the structure of the proton study
fundamental interactions between particles search
for physics beyond the Standard Model of the elementary particles.
The experimental method employed is to collide highly energetic protons [920 GeV] with electrons
(positrons) [27.6 GeV] which are provided by the HERA accelerator. The particles created in the collision are detected
with the H1 Detector
Areas of Research
The characteristics of the particles detected after such a collision provides access to the following areas
of current research:
Functions of the Proton, of the Pion, and of the Diffractive Exchange
Distributions of Real and Virtual Photons Tests of
QCD in Jet, Particle, Photon, and Heavy-Quark Production Tests of
Electro-Weak Theory Study of
Non-Perturbative Phenomena of Strong Interactions
Scattering and the Mechanism of Colour Neutralization Searches
for New Particles and New Interactions
HERA II data taking
Since 2003 HERA is in the second phase of its operation which continues
until summer 2007. For the first time the lepton beam is polarised.