*CMZ :  2.04/06 24/03/92  11.02.38  by  Hans-Ulrich Martyn
*CMZ :  1.00/00 25/01/91  17.38.56  by  Hans-Ulrich Martyn
*-- Author :

UPDATED : Tue Dec 12 12:00:00 1989

 *Central_tracker_Geometry_Dead material inner and outer Z-chambers
  Bank contains GEANT-Volume-modules defining the active cells and dead
  material volumes.
   (contained in BOS_bank_CGTX)

 word   type   content
  1      I     LH    = 2  length of header
  2      I     NMOD  = 18 no of modules
  3      I     YYMMDD     date of creation
  1      I     NW    no. of words to follow
  2            | parameters to describe the volume_modules
  ...          |
  NW+1         |
  }NMOD repetitions

*CMZ :  2.00/00 10/02/91  09.44.39  by  Stephan Egli
*CMZ :  2.00/00 10/02/91  09.44.40  by  Stephan Egli
*CMZ :  1.08/02 06/02/91  08.51.05  by  Stephan Egli
*-- Author :
CGDZ        !   Matter Distribution in Z Chambers    ( bank#  = run# )
*               =================================
*     S.EGLI New format using PGON volumes and division mechanism
*            cable channel not implemented (both in CIZ and COZ)
*                                                26.10.88
*     GIRISH D. PATEL # of modules ==> 16 (not 14, spotted by J.MEYER)
*                                                20.4.89
*     S Egli: NO r division for inner chamber 30.12.89
*     S Egli: NO r division for outer chamber 18.9.90
    2       ! = length of subheader                            word:  1
   16       ! = # of modules                                       +1
  891230    ! = date of creation (YYMMDD)                          +2
* define TUBE containing chamber
13 'TUBE'  'C_IZ'  'CENT'   121      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
          -108.00   72.00   17.35   19.95
* define polygon inside tube
19 'PGON'  'CIZP'  'C_IZ'    11      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
             0.00  360.00    16 2 -108.00   17.40   19.40
                                    72.00   17.40   19.40
* divide polygon along z (RINGS) and along phi (CELLS)
 5 'DVN '  'CIZR'  'CIZP'    15   3
 5 'DVN '  'CIZC'  'CIZR'    16   2
* fill cells with (sensitive) gas volume: the volume is itself a
* polygon, but with one phi segment only. The value for dphi (22.189)
* is chosen such that the effective wall thickness is 0.1cm :
* dphi=360/nphi*(1-dwall*nphi/U) dwall=wall thickness, U=circumference
* at the mean radius of a cell (18.4), nphi= number of phi sectors
* The value of phi0 (-11.094) is simply -dphi/2. to center this single
* cell volume correctly. The dimensions along the z-axis (-5.92..5.92)
* determine the wall thickness (here 0.16 cm) between the rings:
*  z= +-(z_cell_length-ring_wall_thickness)/2.
19 'PGON'  'CIZA'  'CIZC'   102      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
          -11.094   22.189    1 2   -5.92   17.40   19.40
                                     5.92   17.40   19.40
* NO r division for inner chamber: comment next line
* 5 'DVN '  'CIZA'  'CIZB'     4   1
* electronics and flanges
13 'TUBE'  'CIZE'  'CENT'   126      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
          -128.00  -113.00   17.30  20.00
13 'TUBE'  'CIZF'  'CENT'    11      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
           108.00   109.00   17.30  19.60
* now the COZ : define TUBE containing chamber assuming same material
*               as for the inner z chamber walls
13 'TUBE'  'C_OZ'  'CENT'   121      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
          -110.50  105.50   45.50   48.80
* define polygon inside tube
19 'PGON'  'COZP'  'C_OZ'    11      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
             0.00  360.00    24 2 -110.50   45.65   48.05
                                   105.50   45.65   48.05
* divide polygon along z (RINGS) and along phi (CELLS)
 5 'DVN '  'COZR'  'COZP'    24   3
 5 'DVN '  'COZC'  'COZR'    24   2
* fill cells with (sensitive) gas volume: the volume is itself a
* polygon, but with one phi segment only. The value for dphi (14.818)
* is chosen such that the effective wall thickness is 0.15 cm :
* dphi=360/nphi*(1-dwall*nphi/U) dwall=wall thickness, U=circumference
* at the mean radius of a cell (46.9), nphi= number of phi sectors
* The value of phi0 (-7.409) is simply -dphi/2. to center this single
* cell volume correctly. The dimension along the z-axis (-4.45..4.45)
* determine the wall thickness (here 0.1 cm) between the rings:
*  z= +-(z_cell_length-ring_wall_thickness)/2.
19 'PGON'  'COZA'  'COZC'   102      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
            -7.409  14.818    1 2   -4.45   45.65   48.05
                                     4.45   45.65   48.05
* 5 'DVN '  'COZA'  'COZB'     4     1
* electronics and flanges
13 'TUBE'  'COZ-'  'CENT'   127      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
          -127.00  -113.00   44.40  49.10
13 'TUBE'  'COZ+'  'CENT'   127      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
           108.00   122.00   44.40  49.10
13 'TUBE'  'COZE'  'CENT'    11      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
          -111.10  -110.50   45.50  48.80
13 'TUBE'  'COZF'  'CENT'    11      0.00    0.00    0.00     1      0
           105.50   106.10   45.50  48.80