LLWI2012 | Lake Louise Winter Institute |
19.02.2012 - 25.02.2012 | Lake Louise
F. Corriveau (ZEUS):
| QCD and alpha_S at HERA
Diff2012-LHC | Exclusive and diffractive processes in pp and nucleus-nucleus collisions |
27.02.2012 - 02.03.2012 | Trento, Italy
J. Figiel (ZEUS):
| Diffraction at HERA
MORQCD2012 | Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High Energy Interactions |
10.03.2012 - 17.03.2012 | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
Denys Lontkovskyi (ZEUS):
| Structure functions measurements at HERA and their impact for LHC
Mikhail Kapichine (H1):
| Diffraction at HERA
Hayk Pirumov (H1):
| Searches at HERA
DIS2012 | XX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects |
26. - 30.03.2012 | Bonn, Germany
Session: Plenary
Iris Abt (ZEUS):
| Precision measurements of the proton structure
Karin Daum (H1):
| Precise QCD measurements at HERA
Session: Structure Functions
Voica Radescu (H1):
| HERAFitter
F. Januschek (ZEUS):
| e+p high Q2 neutral current cross sections and structure function xF3
Krysztof Nowak (H1):
| NLO QCD analysis of inclusive, charm and jet data from HERA (HERAPDF1.7)
Stefan Schmitt (H1):
| Luminosity Measurement at HERA with Elastic QED Compton Events
Session: Diffraction and Vector Mesons
J. Ciborowski (ZEUS):
| Measurement of the t dependence in exclusive photoproduction of Upsilon (1S) mesons at HERA
J. Tomaszewska (ZEUS) :
| Exclusive electroproduction of two pions at HERA
V. Sola (ZEUS):
| Combined inclusive diffractive cross sections measured with forward proton spectrometers at HERA
David Salek (H1):
| Measurement of the Diffractive Longitudinal Structure Function F_L^D at HERA
Hamlet Zohrabyan (H1):
| Measurement of Photon Production in the Very Forward Direction in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Richard Polifka (H1):
| Measurement of Dijet Production in Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering with a Leading Proton at HERA
Emmanuel Sauvan (H1):
| Inclusive Measurement of Diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Session: Electroweak and Searches
S. Antonelli (ZEUS):
| Search for Single top and leptoquark production at HERA
T. Nobe (ZEUS) :
| Elastic Z0 production at HERA
Hayk Pirumov (H1):
| Search for Contact Interactions and First Generation Leptoquarks in ep Collisions at HERA
Session: Hadronic Final States
Iris Abt (ZEUS):
| Scaled Momentum Distributions for K^0_s and Lambda/anti-Lambda in DIS at HERA
O. Kuprash (ZEUS):
| Isolated photons+jet in DIS
E. Paul (ZEUS):
| Inclusive jets in PHP
Lidia Goerlich (H1):
| Measurement of the Azimuthal Correlation between the most Forward Jet and the Scattered Positron in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Daniel Britzger (H1):
| Normalised Multi-jet Cross Sections using Regularised Unfolding and Extractions of alpha_s(M_Z) in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at high Q^2 at HERA
Daniel Britzger (H1):
| New features in version 2 of the fastNLO project
Session: Heavy Flavors
A. Gizhko (ZEUS):
| Measurement of charm production in DIS with D* mesons and extraction of F2cc
V. Libov (ZEUS):
| Charm production in DIS using inclusive secondary vertices and extraction of F2cc
G. Dolinska (ZEUS):
| Charm fragmentation fractions in PHP
Eva Hennekemper (H1):
| Measurement of D* Meson Production and Determination of F2cc at low Q2 in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Zlatka Staykova (H1):
| Measurement of Inclusive D* Meson and D* Meson Dijet Cross Sections in Photoproduction at HERA
CHEP12 | Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 |
21.05.2012 - 25.05.2012 | New York, United States of America
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS):
| The ZEUS Data Preservation Project (Poster)
Michael Steder (H1):
| The H1 Data Preservation Project (Poster)
Blois2012 | Rencontre de Blois |
27.05.2012 - 01.06.2012 | Chateau Royal de Blois, France
Olena Bachynska (ZEUS):
| Precise proton structure determination from inclusive DIS and heavy flavors production at HERA
Armen Buniatyan (H1):
| Final states and diffraction in ep collisions at HERA
CIPANP | Eleventh Conferene on the Interactions of Particle and Nuclear Physics |
28.05.2012 - 03.06.2012 | St. Petersburg, Florida
Grzegorz Grzelak (ZEUS):
| Vector mesons at HERA
Cristinel Diaconu (H1):
| Precise proton structure determinations with HERA data and beyond
ICFP2012 | 1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics |
10.6. - 16.6.2012 | Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Shiraz Habib (H1):
| Structure Function Measurements and QCD results from HERA
LOWX2012 | Low x workshop on deep inelastic scattering, diffraction, final states and related subject |
27.06.2012 - 30.06.2012 | Paphos, Cyprus
M. Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS):
| HERAPDF, status and new developments
Leszek Zawiejski (ZEUS):
| Scaled momentum distributions for K0s and Lambda in DIS
Janusz Malka (ZEUS):
| Inelastic charmonium production in PHP
Janusz Malka (ZEUS):
| Measurement of the t-slope of the exclusive Upsilon (1S) photoproduction
Denys Lontkovskyi (ZEUS):
| Inclusive jets in photoproduction
Mikhail Kapichine (H1):
| Inclusive diffractive combination at HERA using spectrometers
Michel Sauter (H1):
| Charm production and F2cc
Sergey Levonian (H1) :
| Isolated photons production at HERA
Alice Valkarova (H1):
| Measurement of inclusive diffraction using LRG method
Roman Kogler (H1):
| New jet cross section measurements in DIS and extraction of alpha_S
QCD12 | 16th International Conference in Quantum Chromo Dymamics |
02.07.2012 - 06.07.2012 | Montpellier, France
Joerg Behr (ZEUS):
| Precision QCD at HERA
Vladimir Chekelian (H1):
| Proton structure measurements from HERA to LHC
HSQCD'2012 | Hadron Structure and QCD |
4.07.2012-08.07.2012 | Gatchina (near St. Petersburg), Russia
Antje Huettmann (ZEUS):
| Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model at ZEUS
ICHEP2012 | 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics |
4.07.2012-11.07.2012 | Melbourne, Australia
Session: ZEUS talks
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS) :
| Jet Physics at HERA
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS):
| Elastic Z0 production at HERA
Masaki Ishitsuka (ZEUS):
| Study of tau-pair production at HERA
Achim Geiser (ZEUS):
| Charm production in DIS at HERA
Achim Geiser (ZEUS):
| High Q2 Neutral Current new results from ZEUS
Alessandro Bertolin (ZEUS):
| Heavy quark production in DIS at HERA
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS):
| Search for resonance decays to lepton+jet at HERA and
Sampa Bhadra (ZEUS):
| Exclusive VM production at HERA
Session: Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Gerhard Brandt (H1):
| Search for R_p_Violating Squarks
Session: BSM-non-SUSY, Exotics
David South (H1):
| Search for First Generation Leptoquarks
Eram Rizvi (H1):
| Search for Contact Interactions
David South (H1) :
| Search for Lepton Flavour Violation
Session: QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Richard Polifka (H1):
| Di-jet Production in Diffraction in DIS
Zhiqing Zhang (H1):
| Inclusive DIS (high Q2, QEDC and FL)
Ringaile Placakyte (H1):
Anastasia Grebenyuk (H1):
| Particle Production at HERA
Michel Sauter (H1):
| Heavy Quark Photoproduction at HERA
David Salek (H1):
| Diffractive cross sections in DIS at HERA
L. Goerlich, P. Sopicki (H1):
| Azimuthal correlations (Poster)
Session: Detectors and Computing for HEP
David South (H1) :
| The DPHEP Study Group Data Preservation in High Energy Physics
BEACH2012 | Tenth International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons |
23.07. - 28.07.2012 | Wichita State University, Kansas, USA
Kenan Mujkic (ZEUS):
| Heavy Flavor production at HERA
Martin Brinkmann (H1):
| Precision tests of QCD at HERA
ISVHECRI2012 | 17th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions |
10-15.08.2012 | Berlin, Germany
Armen Buniatyan (H1):
| Leading Hadron Production at HERA
DIFF2012 | Diffraction 2012 |
10.09. - 15.09.2012 | Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
Marta Ruspa (ZEUS):
| Combined inclusive diffractive cross sections measured with forward proton spectrometers at HERA
David Salek (H1):
| Inclusive Diffraction at HERA
Dorota Szuba (ZEUS):
| Exclusive Diffraction processes at HERA
Enrico Tassi (ZEUS):
| Inclusive DIS at HERA and PDFs
Lidia Goerlich (H1):
| Recent results from low-x and forward physics at HERA
PIC2012 | XXXII Physics in Collision |
12.09. - 15.09.2012 | Strbske Pleso, Slovakia
Matthew Wing (ZEUS):
| Inclusive NC and CC Cross Sections and HERA Quarks and Gluon Distributions
Roman Kogler (H1):
| Precision QCD tests
ISMD2012 | 42. International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
16.09. - 21.09.2012 | Kielce, Poland
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS):
| High Q^2 NC and CC cross sections at HERA
Nataliia Zhmak (ZEUS):
| Hadronic final states at HERA
Pavel Belov (H1):
| Proton structure and PDFs from HERA
Jacek Turnau (H1):
| Precision QCD (jets and alpha_s) measurements at HERA
NSS-MIC | 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference & Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors |
29.10. - 03.11.2012 | Anaheim, California, United States of America
Janusz Malka (ZEUS):
| The ZEUS Data Preservation Project
HCP2012 | Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2012 |
12.11. - 16.11.2012 | Kyoto, Japan
Enrico Tassi (ZEUS):
Elisabetta Gallo (ZEUS):
| Diffractive and exclusive production (HERA and LHC)
ICSSNP2012 | International Conference-Session of the Section of Nuclear Physics 2012 |
12.11. - 16.11.2012 | Moscow, Russia
Lydia Shcheglova (ZEUS):
| Scaled Momentum Spectra in deep inelastic Scattering at HERA
MPI@LHC2012 | Workshop on Multi-Parton Interactions at the LHC |
3.12. - 7.12.2012 | Geneva, Switzerland
Paul Laycock (H1):
| HERA results on inclusive diffraction
Guenter Grindhammer (H1):
| Recent HERA results on forward physics