saturation, DESY:
| R Yoshida
| M Klein
 | 68th Plenary ECFA
| 1 Dec 2000, DESY:
| A Mehta HERA
Physics: Status and Prospects transparencies
 | Russian Academy of Science (RAS) Nuclear Physics 2000 Conference
| 27 Nov - 2 Dec 2000, Moscow, Russia:
| I.A.Korzhavina Measurement of D*+/- diffractive cross sections in photoproduction at HERA