****************************************************** Minutes of the TRIGGER MEETING, 02.07.2002 ****************************************************** (1) ToF Status V.Grabski (1) ToF Status --------------- (a) Hardware Last month there were some broken NIM cards and damaged NIM crates. For the cards some old modules were collected and they are being tested. Concerning the crates there are no spares left! (b) Data Quality Checking The time reconstruction coefficients calculation (TOFC bank) is in process. The idea is to obtain the start time with measured charges from the signal in different time periods by flash ADCs. The signals shapes are stable enough to extract the coefficients. For the direct efficiency calculation there is the idea to obtain it from the ratio of the coincidence rate with respect to the single layer rate. Another idea is to compare backgrounds from vertex and TOF. Both methods are yet to be implemented. The TOF timing checking show (like from several weeks ago) that the signals are correct with the exception of an inconsistency on the widths that can be cross-checked with the times from the TDC signals. Conclusion: There must be a problem in the reconstruction or in the TOFT bank. TOFC bank has very old values and can be the source of the problem. (c) New ToF Read Out - Hardware The design of the new ToF readout is ready. Installation and cabling of new hardware is underway. Missing pieces are most notably the necessary NIM to ECL (PTL2000 hit readout) and NIM to TDC input standard converters: NIM --> ECL (diff) (16 chan) PC-boards at DESY in 05.07.02 NIM --> New TDC (32 chan) NIM receiver (chip) ordered PC-board ordered Installation of electronics in r101 done Concerning the data transfer within the ETag/FNC subbranch it was suggested by I.Cheviakov to VSB connections instead of VICs. - Software A new read out program written in C has been developed. The multi thread program is ready including interrupt handling, read and write tasks and buffer structures. (d) On-Line Monitoring In the long-term the old monitoring system based on CAMAC readout with the ToF Mac should be replaced. For the new monitoring scheme a simple client-server architecture is planned. The server program is already completed; client and graphical user interface (GUI) remain to be done.