From Max Klein: attached is a simulation of the difference dbar - ubar using 40pb-1 of ep and 20pb-1 of eD data to determine F2(p) and F2(N) which allows to test the sea symmetry. Outer error: total, inner statistics. The data points are positioned at MRSH (zero difference). MRS changed the fit when the NuTeV measurement came, the blue line is MRST (PDFLIB code 3,75). The measurement requires precision. I have calculated th edifference bt one may also take the ratio where things cancel. The suggested difference is small (yet may be larger, who knows) and in addition shadowing effects are to be controlled. Mark Strikhman claims that diffraction allows to get this to 2% (see THERA book article, e.g.). Such an accuracy should be reachable in this measurement with a tuned apparatus. I can still improve the picture tomorrow or during Cracow but find it not bad for this moment... I have not done s-c but that i did 15 years ago, see HERA 97 vol1, p99. 1/3(s-c) is the difference of 5/18W2 (cc) and F2N. Perhaps the sea quark picture is enough an illustration that deuterons are needed for unfolding the quarks. note that its not just ubar-dbar, thequestion is also what the strange (and charm) contributions are, i notice that the PDFs are not unfolded at HERA, a programme rather overlooked so far, or impossible to study.