LLWI2010 | Lake Louise Winter Institute 2010 |
15-20 February 2010 | Lake Louise, Canada
Alexey Petrukhin (H1):
| Structure functions measurements at HERA
Dorota Szuba (ZEUS):
| Diffraction at HERA
Mihajlo Mudrinic (H1):
| QCD studies and final states
Antje Huettmann (ZEUS):
| Searches at HERA
David South (H1):
| High Q2 Measurements at HERA
MOREW2010 | Moriond QCD 2010 |
6-13 March 2010 | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
Stanislas Shushkevich (H1):
| High Q2 Measurements at HERA
Amita Raval (ZEUS):
| Isolated leptons at HERA
QCDMOR2010 | Moriond QCD 2010 |
13-20 March 2010 | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
Katie Oliver (ZEUS):
| Structure functions measurements at HERA
Valentina Sola (ZEUS):
| Diffraction at HERA
Guenther Grindhammer (H1):
| QCD studies and final states
Sergey Levonian (H1):
| Searches at HERA
MORCSM2010 | Moriond Cosmology 2010 |
13-20 March 2010 | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
LT2010 | 24th Rencontres De Physique De La Vallee D'Aoste |
28 Feb - 6 March 2010 | La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
DIS2010 | 18th International Workshop On Deep Inelastic Scattering And Related Subjects (DIS 10) |
19-23 Apr 2010 | Florence, Italy
Session: Plenary
Katja Krueger (H1):
| H1 Results
Monica Turcato (ZEUS):
| ZEUS Results
Session: Parton Densities from DIS and Hadron Colliders to LHC
Sascha Glazov (H1) :
| A Precision Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at HERA
Max Klein (H1) :
| Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at Low Q2 and x at HERA
A. Cooper-Sarkar / R. Placakyte (ZEUS/H1):
| PDF Fits to HERA Combined charm data
Yulia Grebenyuk (H1+ZEUS):
| Combined Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Sections at HERA for Reduced Proton Beam Energy Runs and Determination of FL
Shiraz Habib (H1+ZEUS) :
| Combined Measurement and QCD Analysis of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Sections at HERA
Voica Radescu (H1+ZEUS) :
| Combined FL/QCD fit
Stanislav Shushkevich (H1) :
| Charged current interactions in ep scattering at HERA with longitudinally polarised lepton beams
Vladimir Chekelian (H1) :
| Neutral Current Interactions in ep Scattering with Longitudinally Polarised Leptons
Zhiqing Zhang (H1) :
| Combined Electroweak and QCD Fit of inclusive NC and CC Data with Polarised Lepton Beams at HERA
Ronan Ingbir (ZEUS) :
| Measurement of Neutral Current DIS Cross Sections with Longitudinally Polarised Lepton Beam at ZEUS
Voica Radescu (H1+ZEUS) :
| PDF study at low x using Chebyshev Polynomials
Session: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons in DIS and Hadron Colliders
Paul Laycock (H1) :
| F2D3 and FLD
Armen Buniatyan (H1) :
| F2LN
Micha Kapichine (H1) :
| F2D4 measurements with FPS
Richard Polifka (H1) :
| FPS dijets, VFPS dijets and gamma-p dijets
Laurent Favart (H1) :
Xavier Janssen (H1) :
| rho+phi electroproduction
Tomas Hreus (H1) :
| Inclusive measurements with VFPS
Alessia Bruni (ZEUS):
| Measurement of J/psi photoproduction at large momentum transfer at ZEUS
Matthew Wing / Aharon Levy (ZEUS):
| Diffractive PDF fits at ZEUS
Session: QCD and Final States in DIS and Hadron Colliders
Roman Kogler (H1) :
| jets at low and high Q**2 and fwd jet corr
Anastasia Grebenyuk (H1) :
| Transverse Momentum of Charged Particles at low Q2 at HERA
Dan Traynor (H1) :
| Observation of the Hadronic Final State Charge Asymmetry in High Q2 Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Julia-Elizabeth Ruiz-Tabasco (H1) :
| Strangeness production at high Q2 at HERA-2
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS):
| Jet cross sections in DIS at ZEUS
Denis Lontkowskyi (ZEUS):
| Jet cross sections in photoproduction at ZEUS
Juan Terron (ZEUS):
| Three-subjet distributions in NC DIS at ZEUS
Nicolai Zotov (ZEUS):
| Prompt photon production at HERA in the kT factorization approach
D. Saxon / T. Haas (ZEUS) :
| Measurement of prompt photons (+jets) in photoproduction at HERA
Session: Heavy Flavours in DIS and Hadron Colliders
Volodymyr Aushev (ZEUS):
| Beauty in photoproduction at ZEUS
Alessandro Bertolin (ZEUS):
| Inelastic J/Psi helicity distributions at ZEUS
Mikhailov Lisovyi (ZEUS):
| ZEUS measurements of D+ and F2cc at high Q2
Philip Roloff (ZEUS):
| F2b measurement at ZEUS
Michael Steder (H1) :
| Inelastic Production of J/psi mesons in Photoproduction and DIS
Zlatka Staykova (H1) :
| D* and jets in photoproduction
Martin Brinkmann (H1) :
| D* and F2cc at high Q2
Karin Daum (H1+ZEUS) :
| Combined F2c measurement at HERA
Session: Electroweak and Searches in DIS and Hadron Colliders
Michael Herbst (H1) :
| Search for Squark Production in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry at HERA
Katie Oliver / Amita Raval (ZEUS):
| Measurement of Charged Current DIS Cross Sections with a Longitudinally Polarised Positron Beam at ZEUS
Andrea Parenti (ZEUS):
| Multilepton production at HERA
Ilias Panagoulias (H1+ZEUS) :
| Search for CI+LQ at HERA
David South (H1+ZEUS) :
| Isolated leptons and single top at HERA
MENU2010 | 12th International Conference On Meson-Nucleon Physics And The Structure Of The Nucleon (MENU 2010) |
31 May - 4 Jun 2010 | Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
(ZEUS) :
| Recent results from HERA (cancelled!)
PLHC2010 | Physics At The LHC 2010 |
7-12 June 2010 | Hamburg, Germany
Daniel Pitzl (H1+ZEUS) :
| HERA results and their impact for LHC physics
MESON | 11th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction |
June 10-15 2010 | Krakow, Poland
Jan Figiel (ZEUS) :
| Results on meson production at HERA
LOWX2010 | Low x workshop on deep inelastic scattering, diffraction, final states and related subjects |
June 23-27 2010 | Kavala, Greece
Henri Kowalski (ZEUS) :
| Measurement of the longitudinal structure function
Elias Ron (ZEUS) :
| Measurements with jets in DIS and photoproduction at HERA
Justyna Tomaszewska (ZEUS) :
| Inclusive Diffraction and associated QCD analyses
Mikhail Kapichine (H1) :
| New measurements of F2D4 at HERA
Jolanta Sztuk (ZEUS) :
| F2 and PDFs
Voica Radescu (H1) :
| The F2 combinations and the PDF fits publishes by end 2009 (HERAPDF 1.0)
Ringaile Placakyte (H1) :
| Measurements of the proton structure in the electroweak regime at HERA
Vitaly Dodonov (H1) :
| Leading baryons at HERA
Tomas Hreus (H1) :
| Measurements with VFPS (H1)
Salvatore Fazio (ZEUS) :
| Vector meson production and DVCS at HERA
Michel Sauter (H1) :
| Beauty production
Vladislav Libov (ZEUS) :
| Charm production
Eddi de_Wolf (H1) :
| Spectroscopy and particle production at HERA
Alice Valkarova (H1) :
| Factorisation tests in diffraction at HERA
Paul Laycock (H1) :
| FLD measurements with H1 at HERA
QCDW2010 | QCD @ Work 2010: International Workshop On QCD - Theory And Experiment |
20-23 Jun 2010 | Martina Franca, Valle d'Itria, Italy
BEACH2010 | 9th International Conference On Hyperons, Charm And Beauty Hadrons: BEACH 2010 |
21-26 Jun 2010 | Perugia, Italy
Grazyna Nowak (H1+ZEUS) :
| Particle production and fragmentation at HERA
Wojciech Perlanski (ZEUS) :
| Production of heavy flavors in ep collisions at HERA
HF2010 | 3rd Workshop On Theory, Phenomenology And Experiments In Heavy Flavor Physics |
5-7 Jul 2010 | Capri, Italy
WBNL2010 | The Physics of W and Z Bosons |
24-25 Jun 2010 | Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
David South (H1) :
| W/Z bosons at HERA
QCD2010 | 15th International QCD Conference |
28th June-3rd July 2010 | Montpellier, France
Alexey Petrukhin (H1):
| Measurements of the proton structure at HERA and their impact for LHC
Katharina Mueller (H1):
| Precision measurements with particles and jets at HERA
Irina Korzhavina (ZEUS):
| Diffraction at HERA
Yuriy Onishchuk (ZEUS):
| Production of heavy flavors at HERA
Natasa Raicevic (H1):
| Measurements at high Q2 and searches at the ep energy frontier
TES2010 | Trans-European School of High Energy Physics |
July 7-14, 2010 | Izvorani, Romania
Voica Radescu (H1) :
| Proton structure measurements at HERA
BLOIS2010 | 22nd Rencontres De Blois On Particle Physics And Cosmology |
15-20 Jul 2010 | Blois, Loire Valley, France
Michele Rosin (ZEUS):
| Electroweak physics at HERA (EW session)
Alexander Glazov (H1) :
| Status of the pdfs from HERA (QCD+HF session)
NSP2010 | Nucleon Spin Physics |
14-27 Jul 2010 | Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
ICHEP2010 | 35th International Conference On High Energy Physics |
21-28 Jul 2010 | Paris, France
Session: Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
Vladimir Chekelian (H1) :
| Studies of polarized ep collisions and combined EW and QCD fits at HERA (EW session)
David South (H1) :
| Multi-leptons at HERA (EW session)
Amita Raval (ZEUS) :
| W/Z Production at HERA (EW session)
Trong-Hieu Tran (H1) :
| Electroweak physics at HERA (poster / EW session)
Session: Structure, Parton Distributions
Paul Thompson (H1):
| Charm and Beauty production from secondary vertexing at HERA - 20'
Markus Juengst (ZEUS) :
| Charm and Beauty production from semileptonic decays at HERA 20'
Philipp Roloff (ZEUS) :
| D^\pm, D^0 and \Lambda_c^+ production in DIS at HERA 15'/20'
Andreas Jung (H1) :
| D* (+jets) in DIS and photoproduction 15'/20'
Massimo Corradi (ZEUS) :
| Combination and QCD analysis of the HERA F2cc results 15'
Voica Radescu (H1) :
| Combination and QCD analysis of the HERA inclusive cross sections 20'
Dan Traynor (H1) :
| Charged Particle distributions in DIS and Photoproduction 15'
Leszek Zawiejski (ZEUS) :
| Light mesons and strange particle production at HERA 20'
Olaf Behnke (ZEUS) :
| Charm fragmentation and Excited charm meson production at HERA 15'
Session: QCD, Jets and diffractive phyiscs
Claudia Glasman (ZEUS) :
| Jet Physics at HERA (25+5)
Juan Terron (ZEUS) :
| Direct Photons at HERA (17+3)
Armen Buniatyan (H1) :
| Exclusive Processes at HERA (25+5)
Burkard Reisert (ZEUS) :
| Precision DIS Measurements at HERA (17+3)
Paul Newman (H1) :
| Incusive Diffraction at HERA (20+5)
Gerhard Brandt (H1) :
| Searches for New Physics at HERA (20+5)
Session: Ions
Andrey Rostovtsev (H1) :
| Measurement of rho, K* and Phi in photoproduction at HERA (20+5)
HCP2010 | Hadronic Colldier Physics 2010 |
23-27 Aug 2010 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Matthew Wing (ZEUS) :
| Parton Distribution Functions (HERA)
Xavier Janssen (H1) :
| Diffractive Physics (HERA)
QC2010 | 9th Conference On Quark Confinement And The Hadron Spectrum (Confinement IX) |
30 Aug - 3 Sep 2010 | Madrid, SPAIN
PIC2010 | 30th International Symposium On Physics In Collision |
1-4 Sep 2010 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Katerina Lipka (H1) :
| HERA structure function measurements (40+5 min)
Ian Brock (ZEUS) :
| Precison QCD tests and alpha_s measurements at HERA (40+5)
Marcella Capua (ZEUS) :
| Pertubative and non-pertubative phenomena in DIS (30+5 min)
QFTHEP2010 | 19th International Workshop On High Energy Physics And Quantum Field Theory |
8-15 Sep 2010 | Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia
DIFF2010 | 6th International Workshop On Diffraction In High-Energy Physics |
10-15 September 2010 | Otranto, Lecce, Italy
Paul Newman (H1):
| H1 and ZEUS inclusive DIS data and fits (25 min)
Ramoona Shehzadi (ZEUS):
| Jets and heavy flavors at HERA (20 min)
Laurent Favart (H1) :
| HERA inclusive diffractive data (25 min)
Ada Solana (ZEUS) :
| DPDF fis and factorisation tests at HERA (20 min)
Janusz Malka (ZEUS) :
| Vector Mesons and DVCS at HERA (20 min)
David Salek (H1) :
| FLD measurements at HERA
TAU2010 | 11th International Workshop On Tau Lepton Physics |
13-17 Sep 2010, | Manchester, England, United Kingdom
WPCF2010 | 6th Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy |
14-18 September 2010 | Kiev, Ukraina
Igor Kadenko (ZEUS):
| Measurements of inclusive and exclusive particle production at ZEUS (25 min)
HPL2010 | High Precision For Hard Processes At The LHC |
14-17 Sep 2010 | Florence, Italy, SPIRES Conf Num: C10/09/14
ISMD2010 | International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 21-25 September 2010, in Antwerp, Belgium. |
21-25 September 2010 | Antwerp, Belgium
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (ZEUS):
| Proton Structure from HERA to LHC (25 min)
Amir Stern (ZEUS):
| Measurtement of the energy dependence of the total photoproduction cross section (20 min)
Richard Polifka (H1):
| Forward Physics and vector meson production at HERA (25 min)
Marin Brinkmann (H1):
| Heavy Flavor and Jet Production at HERA (20 min)
Hannes Jung (H1):
| Multiparton Interactions in ep Scattering at HERA
Antje Huettmann (ZEUS):
| Searches for Physics beyond the Standard Model at HERA
LHCQ2010 | QCD At The LHC (Trento) |
27 Sep - 1 Oct 2010 | Trento, Italy
Achim Geiser (ZEUS):
| QCD results from HERA (45 min)
Achim Geiser (ZEUS):
| Heavy flavour schemes, masses and scales
HQL2010 | 10th International Conference On Heavy Quarks And Leptons |
11-16 Oct 2010 | Frascati (Rome), Italy
HiX2010 | 3rd Intern. Workshop on Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken x |
13.10. - 15.10.2010 | Newport News, VA, USA
Voica Radescu (H1):
| Parton Distributions from HERA
CHEP10 | International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics |
18.10 - 22.10.2010 | Taipei, Taiwan
Janusz Szuba (ZEUS):
| HERA Data Preservation Plans and Activities
David South (H1):
| Data Preservation in High Energy Physics
Bogdan Lobodzinski (H1):
| Tests of Cloud Computing and Storage System Features for Use in the H1 Collaboration Data Preservation Model
MPI@LHC2010 | 2nd International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC |
29. Nov - 3rd Dec 2010 | Glasgow, Scottland, UK
Halina Abramowicz (ZEUS):
| HERA and rapidity gaps (30 min)
TRENTO2010 | Hadron-Hadron & Cosmic-Ray Interactions at multi-TeV Energies |
Nov. 29th to Dec 3rd, 2010 | ECT-Trento
Armen Buniatyan (H1):
| HERA results of relevance for cosmic rays