
specifies, which groups are enabled, and group parameter Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- Grp_ID Grp_ID Data_Required --- Flags NMod_min NModMax CCidx Par1,...,8 Presence of a row with certain group_id means that the group is enabled (will be processed). Grp_ID: group identificator positive integer number (range 1..64) programs "know" (hardcoded into) following groups: 1 -- Section 1 of Main calorimeter 2 -- Section 2 of Main calorimeter 3 -- Section 3 of Main calorimeter 4 -- Section 4 of Main calorimeter 5 -- X strips of Preshower 6 -- Y strips of Preshower 7 -- Veto counters Data_required: specifies which info expected to be present in the "source banks" and which will be filled with some meaningless values. Bit 0 = 1: each module inside the group require X,Y,Z coordinates, Bit 1 = 1: delay required, Bit 2 = 1: LED monitoring is used. Data_required field does not go to output "banks". Flags - bit-mask of faults which will be copied to global quality variable FNCqlt from group wise faults variable. bit 0 = 1: ADC chan. overflow bit 1 = 1: MaxMod has negative energy NMod_Min: minimum number of modules in the group; used in cross-check of banks integrity and to ensure that enough modules are enabled NMod_Max: maximum number of modules in the group; used in cross-check of banks; and (important!) Cal.Const. and LED monitopring data (banks FN1D,FN1R,FN1L) layout (e.g. offset of groups) depends on these numbers CC_idx: absolute value of this number defines order in which groups are stored/expected in LED and Cal.Const. banks (FN1D,FN1R,FN1L). 0 means the group is not described in the banks and default value of 1.0 is used everywhere. FN1D -- calibration constants, contains groups whith non-zero CC_idx, FN1R,FN1L -- refer.,current LED amplitude contain only groups with negative CC_idx. Par.1,..,8 various parameters which is used in group specific routines; For all groups Par1 - relative group "gain", all module energies inside of the group are multiplied by Par1. Other parameters meanings: Sections of Main calorimeter (Grp_ID = 1,2,3,4) par3 - Cut1 = noise cut value for single calorimeter cell par4 - Cut = noise cut value for group Projections of Preshower calorimeter (Grp_ID = 5,6) par3 - Cut1 = noise cut value for single calorimeter cell par4 - Cut = noise cut value for group Veto counters (ID=7) par2,3: window for the 1st counter par4,5: window for the 2nd counter


specifies which modules are enabled Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- Grp_ID Mod.No Flags Rows ordering is not important (but this fact is not tested yet) for all groups except PreshowerX,Y; Grp_ID: see "group.srs" Mod.No: Number of modules in group defined by Grp_ID positive number 1..128; Flags: not used currently; Each group should contain at least one module. To disable the entire group of modules use "group.srs". Finally, module is enabled if both the group it belongs to is enabled and it is present in "mod_use.src"


various global parameter Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- Ipar Fpar Ordering of rows is significant; there should be exactly 12 non blank rows. Column 1 contains integer point parameters, column 2 -- floating point. Ipar Fpar Row1: ---- Row2: ---- Row3: ---- Row4: ---- Row5: ---- Row6: ---- Row7: ---- Row8: ---- Row9: ---- Row10: ---- Other rows are not used now.


spatial coordinates of modules Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- Grp_ID Mod.No. X Y Z All enabled Modules in groups which have RequireXYZ bit set (see "group.src") should have corresponding row here. Grp_ID, Mod.No. -- see "group.src" "mod_use.src" description X,Y,Z -- Z,Y,Z coordinates in cm in the coordinate system which was used for H1REC97.


ADC ordering in LFNC, which ADC are enabled, ADC characteristics. Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- ADC_ID Time_Slice_1 Time_Slice_2 Time_Slice_3 Time_Slice_4 Flags Rows in this table should be sorted accordingly to order the ADCs data is placed in "LFNC" or local DAQ data stream. ADC_ID: is a ADC number (ADC label), if some ADC is moved to another position/excluded from readout no ADC_ID have to be changed, only the rows have to be resorted/commented out. Now ADC_ID equal to ModNum in "LFNC", but it is not required. Of course number of rows in the table can be smaller than number of ADCs actually in readout, the rest of "LFNC" then will be ignored. ADC_ID should be in 1..64 range, number of rows in table = number of ADC in readout should be in 1..16 range. (These limits are imposed by size of arrays in fortran code) Time_Slice_1,2,3,4: are four numbers, which define time bins for calculation of pedestal and signal for a given ADC. All time slices have to be in 1..16 range and each number have to be greater or equal to previous one. Flags are: not currently used


ADC channels sensitivity parameters, and channel Flags Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- ADC_ID Ch.No Sens_Par1 Sens_Par2 Flags Each row expected to have unique ADC_ID, Ch.No. pair; all 8 channels for all ADCs, which are mentioned in "adc.src", should be described here. ADC_ID: the same as is in "adc.src" Ch.No: channel No. in FADC; range is 0..8 Sens_Par1,2 as usual: Volts = f(Par1,Par2,Counts) Flags: not currently used


cable + e.t.c delays for ADC channels Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- ADC_ID Ch.No. Delay Not all FADC channels have to be described, only the channels connected to modules which require delays must be described. ADC_ID, Ch.No. - see "chn_sens.src" Delay: delay in ns.


defines ADC channel to module mapping Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- ADC_ID Ch.No. Grp_ID Mod.No. Irange CurrFrac All enabled modules have to be mapped to some ADC channel(s). If channel is not connected to any module use 0 instead of Grp_ID, Mod.No. or comment out/delete the row; ADC_ID, Ch.No: see "adc.src", "chn_sens.src" Grp_ID, Mod.No.: see "group.src", "mod_use.src" Irange: must be equal 1 CurrFrac: not currently used


calibration constants Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- Grp_ID Mod.No. CalCon All enabled Modules have to have corresponding CalCon here. Grp_ID, Mod.No. -- see above CalCon: calibration constant in Integrated_Volts/GeV.

ledamp_cur.src, ledamp_ref.src

ledamp_cur.src" - "current" LED monitoring data
ledamp_ref.src" - "reference" LED monitoring data
Format of the banks is the same, the difference is: "ledamp_cur.src" should be automaticaly updated by slowcontrol programs -- it should contain average LED amplitude for each run. "ledamp_ref.src" -- it is copy of "ledamp_cur.src" for the run which was used in calculation of calibration constants. Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- LED_amp LED_amp: average LED signal amplitude. Data in the banks is sorted as defined by fields "Data_requied", "CC_idx" and "NMod_Max" of "group.src" file. See "group.src" section. Current format is: First 32 - Main calorimeter sections, next 18 - Preshower calorimeter last 2 - Veto counters All modules which belong to groups for which LED monitoring is used should have corresponding row here.


Alpha-particle based Photo-diodes monitor data Source(.src) Tabel(.bnk) Rec. program (variable) --------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha_scint.amp. LED_flash.amp. This table contains one row with two numbers: Alpha_scint.amp. -- relative amplitude of photomultiplier response to scintilation produced by Alpha-particle. LED_flash.amp. -- relative amplitude of photomultiplier response to flash of LEDs. Both numbers are relative to the same values but to Ratio of the two numbers are using in correction of calibration constants for the groups which use LED monitoring (see "group.src")