This page is intended for organisers of conferences only. We kindly ask not to make this link known to others. Note that all abstracts labeled "in preparation" are still subject to approval by the H1 collaboration.
1: Electroweak Physics
2: Top Quark Physics
4: SUSY Searches
6: EXOTIC II: leptoquarks, compositeness
7: QCD/Lattics
8: Heavy quarks
abstract-811 | Combined Electroweak and QCD Fit of inclusive NC and CC Data with Polarised Lepton Beams at HERA |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-041 |
abstract-823 | Multi-lepton Production at High Transverse Momenta in ep Collisions at HERA |
Publication REX/DESY-08-065 |
abstract-824 | Events with an Isolated Lepton (Electron or Muon) and missing transverse momentum at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-063 |
abstract-825 | Events with an Isolated Tau Lepton and missing transverse momentum at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-064 |
abstract-829 | High Q2 NC analysis using the complete HERA data |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-141 |
abstract-831 | Measurement of W production and W polarisations at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-161 |
abstract-869 | High Q2 Charged Current in polarised ep collisions at HERA II (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation ELAN/H1prelim-08-142 |
abstract-832 | Search for single top production at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-163 |
abstract-875 | Search for Squark Production in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry at HERA (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation REX/H1prelim-08-162 |
abstract-777 | Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in ep collisions at HERA |
Publication REX/DESY-07-009 |
abstract-799 | A Search for Excited Neutrinos in e-p Collisions at HERA |
Publication REX/DESY-08-009 |
abstract-820 | A general search for new phenomena at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-061 |
abstract-823 | Multi-lepton Production at High Transverse Momenta in ep Collisions at HERA |
Publication REX/DESY-08-065 |
abstract-824 | Events with an Isolated Lepton (Electron or Muon) and missing transverse momentum at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-063 |
abstract-825 | Events with an Isolated Tau Lepton and missing transverse momentum at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-064 |
abstract-826 | A search for Excited Electrons in ep collisions at HERA |
Publication REX/DESY-08-052 |
abstract-829 | High Q2 NC analysis using the complete HERA data |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-141 |
abstract-831 | Measurement of W production and W polarisations at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-161 |
abstract-832 | Search for single top production at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-163 |
abstract-833 | A search for Leptoquarks in ep collisions at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-164 |
abstract-861 | Search for a D*p resonance at HERA II |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-075 |
abstract-873 | A search for excited quarks in ep collisions at HERA |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-08-161 |
abstract-876 | Search for Lepton Flavor Violation at HERA II (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation REX/H1prelim-08-163 |
abstract-621 | HERA I PDF Fit: Extraction of the proton parton density functions using a NLO-QCD fit of the combined H1 and ZEUS inclusive DIS cross sections |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-08-045 |
abstract-622 | Measurement of the log(x) slope of the HERA proton structure function F2 (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation ELAN/H1prelim-08-046 |
abstract-624 | Combination of H1 and ZEUS Deep Inelastic e+- p Scattering Cross Sections |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-007 |
abstract-626 | Multi-Lepton Events at HERA (H1 +ZEUS) |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-166 |
abstract-627 | Isolated Leptons and Missing PT: H1+ZEUS combination |
Preliminary result REX/H1prelim-07-162 |
abstract-628 | Precision measurements of alphas at HERA : combination of H1 |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-07-132 |
abstract-767 | Diffractive Open Charm Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERA |
Publication DIFF/DESY-06-164 |
abstract-774 | Production of D*-Mesons with Dijets in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA |
Publication HF/DESY-06-240 |
abstract-780 | Tests of QCD Factorisation in the Diffractive Production of Dijets in Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERA |
Publication DIFF/DESY-07-018 |
abstract-783 | Search for Baryonic Resonances Decaying to Xi pi in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-045 |
abstract-787 | Charged Particle Production in High Q2 Deep-Inelastic Scattering |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-065 |
abstract-788 | Measurement of Inclusive Jet Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at High $Q^2$ and Determination of the Strong Coupling |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-073 |
abstract-791 | Dijet Cross Sections and Parton Densities in Diffractive DIS at HERA |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-115 |
abstract-794 | Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and its t-dependence atHERA |
Publication DIFF/DESY-07-142 |
abstract-797 | Measurement of Isolated Photon Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-147 |
abstract-798 | Three- and Four-jet Production at Low x at HERA |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-200 |
abstract-803 | First Measurement of Diffractive Scattering of Photons at Large Momentum Transfer at HERA |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-03-012 |
abstract-806 | Beam charge azimuthal asymmetry in deeply virtual compton scattering at HERA II |
Preliminary result DIFF/H1prelim-07-011 |
abstract-808 | Minijet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-07-032 |
abstract-815 | Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at low Q2 and high y |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-042 |
abstract-816 | Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at low Q2 and x at HERA |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-045 |
abstract-827 | Inelastic Electro-Production of J/Psi Mesons at HERA |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-07-071 |
abstract-829 | High Q2 NC analysis using the complete HERA data |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-141 |
abstract-830 | Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at high Q2 and high y |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-07-144 |
abstract-834 | Measurement of F2cc and F2bb using the H1 vertex detector at HERA |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-173 |
abstract-835 | Inelastic Photo-Production of J/Psi Mesons at HERA |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-07-172 |
abstract-839 | First measurement of the longitudinal diffractive structure function at HERA (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation ELAN/H1prelim-08-011 |
abstract-840 | Diffractive photoproduction of jets with the H1 detector |
Preliminary result DIFF/H1prelim-08-012 |
abstract-841 | Diffractive rho and phi production in DIS with the H1 detector |
Preliminary result DIFF/H1prelim-08-013 |
abstract-844 | Inclusive and Multi-Jet Production at high Q2 and determination of alpha_s using full HERA data |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-08-031 |
abstract-845 | Measurement of jet production in deep-inelatic ep scattering at low Q2 |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-08-032 |
abstract-846 | Prompt photons in photoproduction at HERA II |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-08-033 |
abstract-847 | Strangeness Production at low Q2 in Deep-inelastic ep Scattering at HERA |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-08-034 |
abstract-848 | Strangeness Production at High Q2 in Deep-inelastic ep Scattering at HERA (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation HAQ/H1prelim-08-035 |
abstract-849 | Multiparton interactions in photoproduction of dijets at H1 |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-08-036 |
abstract-850 | Measurement of the Longitudinal Structure Function $F_L$ of the Proton at Low $x$ |
Publication ELAN/DESY-08-053 |
abstract-851 | Measurement of the Inclusive $ep$ Scattering Cross Section at medium $Q^2$ and $x$ at HERA |
Preliminary result ELAN/H1prelim-08-042 |
abstract-852 | A Measurement of Beauty Photoproduction Through Decays to Muons at HERA-II |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-071 |
abstract-855 | D* production at medium/low Q2 with the H1 detector |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-072 |
abstract-858 | Measurement of the D* production cross section in photoproduction with the H1 detector using HERA II data |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-073 |
abstract-860 | Charm Production at large Q2 in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-074 |
abstract-862 | A Measurement of Beauty Production With Decays to Two Leptons and Two Jets at HERA-II (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation HF/H1prelim-08-076 |
abstract-863 | The Charm Fragmentation Function in DIS |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-078 |
abstract-864 | Leading Neutron production in DIS at HERA |
Preliminary result DIFF/H1prelim-08-111 |
abstract-866 | Inclusive rho(770), K*(892) and phi(1020) photoproduction at HERA (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation HAQ/H1prelim-08-131 |
abstract-867 | Inclusive K*+- production at low Q2 at HERA |
Preliminary result HAQ/H1prelim-08-132 |
abstract-868 | High Q2 Neutral Current in polarised ep collisions at HERA II (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation ELAN/H1prelim-08-141 |
abstract-869 | High Q2 Charged Current in polarised ep collisions at HERA II (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation ELAN/H1prelim-08-142 |
abstract-871 | Measurement of the Longitudinal Structure Function $F_L$ of the Proton at Low $x$ in an Extended Q2 Range (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation ELAN/H1prelim-08-143 |
abstract-877 | Measurement of the Photoproduction of b-Quarks at Threshold at HERA (NOT READY FOR ICHEP) |
In preparation HF/H1prelim-08-171 |
abstract-999 | Extraction of the Charm Contribution to the Proton Structure Function F2C from D*+- Measurements in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA (not sent as abstract) |
Preliminary result /H1prelim-08-172 |
abstract-783 | Search for Baryonic Resonances Decaying to Xi pi in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA |
Publication HAQ/DESY-07-045 |
abstract-861 | Search for a D*p resonance at HERA II |
Preliminary result HF/H1prelim-08-075 |