The design criteria for the optical transmission system
was low heat dissipation,
minimum geometrical dimensions and immunity against radiation damage at
the 100 krad level. Rise times of 5 ns for the digital control signals
are required. Figure
7 presents our solution for the optical signal drivers. We use
LED diodes with pigtails (see section 5), and a very simple amplifier for the
analog driver. This amplifier together with the LED has a linearity of better
than 1% for a current range
mA and a temperature
stability of 10% gain change for a temperature variation
C. Gain variations of the BFR93 transistor are compensated by
selecting R
in fig. 7. The parasitic input capacity of the
circuit is only 2.3 pF, which is small compared to the capacity of the signal
line on the hybrid from the APC128 to the LED driver. This latter capacity
limits the rise time of the analog pulse to about 200 ns and determines the
maximum readout speed of the APC to about 2 MHz.
The optical receivers for analog and digital signals are displayed in figure 8. The bandwidth of the analog receiver is limited to 20 MHz to minimize noise. We measured the noise of the whole readout chain
where the PIN-diode current in the receiver is of order 10 A.
This corresponds to a noise:signal ratio for a minimum ionising
particle through the silicon sensor of 0.01. The
noise voltage distribution has a purely Gaussian shape over a wide range as
depicted in figure 9, which demonstrates the immunity of the
optical signal transfer against pick-up noise.
The total power consumption at the detector is summarised in table 1. The power of all components is given both per silicon strip and for the full detector. Note that the LED driver is only active during data readout and idle during pipeline operation, and uses therefore less power during the latter. About 1.5 m away from the detector there are voltage regulators consuming 8 W.
The behaviour of the optical drivers/receivers has been tested
after radiation damage applied with a
Co source. For a dose of 100 krad the gain has
changed by 3%. It can be recalibrated on-line whenever necessary.