Pictures, Drawings and Plots
See also H1 Detector
Drawings and
Other Pictures (from Aachen)
Picture of a 1 inch photomultiplier
(520 kB) by J. Janoth
Photography of a SpaCal analog read out card (300 kB) by G. Cozzika
Mounting of SpaCal into H1 (171 kB)
Picture of 4 supermodules stacked for the
PS-test (1.94 MB) by G. Müller
Front View of the lead-fibre matrix seen
through a microscope (230 kB)
What is inside a CAM Module by J. Janoth
Annotated image of the System Controller Module (178 kB)
Annotated image of the TDC and Histogrammer Module (178 kB)
Pictures of new insert after lumi upgrade by M. Grewe
Drawings and Plots
Cut through the H1 detector showing the SpaCal
(1.44 MB) by G. Müller
The Acceptance of the SpaCal and BEMC Calorimeters in the kinematical plane
by M. Weber
Design position of SpaCal in the H1 Detector
(770 kB) by G. Müller
Design position of SpaCal (em+had) and Backward Plug in the H1 Detector
(541 kB)
Real position of SpaCal in H1 (26 kB) by K. Ludwig
Status of calibration of elm-section end of 1995
(32 kB) by G. Müller
Status of calibration of had-section end of 1995 (25 kB)
by G. Müller
Hot spot picture (30 kB)
Distribution of passive material between nominal vertex and SpaCal in H1SIM
for HERA I
(330 kB) by V. Lendermann
Current deposited in BDC in DIS data 1997
reflecting the distribution of passive material
(380 kB) by P. Sievers and R. Wallny
Diagram of CAM-Electronic parts and their links (22 kB) by J. Janoth
Diagram of trigger set up for the flash lamp (15 kB) by R. Appuhn
Diagram of trigger set up for the led system (16 kB) by R. Appuhn
Schematic sketch of SpaCal electronics by T. Nicholls
Pictures of SpaCal frontend electronics in TuoviWDM
SpaCal IET Regions (13 kB)
Profile of lead sheet for the em Calorimeter
(120 kB) by G. Müller
Profile of lead sheet for the hadronic section (41kB)
Drawing of the rolling machine (100 kB)
XY-view of the em-SpaCal with numbering (840 kB) by G. Müller
XY-view of the em-SpaCal with plate orientation (17 kB)
XY-view of the em. SpaCal with plate orientation,
production numbers of sub- and supermodules and position numbers of
supermodules (160 kB) by J. Balaz
XY-View of the em. SpaCal with production and position numbers of supermodules
and special edge modules (80 kB) by J. Balaz
Mapping - em. SpaCal (13 kB)
Mapping - em. SpaCal IET (12 kB)
Mapping - em. SpaCal IET: Connector + "Pin" (12 kB)
Mapping - had. SpaCal (11 kB)
Mapping - had. SpaCal: FE-TOF (13 kB)
XY-view of the Insert (7 kB) by M. Weber
XY-view ot the hadronic calorimeter (86 kB)
Side view and XY-view of the backward plug calorimeter (62 kB)
Technical drawing of the housing for the em section
(147 kB) by G. Müller
Technical drawing of the housing for the hadronic section (75 kB)
Technical drawing of the light mixers
(97 kB) by G. Müller
Schematic view of a submodule
(1.15 MB) by F. Lehner
Improved schematic view of a submodule (55 kB) by M. Weber
XY-View of the had. SpaCal with numbering (650 kB) by G. Müller
Hole in the backward iron (600 kB) by G. Müller
Lumi upgrade modifications of em. section (26 kB) by J. Spalek
Lumi upgrade modifications of had. section (21 kB) by J. Spalek
Lumi upgrade insert for elm. SpaCal
built in Univ. Dortmund by M. Grewe et al.
SpaCal LED response in H1 event display after HERA lumi upgrade
CAM distribution in SpaCal insert after upgrade (12 kB) by P. Smirnov
HV distribution in SpaCal insert after upgrade (10 kB) by P. Smirnov
Last updated
10.3.2003 by Victor Lendermann
(victor at