M. Arneodo | Diffraction: a different window on QCD and the proton structure (an overview for non-specialists) | Smallx03 (Fermilab) | [Talk] |
Y. Yamazaki | Diffraction and vector meson production | LP03 (Batavia) | [Talk] |
P. Newman | Prospects for Diffraction at HERA II | DIS 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] |
L. Favart | Diffraction at HERA | Hadron Physics 2002 (Bento Goncalves, Brazil) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
C. Collard | Diffraction at HERA | Lake Louise Winter Institute (Lake Louise, 2002) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
F.-P. Schilling | Hard Diffraction: Results from H1 at HERA | High Energy QCD - Beyond the Pomeron (BNL, 2001) | [Talk] |
P. Marage | Diffraction at HERA and prospects for H1 | DIFFRACTION 2000 (Cetraro) | [Writeup] |
P. Marage | Diffraction at HERA | LHC Forward Physics Workshop 2000 (Helsinki) | [Writeup] |
P. van Mechelen | Inclusive Diffraction at HERA | Hadron 2000 (Stara Lesna) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
S. Levonian | The Pomeron under the HERA Microscope | ISMD 2000 (Lake Balaton) | [Talk] |
S. Levonian | Diffractive structure function and QCD fits | New trends in HERA physics 2003 (Ringberg) | [Talk] |
P. Thompson | Inclusive measurements of diffractive DIS at H1 | EPS 2003 | [Talk] |
P. Laycock | Inclusive diffraction in H1 | Lowx 2003 | [Talk] |
F.-P. Schilling | Inclusive Diffraction at HERA (H1+ZEUS) | ICHEP 2002 (Amsterdam) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
A. Bunyatian | Measurements of Inclusive and Exclusive Diffraction | QCD 2002 (Montpellier) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
P. Laycock | New results on Inclusive Diffraction | DIS 2002 (Kakow) | [Talk] |
F.-P. Schilling | NLO DGLAP QCD fit to H1 inclusive diffractive DIS data | DIS 2002 (Kakow) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
R. Heremans | Diffractive dissociation in photoproduction at HERA | DIS 2002 (Kakow) | [Talk] |
P. Thompson | Diffraction at high and low Q2 at HERA (H1,ZEUS) | Photon 2001 (Ascona) | [Talk] |
P. Newman | Measurements of the Diffractive Structure Function F2D(3) at HERA | EPS 2001 (Budapest) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
C. Johnson | Inclusive Diffraction at HERA | Photon 2000 (Ambleside) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
P. Newman | Inclusive Diffraction at HERA | ICHEP 2000 (Osaka) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
L. Favart | Studies of DVCS and photoproduction of photons at high t with the H1 Detector | EPS 2003 (Aachen) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
D. Brown | Measurements of DVCS and High |t| Vector Meson Production at HERA | Moriond QCD 2003 | [Talk] [Writeup] |
R. Stamen | DVCS at HERA | DIS 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] |
L. Favart | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at H1 and ZEUS | DIS 2001 (Bologna) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
D. Reyna | Diffractive Photon Production HERA | Diffraction 2000 (Cetraro) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
R. Stamen | DVCS at HERA (H1 and ZEUS) | Photon 2000 (Lancaster) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
R. Stamen | DVCS at HERA (H1 and ZEUS) | DIS 2000 (Liverpool) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
T. Berndt | Odderon and Pomeron Physics in Multi-Photon Final States at HERA | DIS 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] |
J. Olsson | Search for Odderon induced Contributions to Exclusive Meson Photoproduction at HERA | New Trends in HEP 2001 (Yalta, Crimea) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
F.-P. Schilling | Diffractive Final States with the H1 Detector at HERA | EPS 2003 (Aachen) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
S. Schaetzel | Comparison of final states in diffraction with QCD predictions | DIS 2003 (St. Petersburg) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
S. Schaetzel | Diffractive Final States at HERA | Low-x 2002 (Antwerpen) | [Talk] |
P. Thompson | Jets and Et-Flow in diffractive processes | DIS 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] |
F.-P. Schilling | Diffractive Jet Production in DIS - Testing QCD Factorization | DIS 2001 (Bologna) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
P. Thompson | Diffractive D* Production in DIS at HERA | Diffraction 2000 (Cetraro) | [Talk] |
B. List | Hadronic Final States in Diffractive ep Scattering | Photon 2000 (Ambleside) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
B. Cox | Rapidity Gaps between Jets | Low x 2003 (Nafplio) | [Talk] |
M. Beckingham | Rapidity Gaps between Jets | DIS 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
D. Traynor | Fragmentation in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA | Photon 2001 (Ascona) | [Talk] |
A. Wyatt | Rapidity Gaps between Jets at HERA | Photon 2000 (Ambleside) | [Writeup] |
X. Janssen | Leading Proton Spectrometer at HERA: Past Experience and Future Plans | Blois 2003 (Helsinki) | [Talk] |
A. Buniatian | Physics with leading Baryons at HERA | EPS 2001 (Budapest) | [Talk] |
K.-H. Hiller | Photoproduction with leading protons | DIS 2001 (Bologna) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
A. Buniatian | Measurement of Dijet Cross Sections with Leading Neutrons in Photoproduction at HERA | Photon 2000 (Ambleside) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
H. Mahlke-Krueger | Measurement of the gamma-p Cross Sections with a Leading Proton at HERA | Photon 2000 (Ambleside) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
P. Fleischmann | Exclusice VM and DVCS | Small x 2003 (Fermilab) | [Talk] |
B. List | Measurements of meson production in ep scattering at H1 | EPS 2003 (Aachen) | [Talk] |
U. Stoesslein | Review of Vector Mesons and DVCS | Blois 2003 (Helsinki) | [Talk] |
D. Brown | Diffractive VM production | Low x 2003 (Nafplio) | [Talk] |
M. Beckingham | Diffractive Photoproduction of J/psi Mesons with Large Momentum Transfer | DIS 2003 (St. Petersburg) | [Talk] |
P. Fleischmann | Elastic photoproduction of J/psi mesons and rho meson production in DIS at low t | DIS 2003 (St. Petersburg) | [Talk] |
J. Olsson | Meson Production and Spectroscopy at HERA | Meson 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
X. Janssen | Rho meson electroproduction at high Q2 and high t2 | DIS 2002 (Krakow) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
A. Meyer | Vector meson production at HERA | Generalized Parton Distributions (WE-HERAEUS Seminar, Bad Honnef) | [Talk] |
A. Meyer | Vector meson production at large Q^2 and |t| at HERA | EPS-HEP 2001 (Budapest) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
K. Krueger | Vector Meson Production at HERA | EDS (Blois) Workshop 2001 (Pruhonice,Czech Rep.) | [Talk] |
C. Collard | Measurement of density matrix elements for rho meson electroproduction as a function of |t| | DIS 2001 (Bologna) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
D. Brown | Proton dissociative photoproduction of J/psi at high |t| | DIS 2001 (Bologna) | [Talk] [Writeup] |
R. Stamen | Diffractive Production of Vector Particles (incl. DVCS) | Low-X Workshop 2000 (Oxford) | [Talk] |
F.-P. Schilling | Diffraction in H1 - An Overview | H1 Physics Plenary (09/2001) |
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P. Newman | There is Diffraction at HERA-2! | H1 Physics Plenary (12/2000) |
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J. Dainton | Diffraction and the QCD Structure of Hadronic Interactions | H1 Physics Plenary (12/1999) |
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