International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
August 9-26 1997 Jerusalem, Israel
Submitted Papers and Abstracts
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- Conference papers from the ICHEP'96 Conference, Warsaw, Poland may also be of interest if they are not yet published in journals by H1.
- For the preparation of talks, ps/eps files are available of all figures for members of H1. For others these figures are available following consultation with the H1 Physics Coordinator or Spokesman.
Abstract 242: Elastic Production of $J/\psi$ Mesons in
Photoproduction and at High $Q^2$ at HERA paper
Abstract 243: Photo-production of $\psi$(2S) Mesons at HERA paper
Abstract 244: A New Method of Determining the Proton Gluon Density from Jet Rates in Deep-Inelastic Scattering paper
Abstract 246: Determination of $\alpha_S$ from Jet Rates
in Deep--Inelastic Scattering paper
Abstract 247: Di-jet Rates in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA paper
Abstract 249: Bose-Einstein Correlations in Deep--Inelastic $ep$ Scattering at HERA; paper DESY 97-075
Abstract 250: Multiplicity Structure of Hadronic Final States in Diffractive Deep--Inelastic Scattering at HERA paper
Abstract 251: Evolution of $ep$ Fragmentation and Multiplicity Distributions in the Breit Frame; paper DESY 97-108
Abstract 253: Measurement of Event Shape Variables in Deep Inelastic $ep$ Scattering; paper DESY 97-098
Abstract 255: Forward $\pi^0$ Production at HERA paper
Abstract 260: A Measurement of the Inclusive Deep-Inelastic $ep$ Scattering Cross Section at Low $Q^2$ at HERA paper
Abstract 262: A Measurement of the Proton Stucture Function $F_2(x,Q^2)$ at High $Q^2$ at HERA paper
Abstract 263: Measurements of the Differential Neutral and Charged Current Cross Sections at HERA paper
Abstract 265: Measurement of Isolated Photons with High Transverse Energy in Photoproduction at HERA paper
Abstract 269: Photoproduction of $K^0$ and $\Lambda$ at HERA and a Comparison with Deep--Inelastic Scattering ; paper DESY 97-095
Abstract 270: Gluon Density in the Photon Extracted Using High pT Charged Particles in Photoproduction at HERA paper
Abstract 273: Low-$Q^2$ Jet Production and Virtual Photon Structure at HERA paper
Abstract 274: Production of $J/\psi$ Mesons with large |t| at HERA paper
Abstract 275: Determination of the Gluon Density in the Proton
from Deep Inelastic ep Charm Production using NLO QCD paper
Abstract 276: Photoproduction of D* Mesons in ep Collisions at HERA paper
Abstract 280: The Evolution of Inclusive Charged Particle Spectra with $Q^2$ in $ep$ Interactions at HERA paper
Abstract 377: A Measurement of the Diffractive Structure Function $F_2^{D(3)}$ for $Q^2$ between $~1$ and $65\,{\rm GeV^2}$ DESY97-158
Abstract 378: Leading Neutron Production in Deep--Inelastic Scattering at HERA paper
Abstract 379: Observation of Deep Inelastic ep Scattering with a Leading Proton at HERA paper
Abstract 380: Rapidity Gaps between Jets in Photoproduction at HERA paper
Abstract 381: Elastic Electroproduction of rho and phi Mesons at Intermediate Q2 at HERA paper
Abstract 382: Resonances in Multi--Photon Final States in Positron--Proton Scattering at HERA paper
Abstract 708: Observation of Events with a High Energy Isolated Lepton and Missing Transverse Momentum at HERA paper
Papers only
Measurement of the Diffractive Structure Function at Low Q2 paper
Flux Factor Factorisation Breaking in p_T_thrust in Diffractive Deep-inelastic ep Scattering paper
Abstracts only
Abstract 264Hadronisation of hard partons in Neutral and Charged Current Reactions at HERA
Abstract 252 Transverse Energy Production in Deep--Inelastic Scattering
Abstract 254 Transverse momentum correlations in Deep--Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERA
Abstract 266 Study of Jet-Jet Correlations and Energy Flow in $\gamma p$ Interactions at HERA
Abstract 354 First Measurement of Beauty Production at HERA
Abstract 245 Differential Jet Rates and determination of $\alpha_s$ in Deep--Inelastic $ep$ scattering
Abstract 248 Di-jet Production at low $Q^2$ and Virtual Photon Structure
Abstract 376 $D^{*\pm}$ Meson Production in Deep-Inelastic Diffractive Interactions at HERA
Abstract 632 Search for Excited Fermions at HERA
Abstract 707 Search for New Physics in Deep--Inelastic Scattering events at High $Q^2$ at HERA
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