Radiative Corrections


H1 Collaboration, Experimental Study of Hard Photon Radiation, DESY 95-024 Published in Z. Phys. C 66, 529-542(1995). Figures separatly: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12

H1 Collaboration, A Measurement and QCD Analysis of the Proton Structure Function F2(x,Q2) at HERA DESY-96-39. Pulished in Nucl. Phys. B470 (1996) 3-38. Figures separatly: 1 - 2a - 2b - 3a - 3b - 4a - 4b - 5ab - 5c - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12

L. Favart, M. Gruwé, P. Marage and Z. Zhang, On the possibility of measuring FL(x,Q2) at HERA using radiative events, Preprint LAL 96-32 and IIHE 96-01 , published on Z. Phys. C 72 (1996)425-428. Figures separatly: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Recent Conference Contribution

ICHEP'98 (Vancouver) : `Low Q^2 -- Intermediate x Structure Function Measurement at HERA' (Abstract and paper 535).
separated plots:
fig 1 (Lumi syst)
fig 2 (DIS+Brem Background Normalisation)
fig 3 (gp+Brem Background Normalisation)
fig 4 (Control plots Electron energy,...)
fig 5 (Kinematic variables distributions)
fig 6 (data in Kinematic plane)
fig 7 (ISR F2 - prel) (points + curves)
additional plots:
ISR F2 - prel (points + curves + comparisons)
ISR F2 - prel (points + curves + comparisons in COLOR)

Locked Internal Publications are available for H1 members here

PhD theses written by RACO group members

PHD thesis of Smaïn Kermiche (Orsay April 94)
"Etude du QED Compton a HERA, mesure de la luminosite et calibration du detecteur H1"

PHD thesis of Manfred Fleischer (Univ. Hamburg July 94)
"Untersuchung radiativer Ereignisse in der tief inelastischen ep-Streuung mit dem H1-Detektor bei HERA"

PHD thesis of Uwe Obrock (Univ. Dortmund Dec. 94)
"Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Strahlungskorrekturen in der tief-inelastischen Elektron-Proton-Streuung bei HERA-Energien"

PHD thesis of Laurent Favart (+cover) (ULB Brussels Nov. 95)
"Mesure de la fonction de structure F_2 du proton a HERA, utilisant les interactions profondement inelastiques radiatives (ordre alpha^3)"
- you may have problems to visualize it with ghostview, but it should be ok for printing-

PHD thesis of Martin Hütte (Univ. Dortmund 96)
"Messung der Protonstrukturfunktion F_2(x,Q^2) in radiativer ep-Streuung mit dem H1-Detektor bei HERA"

PHD thesis of Markus Wobisch (RWTH Aachen Oct. 95)
"Untersuchung von QED-Prozessen mit harter Photonabstrahlung in Elektron-Proton-Streuung im H1-Experiment bei HERA"

PHD thesis of Richard Maracek (Kosice June 98)
"A Study of Quasi-Real QED Compton Events at HERA"

PHD thesis of Siegmar Schleif (Heidelberg October 98)
"Messung der Protonstrukturfunktion F_2(x,Q^2) mit Ereignissen aus radiativer Elektron-Pronton-Streuung am H1-Experiment bei HERA unter besonderer Ber?cksichtigung des r?ckw?rtigen Kalorimeters"

LockedDiploma thesis

Diploma thesis of D.Pieloth
"Experimentelle Ueberpruefung der Algorithmen zu Luminositaetsbestimmung am H1-Detektor"

Diploma thesis of Rainer Stamen (March 1998)
"Analyse quasireeller QED-Compton-Ereignisse"

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Last updated: 16.11.98 by
Laurent Favart lfavart@ulb.ac.be