Step 1: ------- Run dependent efficiencies for each of 1152 FPC pads are determined by comparing the real FPC hits with the expected one around the impact point of good CJC/Forward tracks. The efficiencies are converted into threshold values varying between 0 (very efficient pad) and 10 (completely inefficient pad). The thresholds values for all 1152 channels are stored for a given run period in a single bank FDMP in the database. Step 2: ------- The threshold values stored in the database can be applied to a Monte Carlo sample by calling routine FMPME which is in H1SIM, patch DIG_FWDT. The short description of the routine is shown below: *-- Author : Stephan Egli 31/01/94 SUBROUTINE FMPME ************************************************************************ * Create FRME bank from FRMP bank taking thresholds from FDMP bank into* * account. Also remove dead pads as stored in FMSW bank * ************************************************************************ Remark: ------- It is important to note that step 2 will not work if FRMP bank or FRMT bank is not available. The bank FRMP can be produced from FRMT with the H1UTIL routine FMDIGI.