1. Experimental status of the Standard Model
2. Neutrino oscillations
3. Tests of baryon and lepton number conservation and direct neutrino
mass measurements
4. Experimental aspects of QCD in e+e- collisions
5. QCD at high energy (hadron-hadron, lepton-hadron and gamma-hadron
6. DIS scattering, structure functions including spin
7. Diffraction and low Q2 physics including two photon
8. CP violation and rare decays of K, Mu and Tou
9. Heavy quark production and decay: (t, b and onia)
10. Heavy hadron decay (lifetimes, mixing, rare decays)
11. Charm and light hadron spectroscopy
12. Searches for new particles at existing accelerators
13. Experiments in particle astrophysics
14. Future accelerators
15. New developments in cosmology
16. Heavy ion collisions at high energy
17. Standard Model theory
18. Perturbative QCD theory (includes our knowledge of alphas)
19. Beyond the Standard Model theory
20. Non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory
21. Lattice gauge theory
22. Developments in superstring theory
23. Summary and Outlook
1. Electroweak interactions - experiment and theory
W-boson properties,three boson couplings, LEPI/SLD fits
2. Neutrino and non accelerator experiments
neutrino oscillations; solar neutrinos; double beta-decay
3. QCD, jet physics
4. DIS, low x; structure functions, spin structure functions
5. Low Q2, soft phenomena, two photon physics
6. CP violation and rare decays of K, Mu and Tou
7. Production and decay of heavy quarks and onia
8. Heavy hadrons: lifetimes: mixing, rare decays
9. Light hadron spectroscopy (glueballs, exotics, states with c
10. Searches for new particles at accelerators
11. Particle astrophysics (dark matter searches, extensive
air shower, space and underground experiments)
12. Accelerators
13. Heavy ion collisions at high energies
14. Experimental techniques
15. Field theory - perturbative and non perturbative
16. Beyond the Standard Model - theory
17. Superstrings
18. Lattice gauge theory