H1 Collaboration, abstract, submitted to the 29TH Inyernational
Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP'98, Vancouver, Canada, July 1998
Abstract: Deep-inelastic scattering events with a leading baryon
have been detected by the H1 experiment at HERA using a forward proton
spectrometer and a forward neutron calorimeter. Semi-inclusive cross sections
have been measured in the kinematic region ,
and baryon
, for events with
a final-state proton with energy
or a neutron with energy
The measurements are used to test production models and factorization hypotheses.
A model of leading baryon production which consits of pion, pomeron and
secondary reggeon exchanges gives a good description of both semi-inclusive
cross sections in the region
is the proton beam energy.
The model is used to constrain the pion structure function.
(816 kB)
Benno List, H1 Collaboration
Abstract: The H1 detector at HERA, upgraded with a forward proton
spectrometer, has been used to measure the cross section for deep inelastic
scattering in the kinematic range
with a leading proton in the
energy range
. This class of events
is described by a structure function
very similar to the one for the diffractive ep scattering. The shape of
is well described by models based on meson exchange.
H1 Collaboration, paper, submitted to the 28th International Conference
on High Energy Physics, ICHEP'96, Warsaw, Poland, July 1996
Abstract: Since 1995 the H1 experiment at HERA is operating a forward proton spectrometer employing the HERA machine magnets adjacent to the interaction zone as spectrometer magnets. Scattered protons are detectec in two stations 81 m and 90 m behind the interaction point with scintillating fiber hodoscopes. The experimental set up, the perfomance of the spectrometer and the technique to reconstruct proton momenta are described. A typical momentum resolution of 4 GeV at 650 GeV has been achieved with a scale uncertainty estimated to be 3%. All numbers represented in this paper are preliminary.
pa17-025, (250 kB)
Brussels, DESY-HH, Kiel, Lancaster, Lebedev, Marseille, Prague,
Rome, DESY Zeuthen
Abstract: The data taken in 1995 with the H1 forward proton spectrometer show that it performs as anticipated in the technical proposal. It is proposed to upgrade the FPS by adding two new stations, which approach the circulating beam horizontally at 63 m and 80 m from the interaction point. Furthermore it is proposed to improve the spatial resolution of the present set up by adding Silicon-pixel detectors.
H1-12/95-467, PRC 96/01, (1,0 MB)
Brussels, DESY , Kiel, Lancaster, Lebedev, Rome, DESY Zeuthen
Abstract: First data taken in August 1995 with the H1 forward
proton spectrometer show that it performs as anticipated in the technical
proposal. Compatebility tests with the wire targets of HERA-B are not yet
conclusively because the design rates for HERA-B were not yet reached.
It is proposed to upgrade the FPS by adding two new stations, which
approach the circulating beam horizontally at 63 m and 80 m from the interaction
H1-08/95-451, PRC 95/03, (0,3 MB)
J. Bähr, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, H. Lüdecke, A. Menchikov,
R. Nahnhauer, M. Pohl, H.E. Roloff, DESY, IfH Zeuthen; M.N. Kapishin, V.D.
Kekelidze, D.A. Kirillov, A.N. Morozov, A.K. Odishvili, V.A. Sashin, V.N.
Spaskov, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna
Abstract: A 100-channel position-sensitive photomultiplier based on two micro-channel plates has been teted as a readout device for scintillating fibers. The sensitivity of all channels, the cross talk, the frequency dependence, and the long time behaviour have been studied using light emitting diodes. Exposing a scintillating fiber detector to cosmic particles and beam dump muons the detections efficiency and the spatial resolution have been measured.
DESY-Zeuthen 95-01, 3/1995
J. Bähr, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, H. Lüdecke, A. Menchikov,
R. Nahnhauer, H.E. Roloff, F. Tonisch, R. Völkert, DESY, DESY Zeuthen
Abstract: Different prototypes of fiber detectors with an internal trigger system were tested in a 5 GeV electron beam at DESY. A silicon microstrip telescope was used for an external reference measurement of the beam to study the spatial resolution of the fiber detectors. On average 75% of all crossing electron tracks could be reconstructed with a precision better than 150 µm. These succesful methodical investigations led to the installation of similar detectors in the proton beamline 81 m downstream of the central H1-detectoer at HERA as part of a forward proton spectrometer in spring 1994.
DESY 94-130, 07/1994, ISSN 0418-9833
B. Chen, A.B. Fahr, F. Niebergall/ Hamburg II, T. Bodentien/Kiel
Abstract: We compare different configurations of scintillating fiber detectors of the H1 Forward Proton Spectrometer. We investigate the effects of optical multiplexing, staggering of several layers, and electronic threshholds on the efficiency and resolution of the detector.
H1-10/94-387, PRC 94/10, (80 kB)
J. Bähr, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, H. Lüdecke, A. Menchikov,
R. Nahnhauer, M. Pohl, H.E. Roloff, R. Völkert, DESY, DESY Zeuthen
Contribution to the Workshop on Scintillating Fiber Detectors-SCIFI93, Notre Dame, 1993
DESY 93-200, 12/1993, ISSN 0418-9833
Tim Wilksen, Oliver Karschnick; 08.04.1999 (730 kB)
Oliver Karschnick; 08.04.1999 (80 kB)
Oliver Karschnick; 08.04.1999 (55 kB)
Tim Wilksen, Hanna Mahlke-Krüger; 11.08.1998
Short description about L4-FPS Histograms. (40 kB)
Oliver Karschnick ; 11.01.1999 (40 kB)
Tim Wilksen, Oliver Karschnick ; 05.04.1998 (50 kB)
T. Wilksen
Status of FPS and status of p-tagger.
Data Quality Meeting, 15.05.1996
T. Wilksen
FPS: A large number of improvements have been performed on the FPS system in the shutdown 1995/96, both in Hardware and Software areas. The status was summarized. (Hardware, DAQ Readout, Slow Control)
R. Casties, II. Inst. Exp. Physik Univ. Hamburg, Diplomarbeit
3/1998 in German (480 kB)
B. List, II. Inst. Exp. Physik Univ. Hamburg, Dissertation 7/97
in German, (1.8 MB)
C. Wittek, II. Inst. Exp. Physik Univ. Hamburg, Dissertation 97
in German, (2.0 MB)
A. B. Fahr, II. Inst. Exp. Physik Univ. Hamburg, Diplomarbeit
7/1995 in German (html file)
T. Wilksen, II. Inst. Exp. Physik Univ. Hamburg, Diplomarbeit
3/1995 in German (15 MB)
C. Wittek, II. Inst. Exp. Physik Univ. Hamburg, Diplomarbeit
4/1994 in German (852 kB)