Processes in which the photon interacts directly with a parton of the
proton are called direct photon-proton processes. Resolved photon-proton
scattering involves processes where the photon interacts indirectly via
its own partons. |
The figure shows the double differential
2-jet cross section as function of the two observables that are relevant
for the parton distributions of the photon: the momentum of the parton
from the photon x and the transverse energy of the jets ET. The latter
observable is directly related to the resolution scale of the process. |
The figure shows measurements of the
photon structure function as a function of the virtuality Q2 of the exchanged
photon as obtained at electron-positron colliders (left and lower scale).
In good agreement with these data is the effective parton distribution
of the photon as extracted from the H1 jet measurement. This is shown as
a function of the scattered parton squared transverse momentum pt2 which
was determined from the jet transverse energy (right and upper scale). |
For the first time the gluon distribution of the photon was measured.
Since the quark distributions as extracted from the photon structure function
measurements are universal (see figures above), the quark induced jet processes
and the direct photoproduction of jets can be subtracted. The remaining
2-jet cross section reflects then the gluon contribution of the photon.
The figure shows the 2-jet cross section
as a function of the parton momentum x from the photon side. The histograms
show the contributions of the direct photon-proton processes and the processes
that were induced by a quark from the photon side. The difference between
the measured jet cross section and these two histograms shows the gluon
contribution of the photon. |
The first measurement of the gluon distribution
of the photon was determined in leading order QCD
using a previous measurement of the 2-jet
cross section (open symbols). The same method of extraction was later used
for particle cross section measurements (closed symbols). At large x the
gluon density in the photon is small. It does not rise steeply towards
small values of x. |