The electron proton collider HERA at DESY, Hamburg, Germany offers the unique possibility to probe the proton at very small distances of about 10-16 cm via the exchange of highly virtual gauge bosons. It moreover allows a search for resonant production of new particles which couple to lepton-parton pairs with masses up to the kinematic limit of about 300 GeV.
The H1 experiment at HERA has now completed an analysis in a new (i.e. yet unexplored) kinematic domain corresponding to high momentum transfer squared Q2 or large masses M available in the hard interaction. The analysis profits from an integrated luminosity of 14.19 pb-1, an increase by a factor 5 compared to that used in previously published data.
At low Q2 or M and y, the data is found to be in agreement with standard model expectation for Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS), At high Q2 or M and y, and excess of events is observed. Already in 1994, the H1 Collaboration had observed events in the region of Q2 > 15000 GeV2 and M > 180 GeV. With the increased statistics, H1 observes Nobs =12 neutral current candidate events for Q2 > 15000 GeV2 where the expectation is NDIS = 4.71 +/- 0.76 events. In the same Q2 range, Nobs =4 charged current candidates are observed where the expectation is NDIS = 1.77 +/- 0.87 events. The probability P(N>=NDIS) that the DIS model signal N fluctuates to N>=NDIS in a random set of experiments is 0.006 for neutral current and 0.14 for charged current.
The theoretical expectation from Standard Model DIS processes is known with confidence and there appears to be no known mechanism which would lead to an enhancement of the cross-section at high Q2 or high M and y as observed. Within the standard DIS model the only explanation of the observed excess is a statistical fluctuation.
A similar measurement was performed for a Neutral Current sample of events by the ZEUS experiment at HERA which also observes an excess of events at high Q^2 and high M ( DESY-97-025, acceped for publ. in Z. Phys. C).
Beyond the Standard Model, the excess at high Q2 and/or high M and y could be explained by the resonant production of new particles in the positron-parton system. Prominent examples for new particles with couplings to positron-parton pairs are leptoquarks, leptogluons and squarks in R-parity violating versions of Supersymmetry. An enhancement of the cross-section at high Q2 could also possibly be induced by contact interactions originating from a substructure of fermions.
More data will be needed to decide whether the deviations are due to statistical fluctuations or due to new physics. The next period of data taking will start beginning of march 1997.