<> FNC trigger elements are now passed to Central Trigger via PTL2000 VME module in rack M6. After switching off/on the VME crate the PTL2000 module has to be loaded. Login into ararat.desy.de and execute commands: "cd fnc" "./ptl_load" "exit" <> After switching off/on VME after loading FASTBUS processor use the folowing commands to load program into DSP: cd ~/run/dsp ./load8080.com Current version of the program to be loaded into DSP is in ~onl/run/dsp/test32.cld You can check it by using "ll ~onl/run/dsp/8080read.cld". To load the program use: cd ~/run/dsp ./load8080.com After loading should be no message like "Memory error ...", e.t.c.. Loading during H1 run in progress will most probably give "FNC appears dead" message in DAQwd2002 window on old Lumi Macintosh. It is not a problem -- only a few events will be missed. To check whether DSP have memory/other problems use ~onl/run/dsp/SHO1 command -- all counters should be equal to zero, however at some not standard run conditions the first counter ("Deadtime") may be non-zero. <> Switch off procedure: Switch on monitor, then press once Ctrl-Alt-Del, then wait until computer starts to boot, then press upper button (Power) until the computer switches off. Then switch off two rigthmodt bottom SCSI disks and monitor. Switch on procedure: Switch on the two SCSI disks and monitor, then switch on computer, wait until green LILO prompt appears, press Enter, switch off monitor. <> Switch off procedure: Login as root on axhrs1 (Armen know password). Execute "shutdown -h now". Wait until all activity (most important "HDD/Disk" led indicator) stops. Switch axhrs1 power off and optionally switch /us0 /us1 disks off. Switch on procedure: Switch on /us0 and /us1 disks. Wait a minute until disks stop activity (LED flashing, sound). Switch off Fastbus crate. Switch power of axhrs1 on. In a 10 minutes axhrs1 should accept logins. Perform the Fastbus processor reload procedure as described in the piece of paper attached near the Falco. If you want to look at console messages: Turn off the Falco. Disconnect cable connecting the Falco and "DEC Server" box, which is placed on axhrs1 (access from rear side) from "DEC Server" box (remember the socket number). Connect the cable to a socket on the short cable hanging from axhrs1 console connector. Turn on the Falco. Now you can see bootup progress. If you don't need console anymore connect the Falco again to the "DEC Server". After booting you can check if there were hardware (SCSI) problems Normally it shows either bootup messages or nothing. using "uerf" command (accessible also from nonpriveleged account). SCSI system can be examined and manipulated by "scu" utility, but be carefull, all the data can be lost. <> The removable HDD on beam is not working presently as the corresponing IDE cable is used now in H1FNC. Switch on: just switch power on. Switch off: press Ctrl-Alt-Del, wait until computer starts to boot, switch off power. If the computer have to be used for a long time it is better to remove Video-Adapter board from it (Fan-Fail). <> Login as onl on axhrs1, then "cd fnchv", select desired file with HV-set: hvmap.dat.jan -- w/o boost, hvmap.dat.jan_0.33mp -- with boost, hvmap.dat.jan_0.33mp_red -- with boost, but reduced to 40% (stanby). Then "ln -s desired_file hvmap.dat". DON'T forget "-s" switch, otherwise, one of the standard files will be lost. Run ./fastset -- usually it takes one minute to finish. In the end message "... complete" should appear, probably followed by "N bad voltages found". If N is >2 then check the file fort.66 (see later) whether some of the connected channels have problems. If instead error code printed (clash with DCM server), try ./fastset again. Output files: fastset.oper -- main log file. Usually contains: "... myexit: Message: HV Fast Load done. Exiting." fastset.bug -- transcript of all commands/responses sent to the crate. fort.66 -- table with measured voltages. Contains 7 columns: slot_no, channel_no, desired_voltage, volt_offset (zero), demand_voltage, measured_by_crate_voltage, volt_difference. Voltage difference should be a few volts, some channels have large volt_difference but are not used -- such channels have demand_voltage equal to 30 -- ignore such channels. The source of "fastset" program is in ~/fnchv/src/fastset; compile with the script "make_fset". Current HV voltages can be read by "hvterm" command and selecting "dma read" item. HV-crate on/off status can be read by "hvterm", item "auto", then entering "sh st" (use "on" or "off" to do the corresponding actions) command, end by Ctrl-C. Beware that H1DCM client can manipulate the HV status (usually it in read-only mode) -- switch the crate power off manually, if you want to switch the HV off for sure. To check the status of H1DCM client use "ps x|grep client" -- the line with "./shift_fnc_client 1" should be there. The client in principle can be stopped temporarily, but the fnc event builder may hang. To avoid hangs the following procedure can be used Stopping: 1) "kill -STOP pid_of_dcmclient" (pid is found by "ps x") 2) "~/run/evt/LISTFBSERV"; if only four lines displayed like following IMAPS,ISCHON,IUN= 0 0 0 IP(1:2),IP1= 0 0 -268419495 IPCONF(1:2),IP1= 0 0 -268419495 zero JPID reached then Client stopped succesfully else 1.1)"kill -CONT pid_of_dcmclient" 1.2) wait a couple of minutes or until "~/run/evt/LISTFBSERV" shows only 4 lines 1.3) goto item 1) endif Waking up the client (don't forget!): "kill -CONT pid_of_dcmclient" <> The source of the program which creates Ntuples for beam-gas data is on AFS in ~vdodo/h1/fncrec/ directory. Various documentation about FNC DAQ is in onl@axhrs1:docs/ directory. E.g. fblib_remark.html contains Input/Output signal description of DSP/Fastbus, beam_gas2002.html contains list of the beam-gas runs, misc.html contains miscellanious info. <> How to create new NDB bank (see NDB manual on www: H1FastNavigator|Software|Manuals|NDB): a) Open data dictionary with write access: ndbint 'dbdesc="Dictionary" write=1' Alternatively: ndbint 'dbid=1 write=1' b) Create description text bank ('$DSC') with DBPAR: dbpar $DSC 'this is a one line descrition of ' Alternatively read (longer) text bank with DBCARD: dbcard '.dsc' c) Create bank: create bank $DSC name= [RANGE] for a range bank or for a bank with logical run numbers: create bank $DSC name= LOGRUN d) Confirm: OK e) Check bank desciption: desc bank f) Close database: q E.g.: ndbint 'dbid=1 write=1' NDB> dbpar $DSC 'FNC channel properties/mapping' NDB> create bank $DSC name=FN1C OK NDB> desc bank FN1C NDB> q I have a program to write bank data aftewards: ~vdodo/fnc_db/hack2.f . It must be modified for a new bank: 1) The lines parameter (MxBnk=10) and data BnkNam/'FNAD','FN1G','FN1M','FN1C','FN1B', & 'FN1P','FN1D','FN1R','FN1L','FN1Y'/ should be modified to accomodate additional banks which the program "knows". 2) The format of new banks should be defined: after the line CALL BKFMT('FN1Y','4I,(F)') add additional calls to BKFMT. 3) Compile the program according to the Makefile in the same directory. 4) Prepare text file which contains data to be inserted: see 1.bnk.gz or FNAD.bnk . 5) Run the program: "./hack2 run_no dtyp < bank_data_textfile", where dtyp is 0 for e-p data and 1 for MC.