A detailed description of the software developed for QT hit finding, calibration, monitoring, pattern recognition and track fitting plus an outline of the hardware. NIM A373(1996)227.
A detailed description of the FTD hardware in the context of the whole H1 detector. This paper is the second of two in the same volume. NIM A383(1997)348.
Written in February 1992 this is likely to be somewhat out of date, particularly the central-forward linking where the KTREC module has been superseded by KTNREC, but it may give some help to anyone trying to maintain Stephen Burke's code.
A general description of the forward tracker information available in the various tracker banks.
This describes the banks and H1REC module structure for all trackers.
Geometry, channel numbers, track angle corrections and lots more ...
An outline of the forward tracker pattern recognition (now somewhat out of date).
Some information on track selection and track quality in H1 DIS data.
A report showing the contribution of forward tracks to vertex finding.
Stuart Robertson's thesis, involving the use of forward tracks.
A description of the contents of the FRRE (radial hit) bank.
A somewhat outdated description of the radial calibration procedure.
A Vienna wire chamber conference paper on dE/dx and TR.
Last updated: September 10th, 1998 by JVM