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Guidelines for H1 Conference Speakers
XQCD2014 | Excited QCD 2014 |
2.2. - 8.2.2014 | Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Natasa Raicevic (H1): | Recent results from HERA on the proton structure (slides) |
Uri Karshon (ZEUS): | Charm production at HERA (slides) |
Grzegorz Gach (ZEUS): | The nature of diffractive production at HERA (slides) |
LLWI2014 | Lake Louise Winter Institute |
16.2. - 22.2.2014 | Chateau Lake Louise, Canada |
MOREW2014 | Rencontres de Moriond, EW Interactions and Unified Theories |
15.3. - 22.3.2014 | La Thuile, Aosta valley, Italy |
MORQCD2014 | Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Interactions |
22.3. - 29.3.2014 | La Thuile, Aosta valley, Italy |
Aharon Levy (ZEUS): | Recent HERA results on proton structure (slides) |
Daniel Britzger (H1): | Recent results on the hadronic final state at HERA (slides) |
Voica Radescu (DESY): | HERAFitter - an open source QCD Fit platform (slides) |
DIS2014 | XXII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects |
28.4. - 2.5.2014 | Warsaw, Poland |
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Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS): | Structure functions and parton distributions (slides) |
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Stanislav Shushkevich (H1 only): | Measurement of Inclusive ep Cross Sections at High Q2 at sqrt(s) = 225 and 252 GeV and of the Longitudinal Proton Structure Function FL at HERA (slides) |
Mandy Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | The HERAPDF1.5LO PDF Set with Experimental Uncertainties (slides) |
Voica Radescu (H1): | HERAPDF2.0 fits including all HERAI+II inclusive data sets (slides) |
Oleksii Turkot (ZEUS): | Combination of Inclusive ep Cross-Section Measurements at HERA (slides) |
Aharon Levy (ZEUS only): | Measurement of neutral current ep cross sections at high Bjorken x with the ZEUS detector (slides) |
Julia Grebenyuk (ZEUS only): | Deep inelastic cross section measurements at large y with the ZEUS detector at HERA (slides) |
Vladyslav Libov (ZEUS only): | Measurement of beauty and charm production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA and measurement of the beauty-quark mass (slides) |
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Janusz Malka (ZEUS): | A review of Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Marcin Guzik (ZEUS only): | Exclusive dijet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA (slides) |
Jan Olsson (H1 only): | Analysis of Feynman Scaling in Photon and Neutron Production in the Very Forward Direction in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Radek Zlebcik (H1 only): | Diffractive Dijet Production with Leading Proton in ep Collisions at HERA (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1 only): | Exclusive Photoproduction of Rho Meson with Leading Neutron at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Boris Pokorny (H1 only): | Dijet production with large rapidity gap in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA (slides) |
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Pawel Sopicki (H1 only): | Search for QCD Instantons using the H1 experiment at HERA (slides) |
Oleg Kuprash (ZEUS only): | Studies of prompt photons in photoproduction at HERA (slides) |
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Natalia Zakharchuk (ZEUS only): | Measurement of D* photoproduction at three different centre-of-mass energies at HERA (slides) |
Mykhailo Lisovyi (ZEUS): | Combination of D* Differential Cross-Section Measurements in Deep Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA (slides) |
Nataliia Kovalchuk (ZEUS only): | Recent results on Charmonium production at HERA (slides) |
Andrii Gizhko (ZEUS): | Running of the charm quark mass at HERA (slides) |
BLOIS2014 | 26th Rencontres de Blois |
18.5. - 23.5.2014 | Chateau Royal de Blois, France |
Ian Brock (ZEUS): | Measurements of the proton structure at HERA (slides) |
Alessia Bruni (ZEUS): | Review of diffraction at HERA (slides) |
MESON2014 | 13th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction |
29.5. - 3.6.2014 | Cracow, Poland |
Jan Figiel (ZEUS): | Heavy meson production at HERA (slides) |
LHCP2014 | 2nd Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference |
2.6. - 7.6.2014 | New York City, New York, USA? |
Olaf Behnke (ZEUS): | HERAPDF2.0 data combination and PDF fits (slides) |
QCD@WORK2014 | 7th International Workshop on QCD - Theory and Experiment |
16.6. - 19.6.2014 | Giovinazzo, Bari, Italy |
Hayk Pirumov (H1): | Precision QCD measurements at HERA (slides) |
Riccardo Brugnera (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production at HERA (slides) |
LOWX2014 LOWX2014 | LOWX2014 Low-x meeting |
17.6. - 21.6.2014 | Kyoto, Japan |
Stanislav Shushkevich (H1): | Measurement of the longitudinal structure function FL (slides) |
Volodymyr Myronenko (ZEUS): | Combination of inclusive DIS data from HERAI+II and HERAPDF2.0 PDF fits (slides) |
Oleksandr Zenaiev (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production at HERA (slides) |
Achim Geiser (ZEUS): | Using charm and beauty data to constrain the quark masses (slides) |
Radek Zlebcik (H1): | Diffractive production of dijets and of D* mesons at HERA (slides) |
Grzegorz Grzelak (ZEUS): | Vector meson production at HERA (slides) |
Andrii Iudin (ZEUS): | Prompt photon production at HERA (slides) |
Alice Valkarova (H1): | F2D3/F2D4 with forward proton measured in the H1 VFPS detector (slides) |
Guenter Grindhammer (H1): | Jet production in DIS and measurement of alpha_s (slides) |
Michel Sauter (H1): | Recent measurements of the hadronic final state at HERA (slides) |
Ringaile Placakyte: | HERAFitter - an open source QCD fit framework and related studies (slides) |
PASCOS2014 | 20th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology |
22.6. - 27.6.2014 | Warsaw, Poland |
IHEP2014 | XXXth International Workshop on High Energy Physics |
23.6. - 27.6.2014 | Protvino, Russia |
Leonid Gladilin (ZEUS): | Perturbative QCD at HERA (slides) |
Alice Valkarova (H1): | Low-x and Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
QCD14 | 17th High-Energy Physics International Conference in QCD |
30.06. - 04.07.2014 | Montpelier, France |
Cristi Diaconu (H1): | HERAPDF2.0 and the structure of the proton (slides) |
Artem Baghdasaryan (H1): | Jet production at HERA and determination of alpha_s (slides) (writeup) |
Alessandro Bertolin (ZEUS): | Charm and beauty production at HERA (slides) |
HSQCD2014 | Hadron Structure and QCD - HSQCD 2014 |
30.06. - 04.07.2014 | Gatchina, near St. Petersburg, Russia |
Alexandre Glazov (H1): | PDFs and proton structure at HERA (slides) |
Vladimir Aushev (ZEUS): | Heavy Flavour production at HERA (slides) |
Vladimir Aushev (ZEUS): | QCD and Hadronic final states at HERA (slides) |
Vladimir Spaskov (H1): | Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
ICHEP2014 | 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics |
2.7 - 9.7.2014 | Valencia, Spain |
V. Chekelian (H1): | Inclusive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA (slides) |
Katarzyna Wichmann (ZEUS): | HERAPDF fits (slides) |
Misha Lisovyi (ZEUS): | Charm and beauty structure functions and heavy quark masses at HERA (slides) |
M. Sauter (H1): | Charm final states at HERA (slides) |
K. Cerny (H1): | Inclusive diffraction and tests of QCD factorisation at HERA (slides) |
Ewald Paul (ZEUS): | Exclusive diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Pawel Sopicki (H1): | Jet production and QCD measurements at HERA (slides) |
Peter Bussey (ZEUS): | Hadronic final states at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Luca Stanco (ZEUS only): | Elastic Z0 production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Beauty2014 | 15th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines |
14.7 - 18.7.2014 | Edinburgh, UK |
Andrea Longhin (ZEUS): | Beauty contribution to the proton structure function and charm results (slides) |
BEACH2014 | XI International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons |
21.7. - 26.7.2014 | Birmingham, UK |
Ringaile Placakyte (H1): | Heavy flavour production at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
ICNFP2014 | 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2014) |
28.7. - 6.8.2014 | Crete, Greece |
Halina Abramowicz (ZEUS): | Proton structure and the HERAPDF-2.0 parton densities (slides) |
Voica Radescu (H1): | Recent results on heavy flavour production at HERA (slides) |
Daniel Britzger (H1): | Jet production and measurements of alpha(s) at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Leszek Adamczyk (ZEUS): | Diffraction at HERA (slides) |
Hayk Pirumov (H1): | HERAFitter - open source QCD Fit framework and its related studies (slides) |
ISVHECRI2014 | International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions |
18.8. - 22.8.2014 | CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
Armen Buniatyan (H1 only): | Measurement of Feynman-x Spectra of Photons and Neutrons in the Very Forward Direction in DIS at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
PANIC2014 | Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2014 |
24.8 - 29.8.2014 | Hamburg, Germany |
Zhiqing Zhang (H1): | Inclusive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA (slides) (writeup) |
Mandy Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS): | HERAPDF fits of the proton parton densities (slides) |
QCD@LHC2014 | QCD@LHC 2014 |
25.8. - 29.8.2014 | Suzdal, Russia |
Eram Rizvi (H1): | Inclusive deep-inelastic scattering and PDF fits at HERA (slides) |
Daniel Britzger (H1): | Jet production and QCD measurements at HERA (slides) |
Oleksandr Zenaiev (ZEUS): | Charm final states at HERA (slides) |
Achim Geiser (ZEUS): | Charm and beauty structure functions and heavy quark masses at HERA (slides) |
HQL2014 | 12th International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons |
25.8. - 29.8.2014 | Mainz, Germany |
ISMD2014 | 44th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics |
8.9. - 12.9.2014 | Bologna, Italy |
Volodymyr Myronenko (ZEUS): | Proton Structure from HERA (slides) |
Vitaliy Dodonov (H1): | Recent results in diffraction and forward physics at HERA (slides) |
Vladimir Aushev (ZEUS): | Recent results on hadronic final states in high pT collisions at HERA (slides) |
Diffraction2014 | 8th International Workshop on Diffraction |
10.9. - 16.9.2014 | Primosten, Croatia |
Enrico Tassi (ZEUS): | Inclusive DIS and PDFs (slides) |
Jan Olsson (H1): | QCD and hadronic final states (slides) |
Andrii Gizhko (ZEUS): | Heavy flavour production (slides) |
Nelly Gogitidze (H1): | Recent results on Charmonium production at HERA (slides) |
Richard Polifka (H1 only): | Diffractive dijet production in DIS and gamma-p (slides) |
Grzegorz Gach (ZEUS only): | Exclusive dijet production in DIS (slides) |
Sergey Levonian (H1 only): | Recent HERA results with very forward neutrons and photons (slides) |
Oleg Kuprash (ZEUS only): | Photoproduction of isolated photons, inclusively and with a jet, at HERA (slides) |
Ringaile Placakyte: | HERAFitter - open source QCD Fit framework and its related studies (slides) |
PIC2014 | XXXIV Physics in Collision |
16.9. - 20.9.2014 | Bloomington, Indiana, USA |
Voica Radescu (H1): | Structure function measurements and PDF fits (slides) |
MPI@LHC | MPI@LHC 2014 |
3.11. - 7.11.2014 | Cracow, Poland |
Lidia Goerlich (H1): | Dijet production at HERA and tests of QCD factorisation (slides) |
QWG2014 | International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium 2014 |
10.11. -14.11.2014 | CERN, Switzerland |
Nataliia Kovalchuk (ZEUS): | Recent J/psi results from HERA (slides) |
SGW2014 | Sapore Gravis Workshop |
9.12. - 12.12.2014 | Padova, Italy |
Ewelina Lobodzinska (ZEUS): | Diffractive dijet production at HERA (slides) |